Angel Number 148 Secret Meaning: Prioritize Your Happiness -

Angel Number 148 Secret Meaning: Prioritize Your Happiness

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Waking up every morning just to wait for the day to end could be the definition of normal for you. However, life should be more than just enduring and waiting for it to end. It should be about doing something you enjoy so that when the time comes, you will not regret anything.

The good thing is that when something strange happens in your day, you notice it right away. Just like the persistent appearance of the number 148 in your life lately, it is impossible to miss it.

The number 148 may have brought a lot of emotions, but you just can’t seem to ignore it. You tried, but you just failed tremendously. And now, you are left with no choice but to acknowledge and seek answers for it.

Good news for you, you have come to the right place!

Let me first tell you that the number 148 is not as simple as you originally thought. It is your Angel Number which your Guardian Angels sent.

Let that sink in. Guardian Angels are real, and they have been with you for a very long time. They know you possibly more than you know yourself.

As you have started seeing angel numbers, you definitely need to pay attention to this.

Wouldn't it be nice If you could actually 'see' the future: the tough challenges, the lucrative opportunities, the random (but often life-altering) encounters with strangers or the goals you should abandon or embrace?

You just need to look to the science of Numerology to unlock the hidden messages that the Cosmos is eager to tell you.

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And you are going to be speechless when you watch it. It's shockingly accurate and incisive. But don't take my word for it.

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You must be thinking about why your Guardian Angels sent such a cryptic message to you. It is because you may be at the point of your life where everything that is happening around you will have a significant effect on the days to come.

With or without your Guardian Angels and Angel Number, the thought about your future and plans has already crossed your mind. It is something that everyone goes through because it is inevitable.

Your Guardian Angels send you a message of encouragement, support, protection, and guidance that you will need in your life. You should do well not to ignore their messages, for you will not be given the same chance again.

You and your Guardian Angels have the same thing in mind, and it is best to work with them. But you need to sit back and understand the message of what your Angel Number holds first.

Patience is of virtue, and you will do well to remember that. An open mind and heart are also advisable for not everything you will learn here happens every day.

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Angel Number 148 Numerology

The first thing that you need to know is that numbers are very important when it comes to Numerology. When interacting with numbers with Numerology, you will see that they are deemed as special and powerful that relays the message that your Guardian Angels are trying to give you.

You should do well to remember that every number will represent the different aspects of your life. In your Angel Number, you have the numbers 1, 4, and 8. Your Guardian Angels want you to pay attention to whatever they are trying to say to you.

With the first number of your Angel Number, 1 relates to the energies of new beginnings, creation, independence, uniqueness, progress, positivity, self-leadership, success, and creating your own reality.

Number 1 tells you that as you acknowledge and think about your plans for your future, you should not fail to focus on whatever your heart desires. We all know that being true and honest with ourselves will never go wrong. It will help your manifest positive things and abundance in your life that you truly need and want.

Though fears and worries will never disappear in your journey, your Guardian Angels remind you not to focus on those things. Remove all your worries and thoughts about things that you don’t want in your life. For as long as they linger in your mind, they will manifest.

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Just like the Law of Attraction, just think and focus on the things that you want to have in your life, and they will surely be yours.

Number 1 also reminds you that you will be faced with new beginnings in your life. Some of them may not be what you expect them to be, but your Guardian Angels encourage you to see and look at these changes with an optimistic attitude.

Know that these new beginnings and changes are appearing in your life for a reason. Life will not offer you these things just out of spite. And once again, you should not worry that these things in your life will change for the better.

You and your Guardian Angels want you to succeed in life and achieve all your desires, which is why you do everything in your power to make everything possible. Let go of the worries and give everything in following the path that you always wanted to take. Your Guardian Angels will always be there to guide and support you every time you need them.

Number 1 also encourages you to face the challenges and obstacles that come your way instead of prolonging and running away from them.

The second number, 4, relates to the energies of service, dignity, trust, loyalty, building solid foundations, hard work, honesty, inner wisdom, stability, and discipline.

