Archangel Jeremiel: The Angel Of Emotions -

Archangel Jeremiel: The Angel Of Emotions

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People talk about archangels: Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael are the best known and easily recognized archangels.

Unlike the three (3) famous archangels, this archangel is not as easy to connect with, but if you take a closer look at him, you will have the answers to your prayers.

He will help you take a closer look at life and change.

He is Archangel Jeremiel, the angel of emotions.

Archangel Jeremiel: Who Is This Archangel?

The angel of emotions. The angel of presence; and the angel of hopeful visions and dreams: Archangel Jeremiel.

When the old scholar Baruch conveyed dreams, which Archangel Jeremiel directed, he assisted Baruch with his works. The people then identified Archangel Jeremiel is the angel of dreams and visions.

As the angel of emotions, Archangel Jeremiel reveals God’s compassion by assisting us in making a list of our ideas and reactions to effect positive change.

He embodies learning and intuition.

Archangel Jeremiel flashes tender enlightenment on viewpoints of our world that have not faced the brilliance of the day.

What the name Jeremiel stands for is “mercy of God.” Archangel Jeremiel’s name spellings include Remihel, Remiel, Uriel, Oriel, Eremiel, Ieremihel, Jeremeel, and Jerahmeel.

Archangel Jeremiel is a provider of inspiration and a guide. Sometimes, people see him as the angel of forgiveness, for the Archangel Jeremiel inspires those who call upon him to be more understanding and forgiving. Not only that, some recognize him as the angel of transition and change.

Archangel Jeremiel seems to be one of the seven (7) archangels of God, and he must serve humankind. Nevertheless, he is not that known. Why? Well, it is because the Archangel Jeremiel is the quiet type, unlike Archangel Michael.

Even though he is quiet, call upon him, and he will assist you in making something great.

His crystal gemstone is amethyst. Believers of the archangel say that Jeremiel’s aura is in the dark color purple.

The third eye is Archangel Jeremiel’s chakra.

Artistic depictions of the Archangel Jeremiel show him appearing in a dream or vision.

The devotees of Archangel Jeremiel celebrate his feast day every 8th of November.

Archangel Jeremiel is a mentor; through love and light, he will guide you to see invisible things to the eye.

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Archangel Jeremiel in Religious Texts

Unlike his co-archangels, the Bible does not identify Archangel Jeremiel that well.

In the Eastern Orthodox traditions, works such as Coptic and several non-canonical books acknowledge Archangel Jeremiel. Here are some of them:

  • The Archangel Jeremiel appears in the ancient book 2 of Baruch. The book presents him as the angel who controls over visions.
  • In 2 Edras, Jeremiel converses with Ezra.
  • After Archangel Jeremiel talks with Ezra, he talks to Zephaniah.
  • This archangel is the watchman of the souls that departed.
  • He is one of the seven (7) archangels in the Ethiopian Book of Enoch.

Requests You Can Ask Archangel Jeremiel

In life, transitions and changes are endless. And with that, you can request Archangel Jeremiel’s service.

The leading role of this archangel is to help you with changes. He can aid you by optimizing transitions and changes.

The following are some favors that you can ask Archangel Jeremiel:

  • In times of transition and change, you can ask Archangel Jeremiel to make the process: easy and gentle.
  • When you doubt things, pray to God and ask him to send Archangel Jeremiel over. Jeremiel will help you understand and remove your doubts.
  • If you wake up to an unexplainable dream, you can ask the Archangel Jeremiel to make you understand it.
  • When the time that you are making life-changing, difficult decisions, call upon Jeremiel. The Archangel Jeremiel will show you and guide you on the right path.

Archangel Jeremiel’s Way of Service

When you call upon them, most archangels give you signs, and they are quite noisy in doing so.

Archangel Jeremiel is different. He is different from them, for he is the quiet type.

He is unlike them, for he communicates but not directly. He is subtle. He has a unique style of communication.

Archangel Jeremiel talks to us clearly in nightfall times' dreams and fantasies like meditation and the minutes before awakening.

Jeremiel will send us images and sights like films in our brains that illuminate brand-new outlooks on our life occasions.

When you ask for his service, he will come to you by giving you signs that he will be guiding you. He sends his signals and guidance through the following:

  • Visions
  • Dreams
  • Symbols

Keep in mind that archangels have their ways and focus. The service that the Archangel Jeremiel can offer you supports:

  • Emotions
  • Visions
  • Dreams
  • Psychic abilities
  • Clairvoyance
  • Prophecies
  • Claircognizance
  • Gifts
  • Clarity
  • Change
  • Transition
  • Memories
  • Life reviews and reflections
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Calling Upon Archangel Jeremiel

An archangel is communicating God’s will and messages to humankind.

Jeremiel is the angel of emotions. Jeremiel is essentially involved in accommodating us to process our sentiments and sensations.

Jeremiel can also assist you in letting go of past happenings and acquire essential life and growth lessons. He can help us do it by launching an internal life evaluation method that will examine our prior encounters with a particular image and absolute passion.

He is a mentor- a teacher.

It is somewhat hard to connect with him but be patient; that is already a common scenario.

When you feel troubled and disturbed, call Archangel Jeremiel. He will furnish you with clarity and understanding. When hardships arise, this archangel will be your reminder. He will remind you how magnificent life is, even though life is full of challenges.

Jeremiel can help in making you realize things that you have never heard. Whoever you are, if you call him, will make himself available to give you his assistance.

Those who lost track of their progress and way or path are taking call upon the Archangel Jeremiel. He will be of great help. Your understanding, he will renew. He will help in increasing your devotion.

If you want to have a life review and figure things out, pray to God and Archangel Jeremiel. He can lead you in a direction that is positivity-filled.

If you lack clarity and good judgment, this means that your third eye chakra is not working. Call upon Archangel Jeremiel, and he will free your chakra.

Remember that if you want to connect with Archangel Jeremiel, your intentions should be pure. Recite a small prayer or a brief invocation. Your voice and your plea, Archangel Jeremiel, will hear.

Release your burdens and clear your minds. Uplift yourself and open your heart. May you learn from your wrongs; may you have a better sense of direction; may encouragement fill you up; and may you, all, change to fulfill your purpose better.

May you see the blessings and beauty of everything around you.

May you see the bigger picture of everything.

May God shed you some light with the assistance of Archangel Jeremiel.

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Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.