How to Text an Aries Man: Send him your selfies! -

How to Text an Aries Man: Send him your selfies!

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You may be wondering what type of text messages you should send to an Aries man, and you do not need to worry because it is an easy thing to do!

In texting an Aries man, you need to let him make the first moves, be flirty with him, reply fast to his text messages, send him your selfies, ask him something about himself, and play a little hard to get.

Before You Read: Ever wondered what truly drives an Aries man? Anna Kovach’s Aries Man Secrets is your answer. Dive deep into the fiery world of Aries. This guide unravels the mysteries of his passionate nature, revealing how to ignite his interest and keep the flames burning.

Whether you're trying to understand his impulsive actions, his adventurous spirit, or his fierce loyalty, Aries Man Secrets has got you covered.

Experience a connection like never before by understanding his core. With this guide, you'll be equipped to handle his energy and passion. Don’t miss out – grab your copy of Aries Man Secrets by Anna Kovach now and discover the path to his heart!

 It sounds easy. Because it is easy to do, if you are still hesitant about how to text your Aries man, don’t be. 

He will always reply to your text messages, and sometimes you are just overthinking things.

If you want to know more about how you should text your Aries man, then you are on the right path. Keep on scrolling.

How to text an Aries man?

Let him text you first

The first thing you need to note is not to rush and make the first move. Please be patient and let him do it for you.

If he does not text you after you exchange numbers, do not think he does not want you, but believe that he may be busy or have other things to do first.

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However, if it takes a long time and he does not text you, then it is the right time to make the first move. 

Texting him first after waiting for him to text you are not harmful.

You will not create a bad image if you text him first; sometimes it is a good thing to do, as Aries man also loves a woman who is confident and bold.

Play a little hard to get to your Aries man

 If you like someone, of course, you want to make yourself available for him all the time, but it would not work, and he might not text you again if that is the case.

What you need to do is be unavailable for him sometimes. Take note, SOMETIMES! You also have to be mindful not to overdo it.

So how can you play a little hard to attract and get him? If he asks you out and you have something else to do, then say no to him.

Tell him that you are busy that day and that you will not cancel it just for him.

In that way, he will miss you, making him crave you more and will definitely chase you. But again, do not overdo it!

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Respond to his texts quickly

If you do not have anything to do and are just texting your Aries man, do not be afraid to respond to his texts quickly.

Texting him back quickly can prevent him from losing interest in you. This would help, especially if you show him that you also want to talk to him.

Compliment your Aries man

The next thing you should do in texting him is to compliment him. There are lots of ways that you can tell him if you want to say some compliments.

You may comment on his posts by texting him that he looks good in his new position. In addition, you may congratulate him if he posts his achievement.

In this part, you need to be updated about his posts, and in that way, you can find something to give good comments.

But, make sure that while you are texting him, you are sincere and genuine about it, as he will trust your words.

Send him your cute selfies

We all know that men love receiving a selfie, especially if they are from the person they like. So sending cute selfies to your crush would help a lot.

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And since we are talking about Aries men here, they are a visual type of person and are attracted to women with good facial features.

So, it is a plus point if you will send him your cute selfies, and you may also ask him to send you selfies in return.

Show your sense of humor

One thing that can keep a conversation going is when the both of you have a good sense of humor, and you are showing it with each other.

And texting an Aries man and showing him your sense of humor is a good thing, and will you keep him wanting to text you more?

You might be thinking about how to do it, and then you may send him some goofy text messages, joke around him, and let him know that he can joke around like you are his best friend.

You may send him memes or funny videos that you saw online. In that way, you are also creating some topics and making the conversation going.

Ask him things about himself

Another thing that could make the conversation interesting is when you are asking him about himself, this will make him think that you are interested in him.

If you have nothing to say to him at first, then asking him questions about himself will always be good.

That way, he will think you are interested in knowing him deeply.

He would also love to share things about himself, so do not forget to ask him some things.

How to know if an Aries man likes you through text?

If you and your Aries man are texting for quite some time, you might wonder if they want you or are just being friendly.

And do not worry, as some signs could help you identify if your Aries man likes you through text.

He replies fast

 Of course, we cannot say that anyone who replies fast likes you, but you know that it is one indication that a person could have feelings for you.

And as an Aries man, you can say that if he responds quickly to your text messages, he is most likely interested in you or has feelings for you.

Even if his replies are short but it is sweet, and you do not feel that he is bored, then it is a good sign. 

One of the texting styles that Aries have is responding sweet and fast to all your text messages, which means he is eager to talk to you.

He will call you

Now, aside from texting you, if an Aries man likes you, he will often call you, and he prefers to call you then text you.

As you know, Aries men are pretty impatient, and you have a conversation over the call much better because you can respond quickly.

Aside from that, he also loves to hear your voice, and the only to listen to you speak is thru call.

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He always asks for your replies

This is one of the significant signs that an Aries man likes you when he nags you to reply quickly to his messages.

You might receive spam messages from him, especially if you take too long to respond. And if that happens, then you succeed!

You can say that he likes you.

So, what can you do if that happens? First, make him wait a little longer. Do not reply quickly.

Now, you might get confused since it is mentioned above that you should reply fast. However, if he nags you for your replies, you two are on another level.

You already got his interest, and it would be better if you would play a little hard to get and watch him chase you and crave your texts.

Why did an Aries man stop texting you?

Now, you may be at the point where your Aries man stopped texting you, and you might want to know what things you should do.

Accept the situation

Sounds easy and irritating, right? 

But it is the first thing you have to do: accept that he is not responding, and he will not answer any minute now.

Of course, you cannot force him to text or reply to your messages; bugging him is not good.

You might be wondering why he hasn’t texted you or if he cares about your feelings. Well, these things are the things you should not think about.

First, if he cares about your feelings, he will not let you feel that way, and even if he is busy, he will let you know about it.

And their reason will only be accepted in their part, you may not be able to understand their motive, and it may not be as deep as what you think.

So, move on, and accept that things are that way. But remember that there will always be someone who will never make you wait for their response.

Do not blame yourself

Most people will likely think they have done something wrong, which makes them not respond to your text messages.

But it is not your fault! So please do not blame yourself or think that something is wrong with you because the reality is it has nothing to do with you.

You are not responsible for his actions and decisions, he is old enough to think about his actions, and you do not have to be guilty about it.

Just think that you are enough; if he feels you are too much, he is not the right one. The best thing you can do is to focus on yourself.

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Focus on yourself

Now, this is always the thing that you should do, focus on yourself, and forget about him. 

So, what if he stops texting you, right? If you have done anything to keep him interested and still got a response like that, then he is not worthy.

Always remember that he is just another guy, and you can still find someone better than him. 

You must go on with your life and avoid thinking about it. Instead, focus on yourself, and do the things that can make you happy.

You do not need someone who can make you feel like that.

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Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.