Letting Go of Twin Flame: Here’s how to do it - Spiritual-Galaxy.com

Letting Go of Twin Flame: Here’s how to do it

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The twin flame journey has different stages, and you go through them wherever you are. It is a process in which one must participate in growing and developing oneself.

You have been carrying this burden for a long time, and you need to release it. The importance of mental and emotional health also takes part in this process.

You get confused about whether to let go of your twin flame or not. But as you continue to read this article, you'll discover there's something more.

Nothing is impossible, and it's all a matter of perspectives. There is much more depth to this, and you’ll have to dive deep into it.

It is vital so that you can understand more about how you can let go of our twin flame and why.  


Learn how to get rid of the negative energy that is holding you back from your dreams and live your life to the fullest.

How to let go of your twin flame?

Let go of our twin flame is not always easy, but it is possible. You can let go of our twin flame if you work on it and prepare yourself right.

Letting go of our twin flame can be done in stages. The first stage is the most difficult, but going through it will make you stronger.

It would help if you detached from the twin flame before letting them go completely. It allows you to practice not having them beside you slowly.

It is imperative to know that you are not going crazy, but you are doing the right thing. This is the first step to letting go of your twin flame.

The second step is to divert your thoughts to the bright side of things. Thinking about them will make you gloomy.

Flip it and turn to the silver lining so that you can cheer up. Surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you especially during this painful situation.

Whether your friends or family, you know they are always there for you. You spend some time with them like dinner dates, family brunch, or afternoon tea.

As you spend time with them, you will realize that many people love you. You are not alone on this earth, and you have other people to support you.

It is also a great opportunity to reflect on everything that has happened. Being away from your twin flame allows you to grow as an individual.

You get to face endeavors and conquer them along the way. It boosts your confidence and morale, being able to accomplish so many things during the separation.

If you do not do anything, you will get stuck in the feeling. You are likely to self-pity and retract yourself from the world.

In my case, I was in a really dark place before I met my twin flame. I worked two jobs, struggled to pay bills and barely made it through.

After meeting him, I started a business and easily earned $11,300 the initial month, moved into a bigger place, and I’ve never looked back. You can speed up your twin flame’s journey to you by identifying them.
>>> My Friend Psychic Jane clairvoyant can see your twin flame and sketch them for you.
(P.S. Finding your twin flame is a meeting of souls, and could lead to a tumultuously hot ‘bedroom’ experience.)

You may also find this interesting:  How To Cope With Twin Flame Separation And Celibacy?

The third step is to start loving yourself and focus on your spiritual growth. You need to love yourself first before you can love another person.

You need to love yourself and be happy with who you are because you are unique and amazing. As the love grows and spreads, you can love someone who feels the same as you.

You can't let go of your twin flame because you are still entangled with your twin flame.

You are still connected to them, and maybe you are not ready to let go of them. You are still attached to them because you have unfinished business with them.

Though it is understandable and challenging, letting go allows you to be free. It would help if you did not cage yourself into linear thinking.

It is because the Universe has its way of surprising you. It has its mysterious ways that make life worth living.

Your “me time” is also remarkable because you get to do things on your own again. You feel empowered being able to eat, shop and watch movies alone.

You heal personal traumas, and you will realize that everyone has issues to work on. Many who have experienced some kind of relationship problems will also feel confused.

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They become unsure about their lives and the purpose of why these things happened to them. They may feel like they are in a place where they don't know what to do or what to think.

You may be one of them as you go through this stage, and it's okay. You should not feel sorry for yourself or have negative thoughts.

That's why it is important to be aware of our emotions and feelings. It would help to think that you’re not suffering alone.

It is because many twin flames have already experienced it. Others may have a much more complicated situation than yours, to begin with.

For a long time, you struggled with this concept of “letting go.” You didn’t know what to do and how to do it.

Confusion emerges because you feel like you should never let go of your twin flame. Some believe that letting go for a short period actually accelerates you forward in the journey.

