Knight of Wands Tarot Card Meaning: Upright & Reversed -

Knight of Wands Tarot Card Meaning: Upright & Reversed

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The Knight of Wands tarot card signifies enthusiasm, focus, confidence, and determination. This card brings an energetic and enthusiastic vibe. 

The upright Knight of Wands in a tarot spread indicates that you have a clear picture of what you want in life. With this, it gives you the motivation and inspiration to take that leap forward in bringing your ideas into reality.

The Knight of Wands card will bring you into a situation where you will meet someone who will enter your life only for a brief moment. This card thrives in a fast-paced environment. 

However, this card's good side assures you that you will accomplish things on time and get things done accordingly.

If you want to discover more about this card and what it means in your life, continue reading on.

Knight of Wands Upright Keywords

  • Enthusiasm
  • Energy
  • Excitement
  • Adventure
  • Brave
  • Fearless
  • Reckless
  • Confident
  • Assertive
  • Unprejudiced
  • Unbiased
  • Perceptive
  • Stubborn
  • Nonconformist
  • Quick-tempered

Knight of Wands Reversed Keywords

  • Procrastination
  • Dissatisfaction
  • Conceited
  • Boastful
  • Egotistic
  • Overconfidence
  • Lack of self-discipline
  • Harsh
  • Disrespectful
  • Impatient
  • Arrogant
  • Dominant
  • Apathetic
  • Reluctance

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Knight of Wands Meaning and Description

The Knight of Wands card is depicted by a knight sitting on his horse wearing a helmet with a fiery flame on top. His clothes were of metal armor that is in flame. 

Below the suit, he wears a yellow shirt with fiery salamander patterns embedded in it. 

The knight is fully geared to battle, judging from his clothes and his horse. However, instead of a sword, the knight can be seen holding a blossoming wand pointing upward. 

The wand symbolizes the knight's enthusiasm and energy for the mission he was sent.

The same with all Wands Court Cards, the backdrop is a dry and barren land with tall mountains in the distance. 

The Knight of Wands signifies that you are about to manifest your goals and dreams. Thus, you must give your best and work your way towards success. 

This minor arcana card talks about courage, confidence, determination, and growth in all aspects of your life. 

Knight of Wands Upright Meaning

The Knight of Wands marks the beginning of your quest to manifest your vision into reality. The upright Knight of Wands card tells you to go forth and be more inspired to pursue your goals. 

This card talks about energy, enthusiasm, and passion for achieving one's goals. Harness these energies the Knight of Wands brings and channel them towards something productive.

Knight of Wands (Upright) in Spirituality

The upright Knight of Wands in a spiritual context tells you that you have recently learned something new about your spirituality. You have found a new spiritual path, and it has inspired you to live life according to God's purpose. 

However, don't let yourself be too indulged. Ensure that the path you are taking is something that you like and want to follow, not because of others' opinions and suggestions. 

Knight of Wands (Upright) in Health

The upright Knight of Wands in relation to your health is a good sign. The card confirms that you are pulsing with positive energy and you have a good lifestyle. 

However, this card has this sense of urgency. So make sure that you do not push yourself to the limit in maintaining a fit lifestyle. 

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Knight of Wands (Upright) in Money and Career

In a financial and career tarot spread, the upright Knight of Wands indicates a good omen and signifies that the odds are in your favor. This card brings high and robust energy that is fueled by passion and enthusiasm. 

Your arms are open to receiving any challenge life may bring. You are ready to jump into the unknown with your determination and passion as your gear to battle. 

You have the skills to get things done, and you will surely attain all your goals. 

The Knight of Wands is related to movement, adventure and represents someone with a nonconformist mind. If you feel stuck in your current job, this card signifies that you need to look for a job that allows you to move around from places and give you freedom in time. 

The upright Knight of Wands also signals good news in the financial aspect of your life. Just make sure you put your money into something you would not later regret.

Knight of Wands (Upright) in Love and Relationships

The Knight of Wands can be a guide when it comes to relationships. You’re someone who has a healthy connection with your partner. 

Perhaps your partner reciprocates the same energy you give. They’re the kind of person who is willing to make huge adjustments.

You are independent, have an open mind, and confident. Having these characteristics makes you look appealing and irresistibly sexy to the opposite sex. 

Knight of Wands Reversed Meaning

The reversed Knight of Wands in a tarot spread signifies that you have this burning passion inside you, but you are unsure whether to follow it. 

You have visionary ideas, making you feel restless, knowing that you might regret it later in life if you don't pursue and turn them into reality. You feel stuck and restricted from taking the steps that you need to do. 

Passiveness and fear stop you from taking the step forward. You are dissatisfied with your current situation, but you are just procrastinating and not doing anything to change your current situation. 

In its extreme nature, the reversed Knight of Wands can be harsh, disrespectful, impatient, arrogant, and dominant. 

On the other hand, this card can also signify that you are too self-centered, boastful, and arrogant. This card tells you to be cautious and avoid being too reckless, or things might not be good for you. 