Number 4 reminds you of your Guardian Angels’ love and support around you. Use their feelings towards you as your motivation to achieve your goals diligently and intelligently.

Numbers are everywhere. You are literally swimming in them. Phone numbers, addresses, license plates, pin codes, your date of birth.

Numbers touch every single thing we do. In fact, all energy carries a hidden numerical code and vibration.

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Always pursue your desires with positive actions, thoughts, and feelings, for these energies will make the Universe work in your favor and help you establish solid foundations. They will also help you advance and progress at every level in your life.

Trust that you have the talents, skills, and abilities to overcome whatever challenges and trials that will come in your life. Use these attributes to achieve the highest aspirations and dreams that you have.

As your dreams and goals slowly became clear, number 4 encourages you to prepare and plan properly for the things that you need to do. Set things in motion with an organization in order to remove confusion and disorganization in your plans.

Number 4 is also associated with the energies of the Archangels. They want to let you know that they are rooting for your success and progress. Do not hesitate to ask for help from them and your Guardian Angels. You are deeply loved and protected by the Angels around you, and you should do well to reciprocate their feelings.

Lastly, number 8 relates to the energies of personal authority, self-confidence, inner strength, manifesting of wealth and abundance, giving and receiving, inner wisdom, and problem-solving.

Number 8 encourages you to pursue achievements, success, and progress no matter how hard things and situations may be. Your Guardian Angels remind you to remain optimistic as you continue to listen to your intuition and inner guidance. Do not forget to hold high expectations for yourself and for the positive abundance that will happen in your life.

As your Angel Number strongly emphasizes, you have the support of the Spiritual Realm in everything you do. Still, you should not forget that it is your responsibility to make sure that you execute the proper and appropriate work and effort in every part that they are necessary.

Do not hold yourself in low regard, and live up to your full potential without the fear of failing.

Aside from these energies, number 8 is also the number representing the Universal Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect – in other words, Karm.

Karma reminds you to live with justice and kindness. After all, you reap what you sow. Karma will just return the energies and things you give off to the world, which is why to give nothing but positivity in your actions, thoughts, and feelings.

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Angel Number 148 Meaning and Hidden Influences

If you are a student, your Angel Number strongly emphasizes that you need to take your education and study seriously. You may think that you will only learn about academics in school, but through friends and interactions with different things and people, it will also help you grow.

Generally, your Angel Number brings you a message that your new projects and plans will prove to be successful and profitable. Just continue believing in yourself without letting any hint of doubt and fear linger in your mind and soul.

Angel Number 148 Spiritual Significance

Keep an eye open to the reoccurrence of ideas, for they will hint at what you want to do. If you feel a strong pull from pursuing a spiritually-based career, practice, or profession, your Guardian Angels want to tell you that this is the perfect time to do so.

Focus on doing things you love with all your heart, and leave the rest to your Guardian Angels. However, they guarantee you that your efforts and hard work will pay off, and you will receive long-term success, as well as fulfillment within yourself.

Be good and truthful when it comes to helping others and living with your soul mission, for they will open doors for you to venture and take advantage of.

Do not doubt your capabilities as well as your Guardian Angels, for it can affect the energies and manifestation of the things in your life.

Angel Number 148 in Love and Relationships

Angel Number 148 brings you a reminder that a relationship requires a lot of time and commitment. If you seek a relationship just for the sparks and love bugs, it is best if you push the idea of a relationship aside first.

Relationships are not just about love bugs, and any mature person knows that. It should be about you and your partner being committed even when things become tough.

On the other hand, if you are with a family, your Guardian Angels commend your ability when it comes to providing for your loved ones. Think more about them and never turn your back towards them.

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Let go of your worries and expect abundance and victory, for you have managed to take the right path by following your heart and instincts.

Similar to Angel number 179, You are guided and reminded to think more about your future, especially when you have new ideas that you know will be able to help and guide you towards your destiny. Do not doubt yourself, and let yourself fly and strive towards the possibilities. Give your all, and do not let anything or anyone hold you back.

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Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.