Hypnic jerk spiritual meaning: You might not know this! - Spiritual-Galaxy.com

Hypnic jerk spiritual meaning: You might not know this!

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Have you ever been startled while you are sleeping? If yes, what did you do? 

Spiritually, when you have hypnic jerks whenever you sleep, it means that the spirits are trying to communicate with you. It’s a sign that you have to wake up and hear what the universe is saying. 

It’s not a sign that a spirit is trying to scare you; instead, jerking in your sleep is symbolic.

After you wake up from your sleep because of this jerk, your heart suddenly starts beating fast, and you feel somehow scared. 

This is the so-called hypnic jerk. It occurs when you’re just about to doze off. 

Hypnic jerk and its spiritual meanings

Suppose you think that hypnic jerks are just normal and are part of your sleeping cycle. Then, think again. Perhaps, there’s a deeper meaning to why you’re experiencing this.

The most important thing to do is be alert and open-minded whenever you have hypnic jerks in your sleep.

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Be attentive

If you feel that you’re letting your guard down recently, the universe is making a way to call your attention to your carelessness.

The universe will deliver you these hypnic jerks to tell you that there’s danger around you and that you have to be alert. 

It also happens when you’re not attentive to understanding the signs of these hypnic jerks. Therefore, whenever you experience a hypnic jerk in your sleep, you must realize that something dangerous is lurking around to hurt you or bring you down.

God wants you to pray.

In biblical terms, having a hypnic jerk means that God wants you to pray at that time your hypnic jerk happens for these reasons:

  • There’s someone very dear to you that is in near danger
  • An enemy is trying to attract or hurt you
  • When you forget to pray upon entering a new phase of your life, you might miss these opportunities
  • Maybe God wants you to experience spiritual transformation

Whatever the reason may be, you have to ensure that you pray before going to sleep. 

It serves as protection.

Whenever the evil spirits want to do something terrible to you, kill you, or hurt you in your dreamland, the universe will try to wake you by sending you these hypnic jerks.

You need to be cautious whenever you have a hypnic jerk. It’s better to stay awake for a few minutes before you go back to sleep again.

Doing so will prevent the evil spirits from locating you in the dream world and getting lost in the pathway you’re likely to be on. Therefore, it means that whenever you have a hypnic jerk, it’s a sign that the good spirits are trying to protect you from danger in your dream.

Be careful of your actions.

Do you sometimes dream that you’re falling from a building or at the top of a mountain? Whenever you experience this, the universe tells you to be careful of your actions that might seem dangerous.

The universe tells you that you’ve probably been making too many mistakes that can affect your life and growth as an individual.

Why does it happen to me?

Hypnic jerk occurs because you have been losing focus on the spiritual realities. From the moment your soul roams far away from your spirit, the universe will make a way to call your attention and awaken your consciousness to the spirit.

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The universe usually sends hypnic jerk to awaken your consciousness. It uses this as an instrument to bring your soul back in good shape together with the spirit.

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Spiritually, hypnic jerks happen to you because you have become complacent when danger is just lurking around the corner. It happens when the spirits want to talk to you, but your soul doesn’t recognize the signals.

What causes hypnic jerks?

There’s no study or apparent cause of what causes hypnic jerks in most cases. They occur most naturally without any underlying explanation.

However, some ideas and theories are going around about why hypnic jerks occur. Possible reasons include the following:


Exercising is good for the body as it helps blood circulation and stimulates the body. However, exercising late in the evening may make it harder for the body to relax and time for sleep.

Hence, this excess stimulation can lead to hypnic jerks.


Body and brain stimulants, such as nicotine, caffeine, and some drugs, can make falling asleep or staying asleep at night more difficult

The chemicals in these products can prevent the brain from reaching a deep sleep; instead, it causes your brain to startle from time to time.

Stress and anxiety

A stressful lifestyle of feeling anxious can make it difficult to fall asleep or prepare for sleep. 

Also, you can develop anxiety when you start to experience more jerks or twitches about sleeping since you begin to worry about these hypnic jerks.

Poor sleeping habits

Irregular sleeping patterns or sleep deprivation may be linked to hypnic jerks.

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Can you die from hypnic jerk?

While you may temporarily feel you’re in a life or death situation (for example: falling from a building), these hypnic twitches do not last longer than more than a microsecond and do not cause any harm. 

The problem here is that it can lead to severe anxiety, especially if it happens repeatedly. Moreover, it can disrupt your sleep which can lead to more twitching.

Hypnic jerk during daytime

Having a hypnic jerk during daytime might seem unusual, but it also happens. Also, it startles you more than what you feel at night.

Therefore, whenever you experience a hypnic jerk during the day, it tells you that something could happen in your life that will startle you that’s the same as you felt during that time.

Hypnic jerk vitamin deficiency

In addition to the factors that cause hypnic jerks, one possible reason could also be your nutrient-deficient.

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Vitamin D

Take note that Vitamin D is essential in absorbing Calcium in the body, so when the Vitamin D is low, you may experience occasional muscle twitching or spasms in the feet or hands.

Vitamin B12

If you are deficient in Vitamin B12, you can suffer from muscle twitching or spasms, numbness, and you’re feeling restless or weak most of the time.

Calcium and magnesium

A calcium imbalance happens when you have low magnesium levels, or there’s too-high Calcium to magnesium ratio. Magnesium deficiency can cause muscle twitching and spasms. 

It can also cause the Calcium to become too high, which can overstimulate the nerves.

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Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.