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Knight of Wands (Reversed) in Spirituality

The reversed Knight of Wands in a spiritual reading signifies that you want to break free from your old religious beliefs and practices. You have come to a realization that it does not work well with you anymore. 

You seek a more in-depth and profound connection to your spiritual self that religion cannot give you. Take things slow and be open with new spiritual learning from the new paths you are about to discover.

Knight of Wands (Reversed) in Health

The reversed Knight of Wands in relation to your health tells you that it is not a good sign. This signifies that you are overdoing everything, and you are on the verge of burnout. 

Knight of Wands (Reversed) in Money and Career

The reversed Knight of Wands in relation to your career and finances is not a good sign. This card signifies that you are losing focus in your career, and you have been procrastinating lately. 

You are too confident about this job that you don't excel that much effort anymore, thinking you would not lose it. 

If this does not resonate with you, perhaps you still don't know what career best suits you. You keep hopping from one job to another, unsure where you are truly headed or what to do with your life. 

Suppose you are planning to invest in a business. This reversed card signifies that now would not be the best time to do so. 

Knight of Wands (Reversed) in Love

The Knight of Wands, in reverse, shows a lack of commitment. You and your person may feel like the spark isn’t there anymore. 

Your relationship doesn’t resemble the slow and steady type. Instead, you prefer to focus on the thrill, excitement, and satisfaction of each other. 

Knight of Wands Yes or No

It's a big yes for the Knight of Wands. This card is courageous and full of determination, as can be seen in the face of the knight in the card. 

The intense energy this card brings gives a boost of encouragement to the person who encountered it in a tarot reading. 

Focus on your goals and plan the next steps that you will take to bring you closer to your goal. Trust that you can overcome any challenges that may come your way. 

You may not notice it, but you are already living the life you have only envisioned before. Keep going!

Knight of Wands Feelings

The Knight of Wands is a card burning with passion and sexuality. If you have a partner, he/she can only view you from a sexual perspective and not on a profound level. 

Your relationship may be superficial, and you both are eachboth each other only to satisfy your carnal pleasures. 

This card can signify as a warning, for the knight does not want to be committed, so be careful if you are looking for a long-term partner, for you will only get your hopes crushed. 

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Knight of Wands Advice

The Knight of Wands advises you to look introspectively in yourself and check for the things you can improve to better. 

This will help you see a clearer picture of what you truly want in life and where you are headed. You have the skills and knowledge to fulfill the job needed. 

However, the road ahead is not an easy one. You will inevitably face setbacks and problems but know that you can all surpass them. 

Knight of Wands Reversed Advice

The Knight of Wands, in reverse, tells you to be cautious. Perhaps you’re taking things too lightly in the present moment. 

 You’re someone who may act impulsively on your choices. 

As a result, this would lead you to clash projects and constantly be overwhelming. 

 Maybe you got carried away with your ideas too much. This can lead you to create a delusion that everything will turn out alright. 

Knight of Wands as a Person

The Knight of Wands as a person is someone who is constantly committed. You may be someone who is willing to exert effort in your career. 

You’re someone who is driven to learn and succeed every day. You believe that your high level of confidence can take you anywhere. 

You’re passionate about everything you do, especially in terms of your career. This is because you’re deeply embedded in your dream career. 

Knight of Wands Reversed as a Person

The Knight of Wands, in reverse, is someone who doesn’t accept defeat. This may present a bad thing if you continue to show your hatred to others. 

You reside with the saying, “Keep your enemies closer.” Instead of making countless friends, you often make enemies. 

You’re someone who can’t accept the fact that you lose. Literary speaking, your pride, and ego are larger than the mountain. 

Knight of Wands Present

In the present, you're planning to take yourself on a trip. Don't hesitate to stay in your home; you deserve some fresh air. 

You're currently improving yourself to become better. Despite accomplishing several goals, you would still choose to improve. 

You now have the life you want the day you had a fallout. You're grateful that you really made it this far

Knight of Wands Past

In the past, you used to make countless impulsive decisions. This led you to have regrets regarding your career, relationships, or academics. 

You used to be impulsive because you thought it would make you better. But it turns out that it only led you to a pothole of frustrations. 

Knight of Wands Future

In the future, you’ll strive more and crave change. You’ll be at a stage in your life wherein you need to be better and do more. 

The future encourages you to be more careful in making decisions. You need to avoid instances of acting impulsively out of nowhere. 

You’ll be working on more projects in the future. This will serve as an opportunity to bolster your self-confidence. 

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Knight of Wands as How Someone Feels About You

Someone feels like you’re always excited to be with. This is specifically in terms of going on a vacation or a road trip. 

This person feels like everything is light whenever they’re with you. This is because you make their life easier by looking on the positive side. 

You’re someone they want to get to know more. Perhaps they wish to ask for advice in regard to their career. 

Knight of Wands Outcome

The outcome will lead you to start a new adventure. This adventure is beneficial in order to improve yourself to be the best version. 

You’re prepared to enter this adventure with the willingness to learn. You’ll accept criticisms from left to right for better performance. 

