Are you preparing to hook a Taurus man after your date? If so, you're in the absolute right place. But before knowing the tips to date a Taurus Man, you must first know if a Taurus Man is not interested to you.
Dating a Taurus guy is a great experience. Nonetheless, getting him hooked won't be that easy unless he likes you a lot. It will also take a lot of patience as it takes him some time before he opens up himself to you.
Before You Read: The Taurus man is a complex blend of strength and sensitivity. Unlock his world with Anna Kovach’s Taurus Man Secrets. Delve into his earthy nature, teaching you how to become his rock and safe haven. From understanding his loyalty to tapping into his sensual side, this guide is your golden ticket.
If you're aiming to secure a lasting bond with this zodiac sign, this is your guide. With insights into his practical nature and his deep-rooted values, you'll be prepared to stand by his side. Don’t hesitate – secure your copy of Taurus Man Secrets by Anna Kovach today and find the way to his heart!
When you date a Taurus, avoid pretending to be someone else as he hates inauthenticity the most. Just be yourself and see if he genuinely likes you. This way, you both save your time and feelings for possible heartache if someone is faking it.
You also have to know what your Taurean guy likes and dislikes are to determine what to do and what you shouldn't do. Like, do you know how to make him feel secure around you? This is very important to make him not second-guess your feelings for him and wipe out his doubts.
To find out all of that, expert-written Taurus Man Secrets guide teaches you the tips and do's and donts when dating a Taurus Man.
So, what are the things that a Taurus man likes in a woman?
Before we move forward, I highly recommend you to take this 2-min FREE compatibility quiz and calculate your relationship compatibility score created by my friend Anna Kovach, a professional Relationship Astrologer.
It has helped thousands of women to get more clarity, increase intimacy and improve communication with the man in their life.
It's scary accurate and it seriously blew me away. Inside, you'll discover what might be going on underneath the surface, what's the hidden message behind his words and behavior, and many other little-known secrets — all based on one simple fact — his Zodiac sign.
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Qualities that a Taurus Man Likes
Taurus men get attracted to women who possess beauty, intelligence, style, and femininity. It's understandable since he's ruled by Venus, the planet of beauty and love. So, let's dissect these four categories to have a better understanding of each one of them.
One of the qualities that a Taurus man likes in a woman is intelligence. He is appreciative of a woman who knows how to respond intellectually. It also helps if you have good conversational skills as this man tends to talk a lot if he likes you.
Another thing that captures the attention of a Taurus guy is how you style yourself as a woman. So, consider buying good pieces of clothes that can help enhance your overall look. This man is stylish, so you should keep up with him to hook him and have something solid with him.
Beauty is not all about applying makeup, much more about how you carry yourself. You can go all-natural as long as you feel confident about yourself. Show him also your inner beauty by caring for him.
Exude confidence and it won't be hard to hook with him that may lead to a solid relationship.
Another thing that makes a Taurus like a woman is her femininity. Whatever his woman does, he wants it to be feminine. Consider not being rough with your actions and be gentle as much as possible.
Choose items of clothing that best embody being a woman. Although it doesn't necessarily define femininity as a whole, it enhances it. So, consider being graceful in your actions and opt for clothes best suited for a woman.
Now that you already know what a male Taurus likes in a woman let's proceed to the tips on how to date a Taurus man.
6 Simple Tips to Date a Taurus Man
#1 Be loyal.
In dating the Bull of the zodiac, you must be loyal to him. If not, you will ruin having a potential established relationship with him. As you might already know, a Taurus is a very faithful sign and expects the same thing from his woman.
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If you happen to ruin his trust by being secretive or have cheated on him, you will likely not hear his voice again. He will be cold, distant, and act like you don't exist. So, avoid doing things that can make him question your loyalty to him as much as possible.
You can show your loyalty to him by focusing on him only and making him feel loved, cared for and special. This way, you will have his interest and have him hooked, which will lead to having a label with him. However, don't get disappointed if he acts too slow as he is only making sure that you're really the one for him.
You also have to avoid pushing him to put a label in your relationship right away, as it can ruin your chances with him. He doesn't like a woman who is too pushy and not respectful of his pace. So, wait for him to take action and let him be the one to chase you.
I actually wrote an article on how to make a Taurus man chase you, if that's what you want to look further into.
