Capricorn sun Scorpio moon: How To Not Ruin Your Life? -

Capricorn sun Scorpio moon: How To Not Ruin Your Life?

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Capricorn sun Scorpio moon is a rare astrological configuration, signifying someone who is highly ambitious, very driven, and has an intense fear of failure. This makes this person highly competitive and confident, with a fierce inner drive that makes them leaders. 

These people are determined, resourceful, and stubborn, but they will fight for what they believe in. They're also very committed to staying out of other people's way and avoiding being a burden on anyone else. They thrive on being alone and feel most comfortable working independently.

They tend to be disciplined and loyal, similar to people with Capricorn Sun Taurus Moon star sign. They are also very sensual and passionate, tending to form deep emotional bonds with those they love. Although they are not as demonstrative as other signs, they enjoy being creative and expressive in all areas of their life.

Tendency to be low-key and reserved is offset by an intense, magnetic sex appeal that often takes them far in romance and all areas of life. They are very determined individuals who know how to make things happen their way. They have a keen intelligence and enjoy working hard to get ahead in life.

They can sometimes be overly cautious, which can cause them to miss out on opportunities that might otherwise be available to them. Their tendency to think before they act sometimes causes them to hold back when it comes time for action. 

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They find it easy to work hard but do not like dealing with many details or red tape. They prefer straightforward honesty over any social niceties or gamesmanship.

They are often very loyal friends once committed but are slow to trust new people in their lives similar to Virgo sun Virgo moon. These individuals need to learn to express themselves more openly and their innermost feelings rather than keeping everything locked inside.

Don't let stress ruin your life

A Capricorn sun Scorpio moon sign blend is one of the most charismatic people one will ever meet, and as such, they have a lot to live up to. Unfortunately, when stress takes over, it can cause all sorts of problems in a Capricorn-Scorpio‘s life. 

Every person on the planet deals with stress. The way we deal with our stress makes us different from one another.

The best way to handle stress is to learn how to cope with it, age and experience. The good news is that people with this sign combination are not alone if they are experiencing stress at the moment.

As a Capricorn-Scorpio sign blend, their mindset is typically logical, analytical, and detail-oriented. They are not a “gut feeling” type of person who trusts their instincts or goes with their gut when making important decisions in their life. Instead, they like having things in order and knowing how things work because they want everything to be perfect all the time.

These folks tend to be workaholics. As a result, this can quickly leave them in a state of being stressed out. When stress takes over their life, it can make them feel out of control and like there is no way out of the situation they find themselves in at the moment.

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Capricorn sun Scorpio moon people might be overworked and prone to stress. This can lead to many health issues like migraines, tension headaches, high blood pressure, anxiety, and depression.

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Capricorn sun Scorpio moon Combination

Capricorn is the ultimate sign when it comes to the big picture. They are about the long game, and once they have a plan for their lives, they won't stop until it comes to fruition.

The downside of this is that sometimes they can be a little too self-absorbed with their own goals and not as tuned in to what's going on with other people. There's also a tendency to be a little overly critical of others, whether or not it's deserved.

Scorpio moon is often very adept at reading people. However, there can be some problems with feeling emotionally hurt by other people's actions. The good thing is that the Scorpio moon tends to be quick to forgive and forget, so the experience isn't held against them forever.

When these two signs come together in one person, they make a solid team. They are both highly motivated and hardworking, able to throw themselves into any goal they set their minds to achieve. 

They don't always see eye-to-eye on everything, but that's okay — neither one necessarily has to agree on everything all the time. As long as they're working toward a common goal and making progress towards it, there's nothing wrong with that.

It's not always easy to keep from getting upset when someone makes a mistake, but showing your anger will not help the situation. When you're in the wrong, admit it. If you can't accept it at the moment, then think about how you might have to admit it later.

The most important thing about the Capricorn sun Scorpio moon is that you are very sensitive to criticism, and you cannot always take it lightly. Capricorn sun Scorpio moon placement suggests that you will feel anger and resentment if someone is critical of you, even if they might be right.

When this happens, you tend to analyze the situation in detail in your mind, which often leads to overthinking. You can become so caught up in this type of approach that you miss the main point of what they were trying to tell you.

This position also makes you a perfectionist, and this means that sometimes things have to be done perfectly or not at all. This can lead to procrastination because you know deep down that something is not right, but it takes longer than expected to come together.

You can struggle with feelings of inferiority, which means that when someone criticizes you, it hurts your senses and makes you feel inferior. You have an honest nature and find it hard to lie or pretend, so when people criticize, it cuts deep inside. You don't like a conflict of any kind, but this will affect your confidence if there is any criticism.

You might also want to check out this Scorpio sun Capricorn moon article that I wrote.

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Negative traits of people with Capricorn sun Scorpio moon

You have your head in the clouds if you are a Capricorn sun Scorpio moon. Maybe this is because you are so deeply immersed in your inner world that you can't see reality. Probably not, though. It's just that your imagination runs rampant, and you tend to lose yourself in daydreams and fantasies. 

You may be drawn to a life of the mind, or you may wish for one. More than anything else, this is a romantic combination – the deepness of Scorpio softened by the optimism of Capricorn.

You are governed by your heart, but it isn't always easy to respond to those around you. You are cautious and protective of your emotions, but there is no containing them once they surface. It's best not to get into conflict with those born under this sign; for some reason, what starts as a minor argument often leads to intense drama. 

But that's fine because most of the time, you aren't looking for conflict anyway; on the contrary, one of your main goals is peace of mind. You try to avoid feelings that might make you uncomfortable. In love relationships, you need someone who can keep up with your emotions – someone who will appreciate the depth and intensity of your feelings.

Positive traits of People with Capricorn sun Scorpio moon

Capricorn sun Scorpio moon is highly intense, powerful, and passionate. You are very ambitious, and you want to succeed in all that you do. You have a lot of drive and determination, and you will keep moving ahead until you reach your goals.

You love to control all that is going on around you, although sometimes this can make you appear bossy. But in reality, you are very strong-willed and determined. Others may view you as too controlling, but they don't understand how driven you are to succeed.

You are unique in your approach to life, which is why people tend to admire or even envy you. You will always go your own way, even if it is not the most popular path. You have a great deal of self-confidence, and when others get into trouble, they know that they can count on you for help.

This position gives you the power and ability to achieve great things in life, although there may be many challenges along the way. You have the determination to work through these challenges and continue moving towards your goals.

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Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.