Howlite Meaning: Healing Properties, Benefits & Uses -

Howlite Meaning: Healing Properties, Benefits & Uses

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No matter what stage of your spiritual transformation you are in, Howlite showcases the prowess of the snow leopard.  It provides you sheer determination and attentiveness with its fluffy, white fur that will surely bring you the best with wherever it was heading. Howlite's energies will bolster your optimistic personality and characteristics. Your strengths will propel you forward, while your weaknesses will motivate you to improve.

You should expect to solve your communication problems when you have a stone like Howlite working for you. You'll be able to say what you're thinking more honestly and efficiently without feeling that something is holding you back. Howlite will help you express yourself more freely and increase your creativity. It's a great stone to have if you're looking for encouragement or support.

History of Howlite

The discovery of Howlite shows that it contains calcium borosilicate hydroxide mineral that crystallizes as masses, nodules, and sometimes tiny prismatic crystals accumulate. Its color scheme is usually chalky white with black veins running through it. It may, however, appear brown or even colorless. The first discovery of the mineral Howlite was in 1868 near Windsor, Nova Scotia.

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Henry How, a well-known Canadian chemist, and geologist received an unusual mineral found in a gypsum mine near his King's College office. He looked into this strange crystal and discovered that it was a brand-new substance. He gave it the name “silicoborocalcite” because of the chemical composition he thought it had at the time. It was later renamed “Howlite” in his honor by James Dwight Dana, a famous American geologist, and volcanologist after Henry's death.

Reasons Why You Should Start Using Howlite

  • Physical Healing

When used as a gem elixir before bed, Howlite can aid in the treatment of insomnia. It will help you in treating cramps and other types of physical discomfort. Similar to Chrysocolla stone, Howlite can ease any anxiety disorders and other stress-related illnesses. It will help you concentrate on the more critical stuff by relieving you of any tension or anxiety.

Howlite is an ideal crystal for sleeping as it offers a soothing feeling that will ensure you will have a good night's sleep. It's also essential for the body and can help with illnesses or disorders that affect the bones, such as osteoporosis. Howlite can help you maintain a healthy calcium balance and aid in distributing vital nutrients in your body.

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  • Mental Healing

Howlite will assist you in mental recovery and unraveling the higher truth in the universe. With the aid of Howlite, you can reveal the masks that some people in your life wear to deceive or harm you. It's the perfect stone for people who have trouble concentrating or relaxing. 

This stone will help you gain essential information, develop your memory, and make progress on whatever you're working on. Howlite's energies will also motivate you to come up with fresh and wonderful ideas. It will keep you motivated until you achieve your goals.

  • Manifesting Prosperity

Howlite will assist you with wealth and abundance by improving your attention and concentration. It can help you focus on your financial goals and find innovative ways to achieve them. If you've been having trouble coming up with original ideas and creative ways to make money, this crystal will be a great help.

It will provide you the connection with your higher self, the part of you that sees opportunities rather than problems. It can, however, keep you grounded. Howlite will be present in whatever venture you take to prevent you from following big dreams that aren't grounded in reality.

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  • Relationship Healing

Howlite's energies will aid in love, and they can show you the importance of patience. Not everything will go depending on your way, and not everything will happen as you want it to. Howlite will assist you in releasing your frustrations, resentment, pain, and fears. It will make you feel more confident and at ease with what is going on in your life.

This stone has a soothing effect on intense emotions. It is beneficial if you're in a relationship with someone who doesn't always see things your way. When you're angry or hurt, you can do or say something that will permanently harm your relationship. Howlite's energies can help you remain calm and sensible. 

It can also help you fight fairly without unpacking past issues at each other or digging up old grudges. Howlite will also bring you enough confidence to pursue your intentions to save your relationship. Howlite might help you in overcoming your doubts about love so that you can attract happiness. Howlite will protect you from self-doubt. 

The Metaphysical Benefits of Howlite

Howlite should be your go-to stone if you want to gain a deeper understanding of yourself, others, the universe, and life itself. It is a transformational healing stone with vibrations that directly resonate with your root and crown chakras. Howlite still keeps you grounded while remaining in constant contact with your higher self.

With Howlite, your root chakra becomes ultimately linked to Mother Earth energy. Revealing the power Howlite poses, these connections are highly uncommon to other crystals. This energy is powerful, and it transfers it to the user upon the first contact. At first, calm energy will cover you, lifting the heavyweight out off your shoulders. With that, Howlite enables you to rise high.

Your inner power starts to awaken once more, as well as your trust in yourself. Howlite reminds you of your strength in encouraging you to use a channel and harness them for self-healing. This stone nourishes and empowers your heavenly body and shows you the gifts your soul has to offer the world. Similar to Aegirine crystal, it will bestow enlightenment upon you to connect to higher realms and remove the veils that hinder you in achieving life's truths.


Howlite contains both intense energies while calming you holistically. It reminds you that you should embody the softness of the heart when making life decisions. Howlite is reminding you to handle yourselves kindly because significant changes take time and do not occur instantly.

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Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.