Mercury Conjunct Saturn: Getting Around Communication Barriers -

Mercury Conjunct Saturn: Getting Around Communication Barriers

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Mercury Traits

The planet Mercury's name came from the Roman messenger of the gods. He is fast, as he wears winged sandals, which help him move around and deliver messages. These traits correlate to Mercury in astrology. Mercury signifies communication and its delivery, like the messenger god. Mercury reveals how you communicate and how you deliver them. Are you a funny storyteller? Do you get all your points straight across in your conversations? When you look at your Mercury, it can show if you deliver your thoughts aggressively or sweetly.

Mercury is also concerned with your information and thought processing. Do you gain interest in exchanging information? How do you put together the words you want to say? The thought process for Mercury encompasses not only the intellect itself. It also includes the subconscious and unconscious.

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Mercury is the fastest planet to revolve around the Sun. Taking this fact in our heads, Mercury, in astrology, governs quick movements. It is all about cycling, jogging, even working out. This planet is also concerned with rapid reflexes. It only takes 88 days for Mercury to complete its revolution. What a short time, huh? In astrology, Mercury relates to quick trips. It can be from work to home or school to home or a visit to a nearby town. These trips also encompass weekend getaways and commuting.

Saturn Traits

Saturn is the god of agriculture. Widely believed to be also the god of wealth, he is also associated with time and periodic renewal. The nurturing god of agriculture embodies the planet. Like its namesake rules, planet Saturn relates to stewardship and maturity. This ringed planet signifies responsibility and duties.

Saturn shows us how we face and carry our responsibility. Do we do avoid them? Do we take it the best way we can? Saturn looks at our maturity to handle responsibility and duties. Saturn reminds us that although life is a carefree journey, we should not forget that we have responsibilities. Life is not always about being free; Saturn restrains us by binding us with our duties. Because of this fact, Saturn also represents boundaries and limitations.

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Saturn will limit the personal planet's effect when Saturn aligns with personal planets. Saturn signifies discipline. Because of this representation, Saturn embodies fathers, teachers, and persons holding authority. These people are responsible for the children and people in their care. Their duty to these people is always above everything else.

At the outset, Saturn seems to be limiting us and our capabilities. But in reality, Saturn helps us to be grounded and balanced. We can both enjoy life by living it to the fullest and being faithful to our responsibilities. Saturn helps us to achieve our mature selves. Bear in mind that this planet does not mean harm in any way. This planet helps us in being responsible people. It helps us balance our lives by taking on responsibilities and having fun as well.

Mercury Conjunct Saturn

Mercury Conjunct Saturn Natal

Since Saturn limits Mercury in this transit, people born in this aspect are not expressive. People born under Mercury conjunct Saturn are not comfortable in saying their thoughts. Because these people are aware of what others may think, they always limit the things they say. They find it hard to express their thoughts and emotions.

When communication is limited, the things these people say are always filtered. Mercury conjunct Saturn people always rewind the conversations they had. They would often beat themselves up for saying something they shouldn't or not saying something they should. Similar to the Venus-Saturn aspects, Mercury-Saturn people are doubtful about their communication skills. These people have built-in machinery that limits them from communicating properly.

But despite their poor communication skills, these people are highly intellectual. Mercury conjunct Saturn people are just self-conscious and overthinkers. These people need constant acknowledgment and validation. They might appear to do well despite the lack of compliments. But they crave one.

But enough of the bad. Here's the good thing about these people: they tend to study things not only on the surface. Mercury conjunct Saturn will dive to the deep depths to understand something. This discipline is what makes an intellectual. These people like to study and focus on it. Various topics fascinate them. They would like to get to the bottom of everything that is a point of interest.

These people have an admirable work ethic. They are hard workers, organized, and detail-oriented, and hard workers. Mercury conjunct Saturn people are efficient and ambitious. But with their hard work and efficiency, they can achieve their goals. These people are natural skeptics. When there is no hard evidence on things presented to them, they would not believe in it. These people will organize a fact-finding committee to find out the truth.

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Mercury Conjunct Saturn Transit

Just like the Mercury-Venus aspects, Mercury conjunct Saturn transit induces critical thinking and mind work. When this time comes, there may be an urge to overthink and be worried about everything. People can be prone to depressive episodes, and one might find it hard to get through it.

This transit can also bring communication defects. There may be a lot of misunderstandings, or you limit the things you say. This transit is a difficult time for partners since communication is not in the best shape. Some words may come across as painful and scathing. The words may cause breakdowns and rejections.

To survive this time, always fill your head with positive thoughts. Divert your mind to doing something you've always love to do. This event is a great time to take some classes or subjects you are curious to know. This event is a great time to take on paper works and focus on work. There would be an urge to be detail-oriented and attentive. Take advantage of these urges and focus on something productive. It is also an excellent time to set long-term plans.

This transit may bring you people who need advice. You may act as their mentor or someone who holds authority. But be careful. This transit may bring disagreements with your elders or persons in charge. Try to calm yourself down and internalize your respect for them.

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Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.