How Long Does a Pisces Man Stay Mad: Will He Harbor Resentment? -

How Long Does a Pisces Man Stay Mad: Will He Harbor Resentment?

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Are you arguing with a Pisces man? Are you curious how long he will stay mad at you?

A Pisces man is compassionate and can harbor resentment for a long time. However, a Pisces man's temper might cause severe issues, and he could lash out violently or bury his emotions to deal with his anger.

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One of the first signs of a Pisces man's madness is his behavior. But unfortunately, he has a history of hiding his rage and passion.

If a Pisces man feels insecure about his relationships, he may start to drift away from you or focus only on his hobby or career. He may even begin to make acquaintances without keeping you in mind.

In either case, a Pisces man will probably say hurtful things to you. Therefore, expressing regret and making amends to a Pisces man in either situation is essential.

When a Pisces man feels emotionally and psychologically overworked, he may vent his frustration by being angry. As a result, he may be at risk of cross-contamination and requires a place to handle his emotions. 

Being patient with a Pisces man is smart because his anger can be harmful. Consider asking him if there is a better way to address the matter.

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A Pisces man frequently harbors hatred toward himself rather than toward you. He does not want to hurt you since he knows how sensitive your sentiments are to him. 

Due to a Pisces man's fear of conflict, he also tends to avoid it. However, he can throw a tantrum if you feel like hurting him.

Try to figure out what is wrong and apologize if you are unsure of what is wrong. A Pisces man will feel more at ease speaking to you.

A Pisces man may erupt in wrath when he is furious, but these fits of rage will not endure very long. He tends to be impulsive but will eventually mature. 

However, if you catch him in a fit of anger, do not be too alarmed. It is a typical reaction to the circumstance.

A fundamental emotion that influences the human soul is anger. It may result in retaliation if you do not exercise proper control.

A Pisces man is sensitive, and being angry may be challenging to control. Therefore, he may internalize his feelings to deal with his anger if you offend him.

A Pisces man might harbor resentments for months. By making sure he knows you love him, you can assist him in overcoming his emotions.

A furious Pisces man can invent plots for how he will get revenge on you. He might even turn to drugs or alcohol to deal with his rage. 

Encourage a Pisces man to communicate his feelings in other ways if you do not feel comfortable doing so. For example, a Pisces man can express his emotions well through art, dance, and role-playing. 

A Pisces man can control his wrath better after engaging in a purifying action. First, he could need persuading that it is acceptable to express his emotions. 

Being a sensitive sign, a Pisces man is prone to be in pain because of others. As a result, he may take perceived slights personally and frequently suppress his emotions to avoid confronting the issue head-on. 

He may even engage in self-destructive conduct when he is furious to avoid dealing with it. It is crucial to remember that a Pisces man will never forgive you for injuring him out of rage if you are in a relationship with him.

It can be challenging to comprehend a Pisces man's emotions if you attempt to win him back. He has great empathy for other people's emotions, yet he is also quite sensitive. 

If you have disappointed a Pisces man or let him down, he can want to get even by harming you. Apologize and tell him you are ready to move on so he may heal his hurt feelings.

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First, make an effort to comprehend what is wrong with him. You should concentrate on the positives because a Pisces man tends to dwell on the unpleasant parts of life

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Do not concentrate on how miserable being furious makes you feel. Instead, focus on his feelings; he will be more receptive to your apologies.

A Pisces man can be pretty stubborn and have unreasonable tempers. He may engage in unpleasant verbal altercations with you and may damage the surrounding property. 

Be careful that a Pisces man may say the most hurtful things to you if you are in a relationship with him. This man will speak the worst things to you to hurt you and make you feel bad. 

A Pisces man will probably cut you off from his life and frequently go on rants. So, before you speak to him again, give him some room to express his rage.

A Pisces man will voice his frustration if you want your relationship to last. Then, he will wound you by hurling incisive insults at you while remaining silent. 

Your Pisces man is probably an empath if you believe you and your partner are not communicating adequately. Pisces are incredibly sensitive and have no self-control. 

They can also harbor resentment for a long time. However, a Pisces man can be incredibly kind and considerate despite his sensitive temperament if you do not play on his emotions.

A Pisces man is incredibly kind and forgets about himself when caring for you. He is non-judgmental due to his compassion and understanding of you.

Give yourself enough time to digest your feelings if you are in a position where a Pisces man gets angry with you. He will need some time to analyze his emotions before he can apologize. 

A Pisces man also needs time to calm down after getting angry. As a result, the temperament of a Pisces man can change quickly.

This might indicate insecurity. A Pisces man might have trouble maintaining secrets about something. 

Even worse, a Pisces man might not even read your texts. His mood fluctuations because you may infer a lot about his feelings from this information. 

You can build a stronger bond with a Pisces man if you learn more about his personality. For example, an angry Pisces man may isolate himself and avoid social interactions. 

A Pisces man might withdraw for a day or two or vanish without a trace. You must determine what is causing this behavior if this is the case to make him come back, especially if you are a Virgo woman.

You are probably experiencing a range of emotions if you just ended your relationship with a Pisces man. This fiery sign finds it challenging to let go of the past. 

A Pisces man cannot control his tremendous feeling. Therefore, he will probably try to make you feel horrible. 

The emotional sensitivity of a Pisces man makes him prone to miss you and your ex. On the other hand, a Pisces man who is mad may seem incredibly far away. 

A Pisces man will not want to see you or interact with you. You will not be able to get in touch with him because of his passive-aggressive behavior, which causes him to break off communication. 

A Pisces man is also unmotivated and lazy. Despite his considerable ability, he has difficulty adjusting to everyday life. 

A Pisces man frequently lives in his imagination, making it challenging to be in a relationship. In addition, a Pisces man is highly emotional and prone to depression

This indicates that he might be unable to keep secrets when you are in pain or furious. A Pisces man does not always leave relationships kindly, so be ready to deal with some unpleasant experiences.

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How long will a Pisces man stay mad at you?

A Pisces man has a hard time forgetting and forgiving. It could take him weeks or even months to recover.

A Pisces man has strong emotions, and he is capable of harboring resentment for a very long time. Therefore, it is preferable to offer an apology as soon as possible if you have offended a Pisces man. 

A Pisces man will probably be furious with you. But if your apology is genuine, he might end up forgiving you.

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Here are the things you need to do when a Pisces man is mad for a long time:

  1. Identify why a Pisces man is mad at you. 

A Pisces man is naturally sensitive and emotional. However, he is vulnerable and frequently wears his heart on his sleeve.

When a Pisces man is angry, it is because he perceives some injustice. He could think that you do not understand him. 

It is crucial to apologize and make things right if you have offended a Pisces man. If not, you run the danger of losing him permanently.

  1. Give a Pisces man some time to cool off.

A Pisces man will require some time to calm down if he is mad. When he is in this mood, it is advisable to avoid trying to talk to him because he will not be able to divert his attention from his anger.

A Pisces man will ultimately become calm and prepared to speak if you give him some time and space. However, it is crucial to be tolerant and patient when angry because he tends to be sensitive and emotional.

  1. Do not try to talk to a Pisces man when he is mad.

When he is angry, leaving a Pisces man alone is the best course of action. He will probably simply ignore you or yell at you if you try to talk to him. 

Before expressing a Pisces man's concerns, he wants time to calm down. Therefore, he will eventually change his mind.

A Pisces man will apologize to you if you give him time. It is best to just give him some room until then.

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Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.