Can Amazonite Go in Water?: It May Release Toxic Elements -

Can Amazonite Go in Water?: It May Release Toxic Elements

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Water is known as the easiest and most convenient way to cleanse the crystal. You may be asking “can Amazonite go in water?”

Amazonite ranks at 6 in the Mohs scale of hardness. It means that the Amazonite is hard enough not to dissolve on water.

The negative energy may block the healing power of the crystal, so charging and cleansing the crystals are necessary.

It is always said that even though crystals are water safe, you should not soak them in water for an extended period.

Amazonite is not an exemption.

If the Amazonite is soaked in water for a long time, it may absorb the water and release some toxic elements.

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Despite the fact that the water may cause the damage in amazonite, it is still better to be safe than sorry.

Can Amazonite Go in Running Water?

It is safe to clean the amazonite in running water.

Put the amazonite under running water for a few minutes. After cleaning, let it dry using soft cloth and use fresh air afterwards.

You can also clean and charge the amazonite by putting it in water directly. Leave it there for a while.

You can also place the amazonite in a bowl with luke warm water. After the cleansing, it is recommended to put the crystal under sunlight or simply rub it with soft cloth.

If you want to have more ways to clean the amazonite in water, use this.

  • Cleansing the amazonite crystal by polishing it.
  • Use a damp cotton and clear the surface of the crystal.
  • Use a mild soap and rinse it thoroughly. Make sure that the soap is crystal friendly.

Can Amazonite Go in Moon Water?

Moon is known as a good charging and cleansing tool used for crystals. You can charge and cleanse your amazonite under the moon with water.

Get a clean container, put your amazonite there and add fresh water. Let the container sit under the moonlight for a few hours.

After that wipe your amazonite with soft cloth and let it dry thoroughly through fresh air.

Since moon provides lots of good energies for your crystal it is advisable to charge your crystal under the moonlight.

However, water and amazonite cannot be together often. It is best to perform Moonwater ritual to your amazonite once every month.

However, you can also try to charge your amazonite under the moon light without the water.

Simply put the amazonite in the place that the light of the moon is visible, you can place it in windows.

Can Amazonite Go in Salt Water?

Salt is known not only in cleansing but also in charging crystals with positive energies. However, the combination of salt and water may cause harmful effects on Amazonite.

The salt that is mixed with water will become more powerful. That it will leave your Amazonite dull, weak, and unhappy.

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Any stone that the name ends with –ite should not have any contact in water. It just happens to be Amazonite is not as soft as selenite.

The amazonite will not completely be dissolved in salt water but it will cause scratches and cracks overtime.

On the other hand, the salt alone is safe in cleansing the amazonite.

In cleansing the amazonite using salt, you need to put salt in a bowl. And then, place the amazonite on top of the salt.

Leave it on top of the salt for few hours, but not longer than 8 hours. As it may cause damage to the crystal if it sits in salt for a longer period.

If you are cleansing more stones in one bowl, make sure that they have enough space. It is important that the stone have a full contact with the salt.

After the cleansing, rinse the amazonite briefly with water, make sure that all of the salt particles were removed.

And do not forget to throw away the salt after cleansing. It is not advisable to use the salt after cleansing as it contains lots of negative energies.

And then after the cleansing, it is now the time to charge your amazonite.

Cleansing is for removing low vibrations and negative energies. While charging will bring back all the positive energy.

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Can Amazonite Go in Bath Water?

Adding crystal in your bath routine may contain lots of benefits for your mind and body, it can also give a relaxing environment while taking a bath.

The presence of the amazonite in your bathing routine can help your blood circulation and skin health.

Not only that, crystal-infused bath water also clears the negative energy and the toxics in your body. It also activates your throat chakra and heart chakra.

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Amazonite can go in bath water. However, it is not recommended.

Amazonite contains components such as tetra silicate minerals that have aluminum and potassium, and along with other components.

The elements mentioned above may cause can seldom cause allergic reactions. Although the chances of allergic reactions are low, it depends on your skin type.

If you have a sensitive skin, it is better not to use the Amazonite-infused water bath as it may cause harmful effect on your skin.

You can still use other crystals that is safe with your skin such as rose quartz, snow quartz, citrine, lapis lazuli, black tourmaline and smoky quartz.

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If you still want to include amazonite in your bathing ritual, there still other way.

Place your amazonite in the corners of the bathroom or bathtub. Make sure that the amazonite has no contact with water.

Can you Drink Amazonite-Infused Water?

Crystal-infuse water have lots of benefits to offer. It can give you healing properties that the crystal has.

Amazonite does not dissolve in water easily as it ranks at number 6 in the Mohs scale of hardness. But it is not safe to drink Amazonite-infused water.

The chemical ingredient of the Amazonite is KAlSi3O3. And other several components may be found in your Amazonite.

These components have the possibility to turn into toxic when dissolved in water, because of that it is recommended to avoid drinking amazonite-infuse water.

If you drink amazonite-infuse water, you may get lots of harmful effects than the benefits that it can provide.

How to prepare Amazonite Elixir?

Crystal elixir is known for its ability to energized the body, mind, and spirit of those who consumes it.

Crystal elixir also contains lots of benefits.

But it is discussed above that soaking the amazonite under water for an extended time period, may produce toxic.

There are two methods in creating an elixir. The direct method is to put the crystal directly to the water and let it sit under the moon light overnight.

The direct method of creating an elixir may cause harmful effects on your body.

Amazonite is not advisable to be in water for an extended period as it may produce toxics.

Therefore, it is not advisable to use the direct method of making elixir. If you want to make elixir, go for the indirect method as it is safer.

First is cleanse and charge the amazonite using water briefly. It is important to charge it first to keep all the negative energy away.

Next, get a jar that can fit your amazonite. Make sure that the jar is clean and big enough to accommodate the amazonite.

Get a vessel it is better if it is wood, then place your jar with amazonite inside the vessel.

Add a clean and fresh water to the vessel, and let it sit under the moon light, it is better if it is full moon or crescent moon.

After letting it sit in moon light, get the jar out of the vessel and transfer the water to another container. You may also add alcohol to add flavor.

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Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.