This may also be a sign of going on a business trip. Take this as an opportunity to interact with yourself and with nature. 

Knight of Wands Pregnancy and Fertility

The Knight of Wands can indicate a sign of pregnancy. It looks like you’re going to tap into your inner child for this experience.

You’re preparing yourself to enter the stage of parenthood. You’re willing to make huge adjustments, even if it relates to your enthusiasm. 

Don’t worry; your child will be the lucky star of the show.

Knight of Wands Energy

The Knight of Wands card has an intense energy that craves success. You’re probably hyping yourself up in order to join the long race.

Perhaps you’ll finally work on a new project that will raise your spirit. You’re willing to pour in your hard work and determination for this. 

Knight of Wands as Action

The Knight of Wands, as an action, symbolizes your strong desire to say “GO!” You’re willing to bring yourself to another significant challenge. 

If you want to achieve something, you’ll do anything to claim it. But there are times when you intentionally hurt others because of your aim for success. 

 You’re someone who can also have a temper sometimes. This is the result when you don’t always get what you want. 

Knight of Wands as Intention

The Knight of Wands card as intention relies on your dreams. You either have good or bad intentions while you’re achieving your goals. 

This could be about the way you treat others while reaching your goals. Perhaps you’re someone who will intentionally drag someone down.

Or you could be someone who encourages the other to stay motivated. You’re willing to improve yourself because you know it’s for the best. 

Knight of Wands as How Someone Sees You

Someone views you as a beautiful and passionate individual. You never fail to bring out the aesthetic details in everything you do. 

This person thinks you’re physically exquisite. They may often see you stand out on a busy street or a wave of a crowd. 

This person admires your side of going for an adventure. You never fail to show them that beautiful things are always evident. 

You’re someone whom they think is a true inspiration. This person appreciates your consistency in terms of achieving your goals. 

You’re fearfully and wonderfully made. You’re pretty on the inside and the outside. 

Knight of Wands Time Frame

The Knight of Wands can have a specific time frame. An event may unexpectedly enter your life in terms of building your self-confidence. 

The Knight of Wands has an association with the sign Sagittarius. A specific period may start from November 23 up to December 21. 

 Another specific period may start from November 13 up to December 12. Don’t worry much about the result; this is most likely a joyous event. 

But keep in mind that you should prepare yourself. It’s important that you’re prepared for what you’ll do, say, or act. 

And remember, you’ll always be a mega superstar. 

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Knight of Wands as a Woman

The Knight of Wands as a woman is someone who has high spirits. You may be someone who constantly wants to focus on your career. 

You’re someone who is willing to take action. You won’t stop until you achieve your long-term goals.

People may view you as physically attractive. And they would also think that you’re more than just a pretty face. 

Knight of Wands as a Man

The Knight of wands as a man is someone who desires to succeed. You’re willing to face constant struggles in order to be where you need to be. 

You’re someone who is passionate in terms of your career. People would often notice how you work very hard to gain productivity. 

You show your masculine side to boost your confidence. As a result, you have the ability to have a strong influence on others.

Knight of Wands Communication

The Knight of Wands serves as an essential sign for communication. This card encourages you to SPEAK TRUTH TO POWER. 

 If you’re hesitating to speak up, have the courage to stand up. You have the capability and free will to express whatever desires you have. 

 You’ll learn about life in the most difficult way. You need to realize that people are not mind readers; we don’t usually possess telepathic skills. 

Knight of Wands Reconciliation

The Knight of Wands card is a positive sign for reconciliation. This may be the time for a past person to approach and reunite with you. 

This person can be competitive and energetic in terms of winning you back. Perhaps you have a long line of suitors waiting for your approval.

Knight of Wands Physical Appearance

The Knight of Wands card can have a specific physical appearance. You may be someone who's into sports and other outdoor activities. 

You're energetic because you're or used to be a student-athlete. You often dedicate your time, effort, and hard work to doing what you love. 

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Knight of Wands Reversed Outcome

The outcome will lead you to restrict yourself from growing. You continue to refuse the idea that change is better rather than staying the same. 

 Your bag isn’t yet ready for an adventure. You remained in your normal state; you’re still stagnant and discouraged. 

 Delays will occur in terms of opportunities, results, projects, and travel. As a result, this will enable you to slowly lose your motivation.

Knight of Wands Reversed Pregnancy

The Knight of Wands, in reverse, shows that you’re not currently fit for pregnancy. This may be due to the fact that you’re still unstable. 

You’re unstable in terms of being physically or mentally ready. You already have all the tools laid out for you, but you only reject these. 

You’re not ready to enter the stage of parenthood. You believe you have many responsibilities at hand. 

Knight of Wands Friendship

The Knight of Wands in friendship may indicate that a trip will take place. This is a great opportunity for you and your friends to relax.

You've been friends with genuine people for a long time. And you'll always be thankful for their existence. 

Take this trip as an opportunity to spend time together. You deserve this after spending countless efforts on your current work. 

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Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.