Please email me at karen[at] if you have any questions. I pick up on your energy and let you know what I can see with regards to your question. These are direct from spirit and no cards are used. I will do my best to answer them :)
Dreaming about bats holds various and vast interpretations. In general, flying bats correlates to fear, darkness, and difficult times in your life. It also foretells sadness, depression, and bad habits.
Nonetheless, if you dream about catching a bat, it's a good sign. It means that you will get rid of an enemy that has been attacking you ever since. The dream also suggests that you need to abandon your bad habits as it is affecting you internally.
The dream is also a warning that you need to start being alert, especially in difficult times. If the dream happens while you are taking a nap, it means that you need to start believing in your capabilities. You could be denying yourself to try things that you really want because you are afraid to fail.
Yet, if you are serious about wanting to do things that excite you, you need to take a step forward to do what you want. Fear of failure is only an excuse and you can always opt to shake it off from your system. It may not be easy to ward it off, but you can always override it with your passion for doing things you like and enjoy.
These interpretations are only a tip of an iceberg. Having this dream connotes many interpretations. Thus, it's wise to have the vivid details of your dream to get your dream's exact meaning. If you want to dive deeper into your bat dreams, you may proceed to our detailed dream guide below.
Detailed Meaning Behind Your Bat Dream
● Black Bat Dream
Dreaming of a black bat correlates to darkness and ending. When you have this dream, it means that terrible problems will come to you. It's possible that your relationship will end or you will get fired from work.
The dream also suggests a friendship ending because of betrayal. It will be best if you consider being observant of people around you. Try to check if one in your inner circle is trying to let you down.
It's best to have an idea early on who will betray you than find it out later when it's too late.
● Attacked by a Bat Dream
Getting attacked by a bat in your dream refers to difficult times. If you are currently in a good position now, make sure that you will save money for rainy days. This dream foretells a terrible financial situation that makes you lose everything. If you are currently into gambling, consider stopping it as it might cause your downfall.
Dreaming that bats attacked you is a warning that you need to be wiser in spending your money. You could be splurging your money wastefully. It also shows that you will be in a challenging situation if you won't change your ways.
Thus, you may consider changing your bad habits and be more responsible in your finances.
● Flying Bat Dream
When you dream of a flying bat, it indicates a warning on your married life. You need to be more aware of your emotions and not take action based upon it. The dream also shows a possible fight between you and your partner due to jealousy.
There could be rumors going around about cheating and your partner's unfaithfulness. Nonetheless, you need to calm yourself and be rational with all your best. Try to deal with this issue with your partner with utmost civility so both of you can talk and hear each other's side.
As crushing as it may be, you need to hear the truth from your partner. If he denies it, you need to have concrete evidence before taking any actions. You may also check the people around who are spreading the rumor to see if they are doing that to cause division.
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You have to know that some people want to ruin beautiful things because they want what you have. Thus, it will help if you will be rational to assess things surrounding your married life.
● Bitten by a Bat Dream
If a bat bit you in your dream, it signifies crisis. This crisis pertains to finances, marriage, and romance. Thus, it would be best if you prepare yourself by practicing being mindful and wise in everything. Ensure that you have enough savings for difficult times and have an open mind to deal with any issues in life.
Know that problems can't get solved when you are irrational and brutal. Solve your problems accordingly and put your emotions on a leash.
● Several Bats Attacking Dream
Dreaming about several bats attacking refers to the making of an unwise decision. The dream shows that you are abrupt in making decisions. Consider changing your ways not to put yourself in a bad situation and regret your bad choices.
● Bat Crossing Your Path Dream
When you dreamed about a bat crossing your path, it's a warning sign. It's telling you to be careful and be more observant of your surroundings. Never let your guard down, as you will be in danger if you do.
As much as possible, try also to be observant with the people around you. There could be some people in your waking life that want to harm you or drag you down.
● Chased by a Bat Dream
To dream that a bat was chasing you indicates getting mixed signals from the one you like. You could find this person mysterious and very attractive. Nonetheless, his attitude towards you could be inconsistent.
Consider being rational when it comes to dealing with this person. You could like this person so much, but you also have to consider his attitude towards you. Know that mixed signals will only bring confusion into your mind, which is unhealthy.
Try giving chances to people who are more into that you are into them.
● Bats in the House Dream
Dreaming about bats in the house suggests a bad omen. It means that someone close to you will undergo an adverse event in his/her life. Consider taking the time to check on the people that matter to you the most to see who is in a bad situation.
If you have figured out who's the person, try to be there for him/her and give comfort.
● Flying Bat Dream
Seeing a flying bat in your dream suggests something terrible is heading your way. Nonetheless, this thing is within your control and you will worry about it that much. Nonetheless, you still have to prepare yourself, even if the situation that will come is minor.
Minor things or small problems can still escalate if not solved promptly.
● Bats Flying on Daylight Dream
To dream about bats flying during the daytime suggests that you have to force yourself to move. You could be in a worse situation in your life where the weight of the situation weighs you down. Nonetheless, it will help if you move forward amidst your problems' weight to be in a better situation.
Extensive Bat Dream Interpretation
● Bat Poop Dream
Dreaming about bat poop correlates to your ill-gotten wealth or gains. You could be gaining something at the expense of other people. It shows that you are gaining something from the people who are into illegal things.
Nonetheless, the dream also shows that you can use your gains for good causes.
● Bat Wings Dream
If you were dreaming about bat wings, it indicates that you need to make prompt decisions in your life. There could be too much delay before you can make a decision. The dream shows that you will be facing hurdles in your life that will require you to act fast.
Thus, it will be best to prepare yourself for the upcoming situation by making decisions in time.
The Interpretation Behind Types of Bat Dream
● Pet Bat Dream
If you dreamed that you were petting a bat, it means that it's time to face your fears in life. It could be that you never tried going out in your comfort zone and miss many good things n life. This dream tells you to go out of your comfort zone and explore the things that scare you to help you grow.
Going out of your comfort zone will also help you to see and get better opportunities for yourself. It is also where you will feel more fulfilled as you won't live in your “what if's” anymore.
● Fruit Bat Dream
Dreaming about a fruit bat suggests that you need to be more cautious about health. You could be having a disease that you haven't noticed yet. Consider going to a doctor for a check-up to ensure that your health is in good condition.