Chiron in 11th House: The Wound of Belonging -

Chiron in 11th House: The Wound of Belonging

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Fitting in with the crowd is not your game. These are emotional and spiritual wounds brought by Chiron in your natal chart.

With Chiron in 11th house placement, you will experience issues related to fears and disappointments from friendships. These wounds will show in your peers, social groups, and social interactions.

Your Chiron in 11th House Wounds

Your Chiron in 11th house wounds stems from your fear of social rejection and not belonging to any groups.

You might become rebellious or destructive and would try to hurt others because of these wounds.

These wounds might have developed from your childhood years or during your teenage years. Your emotional wounds may manifest through your friendship groups and society. 

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With these wounds, you might feel inadequate and have low self-worth. The most important thing is to discover the root of your wound and confront it so that you'll begin to heal.

Rejection and Betrayal

Your fear of betrayal might have come from a bad traumatic experience. These experiences had made you distrustful involving friendships and socializing. 

You find it hard to trust and be open to people because of your fear of disappointments and betrayal. In other cases, you might altogether refuse relationships with anyone thinking that your fears might happen again.

Rejection and betrayal are the roots of all your wounds. You avoid expressing original ideas because you fear that society or your friends won’t accept you or others might misunderstand you. 

You might reject society entirely because you feel you don’t belong.

Stereotyped Thinking

You tend to think differently, but you need to align your visions according to your peers' acceptance. This hinders you from your leadership capacity.

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Emotionally Detached

In rare cases, you might have experienced deep wounds from some of your close friends or some members of your group. You might feel rejected by your peers because of your uniqueness. 

You tend to avoid close personal relationships because you feel this may result in betrayal. 

How Do You Heal?

You must realize that your fears are what keep you from experiencing a true friendship. It will help if you confront the root of your fear of being rejected and betrayed by a group of friends. 

Overcome your fears and look at them in a constructive way. These realizations and acceptance of your wounds are the first steps toward your healing journey.

Your Healing Gift

Your healing gift is your capacity to help others towards pursuing their life goals. Your healing presence will help others of the same fears and wounds heal. 

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When you open your mind through these wounds, you will start to see how everything and everyone interconnects. This will help you realize your capacities and will help you align your needs with those of society. 

Faith in People

You need to forgive those people who have wounded you. Being open to strangers will help you be open to personal relationships.

Do not let others' criticisms about you stop you from pursuing your ideas and doing what you want. Avoid losing yourself within your group. 

Express your uniqueness. Your motivation will inspire those who recognize and support you.

When you have faith in people, they will, in return, have faith in you. So, have confidence in yourself. It doesn't mean that people have to change themselves for you. 

You need to make an effort to heal yourself.

Through Healthy Relationships

Being open to relationships will help you heal your wounds. Confronting criticisms for you in a constructive way may help you gain supporters and recognition. 

Don't focus too much on like-minded people. You might be amazed how strangers will satisfy you, especially when they turn into close friends.  

The key is learning how to be an individual within your group.

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Your Healing Journey with Chiron in 11TH House

Your healing journey revolves around your search for a sense of belonging and connection. Chiron in 11th house placement wounds comes from your childhood or teenage years. 

You had experienced rejection and trauma from your close friend or your group, and this wound scarred you for life, making you distrust people and emotionally detached.

Similar to having the Chiron in Libra, sometimes your wounds may manifest in your inability to have healthy relationships. You may be friendly but distant. 

It may be because you think they might misunderstand you. You don't put effort into pursuing connections.

Have faith that there are people who will support and appreciate you. Not all people will betray you. 

You just need to be yourself, and you will attract true friends. Aligning your goals with those of society will help you heal.

You only associate yourself with like-minded people. You feel different from others and can't fit in. You might suppress your own individuality because you feel the need to conform to your group’s opinion about you. 

Do not let others' opinions stop you from doing what you want.

For you to heal, you need to learn how to be an individual within a group. Pursue your uniqueness and individuality. You need to realize that your fears are what keeps you from having a satisfying relationship. 

After all, your healing takes place when you start to realize the value of true friendships.

You have the ability to encourage and inspire others to be their authentic self. Overcome your fear of rejection and betrayal. 

Take the time to connect with yourself. You can use your unique mind to encourage and inspire others to express their own uniqueness.

Your capability to bring people together is one of your healing gifts. Your wounds will teach you how to help others because you understand the depth of loneliness and rejection. 

It is also important to you to set boundaries within your relationships. Your past traumas might have an impact on your recognizing potential toxic relationships.

You can help yourself and others by expressing your needs positively and constructively. Realize that every one of us has something to offer, so don't try to push people who might be important for your growth. 

Don’t be attracted to the idea of being nobody. Live your dreams. Share your visions with your social group. 

Be influential with your social circle to pursue their individuality.

Healing your wounds will help you experience the happiness of true friendship. 

You will experience great satisfaction when you make an effort to  heal yourself. 

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Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.