Biting Tongue in Sleep Spiritual Meaning: 5 Hidden Messages! -

Biting Tongue in Sleep Spiritual Meaning: 5 Hidden Messages!

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Biting your tongue can be painful. It happens most of the time when you're awake. But have you experienced biting your tongue in your sleep? If yes, are you dreaming, or did it just happen in a snap?

People consider this behavior a habit that many people do most of the time, whether you're sleeping or not. However, for some, there's a deeper meaning to it. Let's find out below.

Spiritual meaning of biting tongue

One possible cause of your nocturnal tongue-biting habit is your subconscious thoughts. While you think you're relaxed when you're sleeping, in reality, you have some disturbing thoughts while you're sleeping or dreaming.

In this case, you may not only bite your tongue, but you're actually chewing it.

From this scenario, you'll wake up feeling confused and trace back what made you wake up. Little did you know that your tongue-biting habit could be a signal that something's going on.

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It could be a sign that something is off-balance, especially in relationships.

Spiritual meaning #1: Someone's talking about you

According to many folklore across different cultures, if you bite your tongue while you're sleeping, it could mean that someone is talking about you. It could be negative or positive.

If you've heard about Filipino folklore, there's an amusing interpretation to this. After you realize you've just bit your tongue, picking your favorite number, then matching it with the letter in the alphabet will help you determine the initial letter of the name of someone who's talking about you.

Moreover, it could also mean that the universe is telling you to be alert and careful with the people around you. Someone is talking badly about you behind your back.

Spiritual meaning #2: Someone's not honest to you

Another interpretation of tongue-biting in sleep can mean that someone is not telling you the truth. If you feel that someone is dishonest with you or deceiving you, your intuition can send a sign by biting your tongue in your sleep.

It could also be similar to the first one that someone might be talking trash or gossiping about you.

Spiritual meaning #3: Someone's thinking about you

Compared to the first two interpretations for this behavior, this interpretation is less negative. It's believed that if you bite your tongue in your sleep, it means that someone is thinking about you.

It could be interpreted as a love interest who's in your mind or someone you've asked a favor for before.

How will you know if the source of your nocturnal tongue biting is good or bad? Well, you may not know it at first.

That's why you need to look for symbols and cues that are manifesting.

You need to trust your instinct because sometimes it shows that someone thinks about you through various signs and messages.

Spiritual meaning #4: You're releasing negative energy

When you bite your tongue in your sleep, the universe tells you that you've said too many negative words.

It is the universe's way of reprimanding you while instructing you to stop speaking negative words. The words you're releasing bounced back in the form of bad luck in your life.

Therefore, the best way to change your luck is to be careful with your words. Start speaking positively.

Spiritual meaning #5: You lack self-control

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Whenever you bite your tongue in your sleep, the universe reminds you to control yourself more.

Don't be easily swayed by situations, and don't allow the words of your friends and loved ones to determine how you live your life. You are the one who controls your life.

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Biting your tongue during the day meaning

Biting your tongue during the day signifies that you've done a lot of mistakes for the day.

The universe is telling you that you have to get back in control. Once you begin to let your guard down, you lose awareness and control of yourself.

Eventually, you'll end up making lots of mistakes. The universe will send you this body movement to call your attention.

Moreover, when you bite your tongue accidentally during the day, it's a sign that someone wants to attack you because of what you've said.

Hence, the universe is trying to stop you from saying nonsense and negative words that can trigger someone to attack or hurt you.

Dream about biting tongue meaning

If you dream about biting your tongue, it signals wholeness and global consciousness. This dream can express hope, renewal, and deep ritual awareness.

The biting tongue represents culture and tradition. You will overcome your hindrances and hardships.

People around you are working to advance their interests.

This dream is a hint that you're aiming for a positive outcome. Thus, you need to step up and be more confident with your action.

The bite in your dream is a premonition for the combination of opposing forces. You're standing up for what you believe even though you're going against most people. Because of this, you need to be more spontaneous and carefree.

This dream denotes some resentment in your life.

You feel that you don't have the voice to speak up. However, you need to step outside of the situation.

This dream points to a complicated personal lesson that you need to understand before learning the value. You need to exercise to step up and control someone or situation.

On the other hand, the tongue in this dream symbolizes minor obstacles you're facing in your life. You could be experiencing some internal conflict within your group or company.

That's why you need to relax and be calm. This dream expresses low self-esteem issues why you're calling somebody for help.

The tongue also represents anxieties about your daily problems. You want everything to be in the right place. It could also mean that you've already broken away from somebody's influence.

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When the interpretations for bite and tongue are combined, it signifies that you're feeling down or depressed. You're also becoming arrogant, and you're looking for an easy and quick-fix solution to your problem, yet it's not working.

This dream could also mean self-punishment and guilt. You're trying to hide your emotions from yourself and others.

If you dream about biting your tongue, it's a symbol of longevity and tenacity. You need to be direct and more honest with your feelings.

For instance, someone is diverting your attention from the issue; that's where you need to be honest and say what you want.

How to stop biting your tongue in sleep?

Tongue biting during sleep is not a new sleeping condition; it is common among kids. You'll suddenly feel pain on your tongue that might wake you up. 

Therefore, you're looking for ways how to stop tongue-biting in sleep.

While none of these methods can stop tongue biting 100%, it could only lessen the number of episodes or occurrences in your sleep.


Mouthguards are tools to create a cushioning effect between your teeth to stop them from grinding against each other or prevent you from tongue biting while you're asleep.

So, if you're diagnosed with recurrent tongue biting, you need to get a custom-made mouthguard to protect your tongue from damage and lessen the pressure on the muscles and joints of the jaw.

Sleep study

Like with other sleep disorders, a sleep study conducted by a sleep specialist is a great way to address tongue biting. The data collected from the lab allows the doctor to understand the triggers why you do tongue bites and some measures on how to prevent it.

You have to step 1 to 2 nights in the sleep facility in most cases. During this time, your body will be connected to several devices that detect your brainwave activity, eye movement, muscle tone, heart rhythm, and breathing rate.

Reduce stress and anxiety

The leading cause of tongue biting is stress and anxiety. The best way to prevent this behavior is by doing yoga, meditation, deep breathing exercises, and listening to music.

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If you're diagnosed with epilepsy and take anti-seizure medications, consult with your doctor about the best approach to take these drugs to reduce muscle spasms. You can also tell your physician about the episodes of tongue biting.

Some patients may experience tongue biting even when taking anti-seizure medications properly. So, make sure to consult a specialist for a comprehensive management plan.

Final Words

There are many spiritual meanings for a person who bites their tongue while sleeping. One of the common meanings related to this behavior is that it's a sign that someone is talking about you, thinking about you, or gossiping about you.

However, there are also folk beliefs about biting tongue consciously to train themselves to think before they speak. Therefore, if you're biting your tongue during your sleep, it could mean that you've lost awareness of what you're saying.

You lack judgment over something that can hurt you in the long run; therefore, biting your tongue is the universe's way to signal you to change your disposition.

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Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.