North Node in Aries: Breaking Free from Dependency and Becoming the Hero -

North Node in Aries: Breaking Free from Dependency and Becoming the Hero

Please email me at karen[at] if you have any questions. I pick up on your energy and let you know what I can see with regards to your question. These are direct from spirit and no cards are used. I will do my best to answer them :)

Discovering one’s purpose can sometimes be challenging. The distractions and problems facing us every day may cause us to lose sight of what we want.

Some people turn to the stars for guidance. Whenever we feel lost, the signs are always there, ready to help. Learning about the sign position of your north node is one way to do that. Below is an article for Aries north node natives who want to know more about themselves.

Aries Soul Destiny vs. Libra Karmic Past

The north node and south node are two points in the astrological chart. They directly oppose one another and have a significant influence on your life.

The south node represents your karma. The north node, meanwhile, indicates the purpose you need to fulfill in this lifetime. The interaction of these two dictates which path you are going to take.

Libra is the sign opposite Aries. While Aries is known for its assertiveness and boldness, Libra is recognized for its tact and diplomacy.

In your past life, you may have been very selfish. To compensate for that, you put everyone’s needs first before yourself. You want to do what you think is good for the people around you. As a result, you lead a life focused on keeping relationships at your expense.

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This life is meant for you to balance it out. The presence of Aries in your north node indicates you must become more independent and courageous.

Aries meets Libra

Throughout your early life, you have focused on the needs of others before your own. Being sociable, fair, and diplomatic are trademark Libra qualities. You don’t want conflict, so you try to be good in the eyes of everyone else.

However, once you reach mid-adulthood, you find yourself suppressed. You may be unable to express what you feel or have trouble saying what’s in your mind. This is where Aries's qualities must come into play.

Aries is a sign recognized for being daring and expressive. It’s your life goal to learn those qualities. For a long time, you lived in your comfort zone of peace and harmony. But this is the moment for you to step out of it and head courageously.

Your spiritual growth will only begin when you break free from those chains that bind you.

Strengths of North Node Aries

With the sign of Libra in your south node, you possess charming qualities. You like to be surrounded by people. You believe in fairness and equanimity.

  • Charming and Sociable

Natives born within this north node group are known for their enormous charm. People like to be around them because they love being around people, too.

With their outgoing nature, it’s no surprise if they can find friends easily. They also believe in the power of social connection and want harmony in every social setting they’re in.

  • An Eye for Beauty

People in this group love aesthetically pleasing things. They are elegant, sophisticated, and graceful. They have a refined taste and are artistic by nature.

  • Fairness and Diplomacy

The scales are the symbol of Libra. It makes sense since these natives love balance, so they do their best to treat everyone fairly. They are also excellent when it comes to making compromises.

Their love for harmony makes them great peacekeepers. They also try to find common ground between them and other people. As much as possible, these natives don’t want any trouble.

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Challenges in North Node Aries

Their non-confrontational and peace-loving nature comes with negative attributes. These traits are the obstacles that stop them from growing spiritually. Aries north node natives must know what they are to overcome them and succeed.

  • Fear of Independence

These natives can be so attached to their relationships that they become too dependent. They become overly reliant on others, even in the smallest decisions. They even fear being alone, as they feel more comfortable and safe within groups.

  • Indecisiveness

With their love for balance, these natives struggle to make a decision. They spend a lot of time weighing the pros and cons. Because of this, they may end up compromising or complicating things.

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  • Desire to Please

People within this north node group are also notorious people-pleasers. Their desire for connection and thirst for approval makes them want to be good in the eyes of everyone. They don’t express their wants because they feel they need to make up for their past life of selfishness.

  • Avoidance of Conflict

Any kind of conflict is unbearable to these natives. If a dispute arises, they will try to get out of it. They dislike dissonance, so they often want to smoothen it out fast and seek compromise.

They don’t want people to think negatively of them. So, they will try to keep the peace as much as possible, even if it means letting people walk all over them.

It’s not that they can’t be angry or anything. These natives struggle to express their rage because they want approval from everyone. They suppress their anger that sometimes it reaches the point they become passive-aggressive.

  • Staying in the Support Role

It may be because of their desire for harmony that they tend to shun the spotlight. They prefer to give their attention and power to others. Their overly compromising nature makes them struggle to develop their own identities. They usually want others to have control rather than taking the lead themselves.

Your North Node Aries Life Journey

If staying in the background is an Aries north node’s comfort zone, learning how to take the main role will help them grow. For someone who spent their previous lifetime's nourishing relationships, they may struggle to learn how to be themselves.

The transformation isn’t going to be easy. It takes a lot of courage to take a stand. To live a purposeful life, you must be willing to become your own hero.

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  • Value Yourself

The foundation of every successful and fulfilling existence is learning to love yourself. It isn’t bad to put yourself first before everyone else. You can’t be there for someone if you put your needs first.

Find the strength within yourself. Know that your worth isn’t based on what people think of you. Developing self-confidence is your first step to your destination.

  • Learn to Stand Up for Oneself

Your voice deserves to be heard by people, especially if it’s someone close to you. You aren’t supposed to please them all the time. If your happiness and well-being are at risk, it’s time to fight back. Practice open communication and don’t deny yourself of your needs.

  • Express Anger in a Healthy Way

You may have a hard time expressing yourself. However, it’s good to keep in mind expressing dissent or dissatisfaction is also necessary. It keeps the relationship healthy. Learn how to handle anger the right way to achieve true inner peace.

  • Becoming Independent

Going out on your own without needing other people’s approval can be scary. The only way to do that is by learning to take risks. Individuation is necessary so you can do the things you want.

Also, don’t be afraid to act on your impulses. Discover more on your own. You are an individual that has the power to control your life. Stop being the victim by learning that you can stand on your own.

Don’t wait for the others. Instead, take the reins.

Journeying Through This Lifetime as an Aries North Node Native

This lifetime is meant for you to become the leader. If you have concentrated on being the mediator in the past, now you must learn to be more assertive. With your compassion and talent in creating social connections, you can become a charismatic and bold leader at the same time.

Like all journeys faced by other natives, the road ahead is full of hardships to overcome. Step out into the open and take on what life throws at you. You are on a journey to self-discovery. This is one of the best things that can happen to an individual.

The battle you’re going to face is balancing your needs and the others. You are an individual with immense potential. Continue to explore, and you may discover surprising things about yourself. You may learn to do something you never thought you could do.

Your soul mission is to transform from someone dependent on others to become the hero of your own. You are on a journey to become the master of your fate. Prioritize your goals and work towards achieving them.

Start by trusting yourself. You are capable of many things and can stand alone. True, being a leader can be lonely. But there are lots of rewards to reap by being the one at the forefront.

It’s learning how to be self-reliant and self-sufficient. Now is the time for you to be the one people can depend on. It’s time to stop being dependent on others. By showing the courage to move forward, you show people that they can, too.

Take action. If you have a goal but is too concerned about other people’s opinion, then learn not to be bothered by it. Be honest, speak out your mind, and shout to the world what you want.

This is your time, so seize the moment.

It may feel you are fighting against the world. But victory is only achievable if you grab it with your hands. Take the spotlight, and show everyone who you are. You can only grow if you learn to be assertive, bold, and independent.

Famous Aries North Nodes

Meryl Streep

Winston Churchill


Will Smith

Hugh Jackman


Jul 18, 2023 –Jan 11, 2025

Dec 27, 2004 – Jun 22, 2006

Apr 7, 1986 – Dec 2, 1987

Aug 20, 1967 – Apr 19, 1969

Jan 27, 1949 – Jul 26, 1950

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Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.