A male Taurus is a traditional man, so being bold towards him is a no-no. Although you can drop subtle hints, consider not being obvious and watch how he reacts first. This way, you'll be saving your face just in case he's not serious with you.
#2 Be Yourself.
Charming a Taurus man wouldn't be difficult as long as you are yourself. Understandably, you could be hesitant to be yourself as you want to impress him. Nonetheless, this sign can smell pretension from afar, so it's always best to be yourself with him.
But, if you are hell-bound to impress him, you must be consistent, or else, he'll get disappointed. He might assume that you're losing interest in him when you start to slack off and reveal the real you. So, you see, it's not really ideal pretending to be somebody that you are not.
Be yourself and you will not have to worry about keeping up your efforts to impress him. You don't have to worry about what you need to do next to make you linger on his mind. Just don't force anything and let everything unfold in their own time and you will have a blissful life with him.
#3 Make the first move and ask him out.
If the Taurus man you like is too shy or reserved, don't hesitate to make the first move and ask him out. However, please don't make it obvious that you want to reel him or he might run away. You have to know that the Bull doesn't want to get chased as it is his job to do so.
If you are bold enough to chase him, it will make him feel less of a man and kill the thrill of the chase. So, you better avoid doing his job as the chaser in the relationship. This man is pretty traditional, so flexing modern behaviors to him will only burn your chance.
If you want to get flirty with him but he's too shy, you can ask him out for a coffee first and be a good conversationalist. He will likely get intrigued with you once he notices that you are a good talker and not a boring one. You also have to remember to take things slow first and observe if he's into you.
Once you're assured that he's into you, you can then start dropping subtle hints that you like him back. Make sure not to do the man's job and be patient enough to wait for him to take the next action. This way, he won't find you being pushy, which he hates, and will likely spend more time with you.
Again, Taurus Man Secrets highlights the things or mistakes you should avoid when dating a Taurus Man. Learning them will help you bag the heart of your Venusian man.
#4 Show him that you are goal-driven.
It's typical for a Taurus man to be ambitious and go after his goals in life. So, you will have higher chances with him if you show him that you are a goal-driven person like him. It will boost your chances if he sees for himself that you both are on the same wavelength.
How can you do that? Pretty simple!
To get his attention more and proving that you are as ambitious as him, don't be too available to him. Doing so will only make him think that you have a lot of free time, resulting in taking you for granted. He might start not to respect your time and call you over whenever he wants.
Although the above scenario is what you want since you desire to be with him, the result won't be good. You'll be in a worse situation where he can drop you anytime he wants, so you have to show that you're different. Tell him about your goals and how you are working towards them step by step.
Once he finds out that you are a career-driven person like him, he will likely contact you again to hang out. Don't answer him right away when he calls and finish what you are doing first before returning his call or text. This way, he will think more about what you're doing and how things are in your life.
Therefore, consider showing him that you are like him when it comes to career and other goals in life.
#5 Be romantic.
Another way to bag the attention and heart of a Taurus guy is by being romantic. This guy is a sucker for romantic things and gestures, so you better give it to him. You can invite him over to your place and ensure that everything is up to his taste.
The set-up doesn't have to be grand. You only have to ensure that your place is clean and comfortable. So, after ensuring that your home is clean and comfy, you then have to cook incredible dishes for him.
It's ideal to invite him over for dinner and set up the mood in the room. You can place a candle at the center and don't forget to wear an alluring dress that can make him say, ‘Woah!' Spray some perfume too and make it a memorable dinner he ever had.
For more helpful tips, you can also read my detailed article on how to manifest someone to ask you for a date.
#6 Follow his pace.
If you are dating a Taurus man, it's always best to follow his pace. The Taurus sign is famous for its slow movement, so don't get surprised if you only have slow progress with him. This doesn't mean that he isn't serious, as he's only making sure to know you more before making it official.
A Taurus wouldn't want to be with a woman who doesn't possess the characteristics he likes. He wants an independent, loyal, caring woman and will not commit if he doesn't find those qualities in her. He won't settle for less and wouldn't mind waiting for the right woman to come his way, even if it means waiting for years.
So, if you want to establish a lasting relationship with him, consider following his pace. Don't try to rush him or else, he might think you're not the right match for him. Wait for him to take action as he is observing you first to ensure that you won't drag his life when you two are official.
I also recommend availing yourself of most women dating taurus men's goldmine–Taurus Expert Anna Kovach's famous Taurus Man Secrets guide.