It would help if you tried to understand your feelings and thoughts better. It can be a great time to assess yourself what makes you happy.

It will show when you finally decide that you want to move on. And not just to appear like you are moving on.

How to move on after letting go of your twin flame?

When you stop thinking about your twin flame, you shift your central focus on yourself. You will then recognize that you are already whole.

Before, you might see that only another person can complete you, but you lose sight of what's true. You are complete and whole, but you tend to forget it.

However, no matter how you want to stop thinking about them, you can't do it totally. The twin flame connection doesn't go away so easily.

They are your mirror soul, so you cannot block them out from your mind. But you can relieve yourself every time they come to your mind sometimes.

If you are no longer fixated on them, you are likely to disassociate the feeling of loss with them. You won't feel any negative emotions, lose sleep or worry about them.

You don't have to wait for message replies or calls from them. You learn to be alone but not lonely, but be independent instead.

It can be scary and disturbing initially, but you change perspectives as you dedicate yourself to it.

You slowly begin to have closure and start the healing process. You'll find out that some traumas you experience with them are exposing yours.

But this time, you face it without them because if you don't, it continues to resurface. You might be thinking of hiding on your couch and crying every night.

Or you jump from one relationship to another to forget your twin flame. But it can actually do more harm than any good if your approach is like this.

If it’s your coping mechanism for the pain, you are hurting others and yourself even more. When you distract yourself from the main problem, it never gets solved.

The cycle continues, becoming an eternal habit that keeps on repeating. But when you connect and become conscious of your pain, you develop compassion.

You would appreciate your twin flame moments rather than long or hate them. You start to see pain as a learning experience that is teaching you.

You may also find this interesting:  Twin Flame Separation Pain (Complete Guide): Why Is It So Bad?

Be conscious of what you say to yourself. The words you always say become you, so take those negative thoughts out of the window.

I believe that you should help each other get through the tough times in your lives. You should not feel sorry but be grateful for the things that you have in your life.

If you don't have anything, which is impossible, then you shouldn't complain. There are so many great things happening around you so take a closer look.

There are many enough reasons to be happy and have a great life. If you are not yet satisfied, then you should work on improving.

For sure, many people have been through a relationship filled with pain, heartbreak, and confusion. The good thing is that it is possible to overcome them.

You can learn from your mistakes, become wiser, and avoid making them again. It is not about suppressing emotions or judging others but more about discovering your core.

You allow your values and beliefs to emerge as you accept your weaknesses and flaws.

Understand that you can't control everything in life, and it's okay to be imperfect. Sometimes, you may need to let go of things that are dragging you down.

Moreover, you begin to make bolder steps like cutting cords with toxic people. If that raises your frequency, then go for it.  

It helps your mental and emotional health to be better. Letting go of a situation that is bothering you may be right before it’s too late to do that.

Letting go of our twin flame is a journey itself. You are both constantly growing and learning.

If you want to stay healthy and have a strong relationship, you have to let go of things that are holding you back.

You can make some important decisions about your future. Choose what matters to you about finances, careers, relationships, and spiritual development.

It gives you both time to heal and be better versions of yourselves before coming back together. What's crucial is that you take a step back and make some necessary changes in your life.

I actually wrote an article about Twin Flame Pain, which you might be interested in. 

You may also find this interesting:  Twin Flames Reunion Signs and Symptoms: You Should Look For

Trust in yourself and the process the Universe is serving. It is tough, but it requires the willingness to accept pain, heal and cultivate self-love.

You wouldn't feel anything missing, but you can see that you are worthy of love. Your twin flame may or may not reconnect with you in a union.

But the spiritual growth you experience in your journey is life-changing. You become grateful that it happened for you to see your value.

You set yourself and your twin flame free because the attachment creates pain. When you let go, you’ll find your peace.

Open yourself to what the Universe has in store for you and be ready to receive them.

If you are unaware or unsure about your twin flame, my talented friend Psychic Jane can draw what your Twin Flame looks like. Discover what your Twin Flame looks like here >>

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Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.