How to Manifest on a Full Moon: Get What You Want -

How to Manifest on a Full Moon: Get What You Want

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You may want to know what are the things you should do when you are manifesting on the full moon, or you may be wondering if you could manifest on a full moon.

You can manifest on a full moon. To make your manifestations work, you need to prepare a place where you will perform your ritual, make an intention, and after the ritual, you will forget and let go of all your intentions.

The full moon is known to have powerful energies that you can use in many ways. You can use the full moon to cleanse your energy, charge, cleanse your crystals, manifest, etc.

If you are planning on manifesting on the moon, it is better that you will manifest under the full moon, as by that time, the moon's power is at its peak.

What are the steps in manifesting on a full moon?

Cleanse your ritual space

Since you are planning on manifesting on a full moon, it is better than before manifesting, and you will choose a place where you will do your rituals.

You can perform your rituals inside or outside your house. The essential thing that you need to do is to cleanse it.

This step is necessary to eliminate the negative energies surrounding your place, and it opens up the upcoming goodness in your reality.

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Prepare your space, and while doing it, do it with the intention of what you will manifest.

There are many techniques that you can use to cleanse the place, and you may use candles or play soothing music.

And because you are manifesting on a full moon, you will cleanse your backdoor with your intention, which will release the things that are blocking you from manifesting.

Summon a connection to the source of energy

In this step, you will summon a connection to the energy source. You may connect with your guides, angels, or other divine connection. 

Write what you want to manifest

In manifesting, no matter what method you use, you must be clear on what you want to manifest.

This step will help you get clear about your intentions.

You can avoid confusion if you know what you want to manifest. This could also prevent you from changing your mind as time goes by.

Being clear on what you want can also avoid you from giving mixed signals to the universe. You do not want to make the universe confused about your manifestations.

Because if that happens, the universe might send an outcome that is not favorable on your side and an outcome that you do not want.

To help you get clear about what you want to happen, you may write your manifestations in your journal notebook.

And from there, you can expand your thoughts about your manifestations. The clearer your manifestations are, the better.

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Sit and meditate

The next step you will do is meditate in front of the altar you made. You may be in any position that you want, and the important thing is you need to be comfortable.

Close your eyes, and start meditating. This step will help you focus on the intentions that you are working with.

Visualize your manifestation

After meditating, the next thing you need to do is to visualize the things you want to manifest under the full moon. You can manifest healing for others, a happy family, or anything you want.

Visualization is the most powerful tool to make your manifestations come into reality. It helps you tap into the energy of having your manifestations.

While visualizing, you have to avoid any disturbance and put all your focus on the things you want to manifest in your reality.

In visualizing, you need to visualize all the things you want to happen in your reality. Envision how you would feel once you get your manifestations.

Visualize how your life would be or how you would react once you get it. Visualize anything you want to happen.

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As you visualize, feel the emotions that you are feeling. Those emotions will help you make your manifestations come into your reality.

Continue visualizing, enjoy the feeling, and live with it for a moment.

Release and declare things that may go in your way

After getting clear on what you want, the next thing you need to do is you will release and declare it. In this step, you will write what you think will get in the way while you manifest.

Write all your negative thoughts, limiting beliefs, doubts, and fears about your manifestations. And then you can ceremonially flush them out of the toilet.

Or you may burn the paper in a fire-safe vessel.

In that way, you are letting go of the things that may restrict you or hinder you in making your manifestations come into your reality.

Dance it out

The last step you need to do is to dance to your favorite music and move your body. This step will help you to move any stagnant energy in your body.

What are other rituals you may do under the full moon?

Make a moon water

Moon water has lots of benefits, you can use it as a drinking water, water for your plants, or water when you are taking a bath.

Creating moon water is very easy, and it is good that you will make moon water under the full moon as its energy is at its peak.

What you need to do is to prepare a water vessel and freshwater.

Fill your water vessel with fresh water, put the lid, and place the water vessel outside, under the moonlight.

After that, you will recite some affirmations in your water or a prayer. You may visualize how you will use the water, or you can recite your affirmation to seal your intention.

And then leave the water under the moonlight through the entire night. And tomorrow, your moon water is ready to use.

Charge your crystals

Charging your crystals under the full moon is also a good thing as the moon can benefit your crystal. You can charge and cleanse your crystal under the full moon overnight.

If your crystals are water safe, you may charge and cleanse them using the moon water. What you need to do is to prepare fresh water and a jar.

Fill the jar with fresh water, put your crystal there, then leave it outside through the entire night, and get it once the sun is out.

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And after that, your crystals will be cleansed and charged with new potent energies from the moon.

However, if your crystals are not water-safe, you may leave them under the moonlight overnight. Make sure that the place is not wet and far from falling.

And then, get your crystal the next day before the sun rises, as some crystals are not safe from the sunlight.

Take a full moon bath

Taking a full moon bath can give you lots of benefits, and making a full moon bath your full moon ritual can help you.

While taking a bath, you can use this time to relax, meditate, get rid of negative energies, center yourself, and focus on your breathing. 

And while you are soaking yourself in the bathtub, imagine you are letting go of all the negative energies you have and the situations and persons that no longer serve you.

However, if you do not have a bathtub or do not want to use the bathtub as your full moon ritual, you may use the shower.

While you are under the shower, imagine that your negativities, limiting beliefs, and the situations and persons that no longer serve you are slowly washing away.

Visualize that the water is healing you from any negativities.

The first thing you need to do while performing the full moon bath ritual is to set the place, and you may clean and cleanse and make sure that there will be no disturbance while taking a bath.

You may put candles, oils, and dried rose petals, and you may put your crystal with you while you are taking a bath.

If your crystal is water safe, you may put them in your bathtub, but it would be better if you would put them in a safe place inside your bathroom.

You may also put lavender and some salt in your bathwater.

And then, immerse yourself into the bathtub, and relax. As you relax, you may recite your intentions out loud.

Relax and enjoy your time while taking a bath. And the thing that you will get rid of all your negativities.

Release bad habits and what no longer serves you

You may also use the full moon to get rid of the things negatively affecting your life. In this step, you will get rid of all your bad habits and the things that no longer serve you.

You may get a pen and paper and then write what you want to get rid of. You have to be clear on writing bad things you want to get rid of and the things that no longer serve you.

After getting clear on what you want to get rid of, you will create an affirmation about it. Write affirmations that are in present form.

You may start your affirmations with “I release,” followed by the things you want to get rid of.

After writing your manifestations and affirmations, you will visualize yourself letting go of bad habits and some situations.

You will visualize what your life will look once you get rid of them, how good you will feel, and what things will change in your life.

Visualize that you are finally letting go of all your bad habits, and visualize what your life would look like after.

Visualize everything you want to let go of and feel your emotions while doing this.

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And when you are ready, you will burn the paper under the full moon. Please be cautious while burning the paper, and make sure that there will be no fire left after you burn them.

And then the last thing you need to do is thank the moon for helping you get rid of your bad habits and the things that no longer serve you.

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Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.