Are You an Empath Or Clairsentient? Find Out Now!  -

Are You an Empath Or Clairsentient? Find Out Now! 

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Empaths and clairsentients have many things in common because they are the people who use most of their feelings in the universe. They are responsive to their surroundings, particularly the emotional imbalances. 

It allows them to view the world according to their perspective and other people's points of view. So, is there a clear distinction between an empath and a clairsentient? What was the dissimilarity?

The contrast between empathic and clairsentient is the degree of sensitivity and influence over the sensation of other human feelings. An empath absorbs other people's feelings, desires, power and feels that they are their own, but they don’t have control or knowledge of this connection. 

A clairsentient could perceive certain people's thoughts and feelings. They can understand the energy transfer as well as knowledge and use them as a spiritual understanding.

What Is the Difference Between an Empath and a Clairsentient?

Being empathic focuses on feelings, but you can be empathic without becoming clairsentient. People that are both empathic and clairsentient can sense the emotions of others and understand them. The most significant difference is the degree of understanding the clairsentient has for the feelings of others.

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Clairsentient uses this knowledge to get psychic perspective, while empaths can sense others' thoughts and vibrations, creatures, or even things. But unlike the clairsentient, empaths misinterpret the emotion of the people with their own. 

Since clairsentient also empathize with other people's emotions, they sometimes appear empathic. Yet, the capacities of clairsentient go beyond the extent of empathic ones. They seem to possess telepathic powers that allow them to express pain and sense vibrations in a broader range. Clairsentients can only sense other people's feelings and consider taking them into their bodies, but they can also get perspectives into all these sentiments.

An empath might absorb the sentiments of a person who sits across from them, while a clairsentient can detect others' thoughts and feelings no matter how near or far they are from the clairsentient. 

How to Know That You Are a Clairsentient?

The most recognized form of metaphysical gift is clairvoyant abilities. There are so many methods, such as clairaudience, that are under the power of clarity.

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  • You might be picky with your social circle.

You're very particular about whom you socialize with because you have experienced people who make you feel tired, drained, or even awkward to be with them.

  • You might have a psychic ability.

You can see the real root of people's issues. People also call you as their direct therapist or turn to you for support and guidance.

(If you are curious to know the difference between a psychic and a medium, read this Psychic vs. Medium guide.)

  • You might be a social butterfly.

Even though you maintain your circle small, you're a people magnet and you can always seem to attract everyone you encounter. It is your way to see how well they can communicate or resonate with you. 

  • You might prefer the light.

You feel uneasy in cramped, dim rooms and you still respond better towards light and new places. Since you can see the vibrations in any specific instance and recognize that the louder and much more packed the place is, the harder the vibration will be. 

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How to Know That You Are an Empath?

It is a good thing if you are taking time with nature. You feel more relaxed and fulfilled in spending quality time in natural environments. If you are an empath, you can benefit from landscapes and mountainous areas, such as the wilderness, which offers a soothing atmosphere for relief from intense feelings, noises, and sentiments. 

  • You might feel at ease with nature.

While walking somewhere in bright sunny woods or experiencing waves crash against the coastline, it will raise your mood, ease your exhaustion, and help you feel better.

People also tend to tell you their problems. Your loved ones can feel consoled by your help and you are the first they thought to call over anytime they encounter a struggle. Having compassion will make it difficult for you to judge people once you're at the extent of overwhelming empathy, which can drain you in the process.

  • You might be struggling to find harmony within yourself.

Finding a balance is crucial. Outer limits and unregulated empathy will act as a catalyst for “emotional explosions.” It might seem too much for you to handle everything at once. Your sincere desire to support those in need may leave you ignorant of the signs of toxicity.

You may have a clear grasp of the distress that is stirring up their actions and want to help. But it is crucial to understand that you won't be a great help to someone who isn't committed to improving themselves.

  • You might prefer some alone time.

Solitude may aid recovery from overwhelming empathy, so cutting off the external world for a while will be therapeutic. Yet excessive solitude can have a detrimental effect that might lead to depression.

If possible, try spending your time outside by yourself and breathe in a peaceful place, wander throughout the rain, enjoy a scenic drive or a landscape. If people exhaust you, try getting a pet companion in your life. You will interact more with animals and derive profound support from this connection.

  • You see the world in unique ways.

Deeper emotional comprehension can guide your instincts and you're likely to take up details that some people seem to miss or make comparisons. But, this enhanced link to the world can also have disadvantages. 

Surroundings that do not provide enough room for emotional creativity can lessen your imagination and responsiveness—trying to leave you disinterested, disconnected, and unable to succeed.

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Things You Must Remember 

  • Remember to stand your ground.

If you start to feel that you are absorbing negative energy, ground yourself by stepping away and breathe. When you concentrate on facts instead of emotion, you can keep the negative energies away from you.

Exercising and relaxation techniques can also be beneficial. The more aware you are of your surroundings and the people around you, the less likely you are to absorb the negative feelings of others.

  • Remember that you come first.

Consciousness is essential if you are vulnerable to other people's emotions. Practice the need for alone time and feel comfortable focusing on your feelings by embracing them without bias. 

Be often mindful of what gives pleasure to you. When you're more aware of the mood swings and the causes, it's quicker to detect whenever you start picking up somebody else's energy. Being much more self-aware will encourage you to develop various ways to reject emotions that do not serve any good to your principles.

  • Remember to set the bar high.

It's essential to have limitations as it is common for you to accept and relate with others. You might now become a dumpsite for their negativity and it's important to consider what you can only tolerate and not. It would be best if you give yourself more time to feel energized.

Some individuals and circumstances may be overwhelming to you, and you may have to sever your connection with them. Practicing these constraints enables you to achieve boundaries based on your desires, emotions, and energy levels. This way, you will limit your interaction with people who are wasting your energy.

  • Remember to let it all flow.

You can choose another simulation strategy to prevent you from being frustrated. You might see water streaming down a river somewhere near you. Write down all the feelings you've been absorbing and want to let out on a leaf and let it float down the creek until it is out of range. 

You might feel a sensation that you're full with the serenity of the water flowing. Practice this every time you feel overwhelmed by somebody else's energy to see if it makes a difference.

The trick to being emotionally intelligent with no side effects is to keep a good sense of self-love. When you are aware and catch yourself consuming the toxic energies, try several of the suggestions above to see if they are beneficial.


Various ways are available out there to manage empathy where you don’t need to become clairsentient. Nonetheless, clairsentience is the best way to know what energy you are taking on to be able to set boundaries so that you will not suffer the adverse effect of negative energies coming from other people.

Setting boundaries, awareness, control, and active management is the significant difference between the two. As an empath, you can have all these things without becoming a psychic. Regardless of your abilities, you are a magnificent, powerful being. 

You will know that you have one of the characteristics mentioned above by seeing or hearing signs around you. You can see numbers being repeatedly shown to you or you will hear ringing in your ears. Know that having these signs means that you are about to embark on a spiritual path.  

The significant discrepancy is that empaths feel the emotions and have no control or awareness over them. Clairsentients can feel the emotions and have authority and understanding over those feelings.

Clairsentient people began as empaths and have learned to refine their energetic space to sense this energetic exchange to gain more insight into the more profound spiritual or energetic meaning. Not all clairsentients are empaths – anyone can develop this psychic gift if they can learn to turn on and off specific energy centers.

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Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.