Neptune in 8th House: Your Intuitions Can Make or Break You -

Neptune in 8th House: Your Intuitions Can Make or Break You

When Neptune is in the 8th House, you can look at life differently.

Life is just a normal thing for people. We live, we survive, we do things we want each day.

Life in this world is just ordinary for people without this placement. However, if you have Neptune in 8th House, you are unique.

You can get involved in spiritual relations with this placement. You have high intuitions in various things.

You can feel unseen, and you can be close to them. The Neptune in the 8th House is a unique planetary position.

The Neptune in the 8th House sets no boundaries in various life aspects. You are capable of doing and imagining anything you want.

The Neptune in the 8th House is quite dark, but it is unique.

Neptune in 8th House Meaning

When Neptune is in the 8th House, you get so much intuition.

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The Neptune in the 8th House talks about deep emotions, finances, partnerships, and many more. This placement has a lot of things that you deserve to know.

When you have Neptune in the 8th House, you have a way to finance. You can inherit or share your finances with other people.

The Neptune in the 8th House also talks about intuitive feelings. This placement emphasizes the good things you can receive in life.

Neptune is a planet of ideals. It represents intuitions, delusions, dreams, spirituality, and compassion.

Neptune is a psychic planet that can do a lot in your life. It is a planet connected to everything unseen in life.

The 8th House is a planet of transformation, sex, and death. These animalistic instincts will make you go through occult situations in life.

The 8th House will remind you to be aware of your desires. Life is short, not to live the way you want to.

It is okay to give in on things you want in life. We will all pass away one day, so we have to take opportunities.

When Neptune is in the 8th House, you will have a way of dealing with your issues.

The Neptune in the 8th House will help you look for ways to guarantee a promising future.

Many people with the Neptune in the 8th House can experience struggle. There will be a lot of confusion existing in your life.

You may struggle to collaborate with other people to establish things you have to build.

Neptune in 8th House Personality

You are an intuitive person when you have Neptune in the 8th House. It emphasizes how you can get the good stuff in your life.

The Neptune in the 8th House makes you abandon limits for things you desire. You like to seek goodness in every feeling you get in every situation.

You can be a very spiritual person. You can have experiences with paranormal activities because of your great interest in them.

You pay great attention to your visualization and dreams about life. You like to see the world the way you can portray it.

Neptune can create confusion or disillusionment. So when it comes to transactions, you may feel overwhelmed with your decisions.

You like to observe the things happening around you. While you watch details, you analyze the situation too.

You have good attention to detail that people appreciate.

Since you dream and visualize a lot, you enjoy role-playing in bed. You have sexual fantasies you want to fulfill.

These fantasies can make you feel satisfied once performed in action.

You can be chaotic when it comes to budgeting. You can spend a lot while being generous at the same time.

You give more than you receive from people. You feel good once you make other people feel good.

Neptune in 8th House Positive Traits

When you have Neptune in the 8th House, you become analytical. You do not just push through things you face in life.

You know how to face situations and what to do with them. You analyze things clearly to understand the benefits you can attain from them.

Your intuitions can help with your analysis. You are also sensitive, which you can portray differently.

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The Neptune in the 8th House makes you a giver. You like to give people the things they deserve.

It does not matter for you if they cannot give back. So long as you see them happy, your heart is happy too.

You don't mind being super generous. You like to please people.

However, deception can catch you easily once your partner takes advantage of you.

When Neptune is in the 8th House, you become very decisive. This decisiveness comes together with your analysis.

Your deeply intuitive nature brings the best thoughts and ideas out of your mind. These ideas can help you widely in things you decide in life.

You are a spiritual person, and you love doing spiritual-related activities.

When it comes to inheritance, good luck may not be that abundant. This can make you impulsive as time goes by.

You like to let your guard down easily. You can let anyone take anything you have because you do not care.

You don't mind about what will be left in your wallet.

Neptune in 8th House Negative Traits

When Neptune is in the 8th House, you can become impulsive.

Yes, you are a highly generous person. You like to give people the things that can make them happy.

You like to spend a lot on others rather than yourself.

However, you can forget about yourself too much. You may forget about your worth and your value.

You can become impulsive and please others too much. It will make you feel hurt at the end of the day.

Many people will take advantage of you. With Neptune in the 8th House, you are too kind to people.

They will take advantage of you when it comes to financial aspects. You may not realize it, but people can keep on deceiving you.

You have no limits in your life decisions. This can make you very moody because of your choices.

You can also become impulsive about yourself. Your impulsiveness will make you mad.

You can become stubborn when things do not go your way.

People can have a difficult time dealing with you. You have an extended mind filled with thoughts.

Your thoughts can make you the happiest or the saddest. This situation can make some of you suicidal.

You tend to overthink because of your intuitions. Death will always be in your head, and it will never leave.

Neptune in 8th House Marriage

When it comes to marriage, you are passionate about your partner.

Your partner must be someone you can lean on to. Remember, you are a highly intuitive person.

You feel so much, and you can be sensitive over little things. You like to visualize situations and dream about them.

You even have delusions and imaginations. So, when it comes to marriage life, your partner must be understanding.

Neptune in the 8th House makes you a very spiritual person. You devote yourself to things you like and love in life.

When it comes to marriage, you like to intertwine your soul with your partner. You want to merge with your partner with no boundaries completely.

The Neptune in the 8th House has no boundaries in death, sex, and transformation. So, when it comes to marriage life, you don't have a limit even in sex life.

You want to loosen yourself up in the relationship entirely. You want a partner who can give you a good spiritual connection.

You have so many fantasies in your life. You imagine a lot of things.

When it comes to your marriage and sex life, you can feel unsatisfied. You have a lot of things in your head.

Your partner may not attain your wants in sexual engagement.

You can also be discriminatory when choosing your spouse. Your intuitions can make you a mean partner.

Neptune in 8th House Death

When Neptune is in the 8th House, death is not taboo. You can be very open when we talk about death.

One of the things the 8th House rules is death. This enigmatic part of astrology is one of the most critical periods in our lives.

The 8th House links death and rebirth in it. It can be something when we talk about this part of the placement.

A death pays for the life we had in the world. The 8th House is responsible for that situation.

When Neptune is in the 8th House, you can be challenging to deal with.

You are a person with an expansive mind and feelings. You have great intuitions about the surroundings.

You can fantasize and dream about things. However, if things are too much, you are hard to approach.

You can bring out your suicidal thoughts with matters about death. You are open to talking about it, but people will be uncomfortable listening.

You can be very dark when it comes to death. Although you know it is a life situation, you're hard to deal with.

Your dark thoughts will channel when people discuss death.

Your cause of death can be uncertain. There will be so much confusion at the moment of death.

You can die through alcohol, drugs, poison, or even suicide.

Neptune in 8th House Career

You can use your intuition skills in your career.

Like Midheaven in Pisces, your great intuitions can bring you good work. It will be a job that you will love.

You will entertain people and know about their thoughts and feelings. You will be there to help them with the things they need.

When Neptune is in the 8th House, you can become a great psychologist. The field of psychology will help you channel your abilities.

You can also be in other unique works to use your intuitions. You can work for something that involves dreams, delusions, imaginations, and many more.

This way, you will have an easy career to fill your passion. You can also be working on occult subjects to explore life.

Life has something more to offer. You will be interested in exploring the undiscovered part of life.

You can be very open to poltergeists, spirits, and other unseen forces. Your spiritual interest can make you closer to these eternal unseen beings.

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Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.