Let's talk about Cancer. Cancer people are known as “The feelers.” They feel their way into the world and have a lot of feelings on their plate all the time. They are sensitive, sympathetic, empathetic, and all the works. They are a great company; if you are undergoing an emotional hurdle, you are sure to get ears that will listen or at least give you a big hug.
Your exact time of birth determines your Rising sign. Unlike your Sun sign, your Rising sign is hardly your inner self. But it is who you are as seen by your outer environment, as you project yourself on the outside. It defines your attitude towards others, how you relate to immediate circumstances and provides for other's first impression of you.
A Cancer Rising deals with life's circumstances the Cancer way. You face your day, your new client, a new crowd, a new experience the way Cancer does – engaged, mentally and emotionally. That is, of course, without showing your own emotions all too eager.
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Because you are sensitive to the emotions of others, it becomes easy for others to come to you. You rely on these emotions to find your way into the world. You say the right words to comfort a friend because you sympathize easily. You make others open up to you because empathy is an easy thing to do.
Personal Life
Your guiding hand is your intuition; you navigate through day-to-day affairs based on how you feel. You connect with your emotions deeply, and most times, this also influences your decisions.
A gloomy day will render you low in energy to do hectic activities, but you would love to go out and sustain the rush on most days. Because you feel deeply, there is always a tendency for you to go extremes in handling things.
Be sure to keep things under control. How? Maintain a close circle of friends. It will be easy for you to talk out heavy feelings and express lively ones with someone close who will understand how you cope with life.
Because you take emotions on substantial doses, you will often find yourself in your haven after these doses. That is why your home must be one you are comfortable in. Home is to feel the clean and soft sheets on your bed or the gentle wind from the window. For you, comfort must be felt, not just seen.
Nevertheless, a pretty mountainside or the breathtaking view of the sea easily triggers your emotions. You love to travel and feed your eyes with new surroundings, all to spice up your hormones and trigger an emotional response. People sense this from you, and this makes you a more attractive company in various activities.
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Relating to people is very important to you, especially with loved ones. Being sensitive to emotions, the closer people are to you, the more you are empathetic to whatever they are going through. If it is not your Sun sign's strength, your Cancer Rising will provide for your deep sense of filial affiliation with family, close friends, and romantic partner.
As a child, you are extremely sensitive to your mother's emotions. It is not surprising; after all, your connection began months before you were even born. It may be an essential part of growing for a child. But as you grow older, you will need to put extra effort into gaining your emotional independence.
Expectations from one's family are a constant burden for a Cancer Rising, and you will find yourself unconsciously taking on the task. Not only from your family, but even from friends, and most importantly from romance. You tend to succumb to peer pressure or your partner's demands by simply sensing their emotions, powerful ones that often demand more than they should.
In romance, you are a gentle lover. You savor your partner's emotions and use them to make them happy. Gentle and thoughtful, you immediately catch on to their moods and act accordingly. Just be careful of being too engaged, for sometimes they may want privacy or space.
But in downtimes, your comfort provides a perfect place for your partner. An extended snuggle time in the bed is a great stress-reliever. Your presence is not demanding. It is almost sweet, mirroring your partner's feelings, embracing them with your aura of safety and security.
Hence, family, friends, and romantic partners find it comfortable talking to you or coming to you about their feelings, that is, when they want to. Just be careful not to get overwhelmed; otherwise, like the crab, too much will push you back into your shell.
Being a Cancer, in choosing a career, you choose those that interest your feelings. You need to feel comfortable with what you are doing to love your job and do good with it.
There is that emotional intelligence that will set you ahead of the group. But in applying for jobs, you will need to wrap yourself up with your crab shells and project strength and confidence, not that you aren't really. It's just that the world uses stereotypes to assess people, and for a job that feels right, it will be worth the effort.
On the job, it will be much easier. Timing is vital in business transactions, and this is where you will shine. Intuition and sensitivity to the client's moods, and even team members, will allow you the edge to say what will be heard and push the right buttons.
When you are in great spirits, it will be too easy to seize the opportunities, and your inner sight is at its best. But in your low moments, people will know, for it will indeed affect them, too.
Pleasing stakeholders will be your forte, but be careful not to drown in it. Trying to please everyone is a sure way to failure. Your emotional intellect must not overshadow logic and rationality. Keep your practicality, especially in making career or business decisions.
It is a rare gift to have a strong intuition as your guide. It will rarely drive you wrong. Your experiences will only enrich your ability to process and utilize your keen sense of emotions around you. When used correctly, you can have anything you want in life.
The society that drives the world is a mix of different emotions. Imagine being one of those who can navigate themselves effortlessly, like a Cancer; you will rarely get lost.
The first impression you exude to others is that of a sweet, innocent person, unassuming with the world's wayward ways. You will rarely be the target of anyone unless, of course, they know how good you are in areas concealed by your outward demeanor. As a Cancer, you rarely intimidate. When you look stern, you quickly sense unease from your surroundings and act accordingly to lessen the tension in the air.
Getting to know you is a blessing to people. It gives them a way to help them accept their feelings. You are empathetic and sensitive – your choices will rarely be offensive to anyone. People will listen to you not because you are forceful and driven but because you provide a comfortable place for everyone to relax their mind and open up to you naturally.
Your greatest strength will be your greatest weakness as well. As emotions are abundant and random, and you become immersed easily into them, you must learn how to control situations. Beware of those who manipulate people, for you are most vulnerable when they use emotions as their weapon.
However, do not let betrayals from others hinder you from exploring other places. You may retreat into your armor shell every once in a while. But do not stay there for long, because there is so much in the world to feel and experience. You are one of the few people that see the importance of emotions. Your emotional intelligence will provide more balance to the world.