North Node in Libra: Controlling One’s Impulses and Creating Stronger Relationships -

North Node in Libra: Controlling One’s Impulses and Creating Stronger Relationships

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It’s important to know, or at least have a sense, of what your life purpose is. It gives you direction. It provides your existence more meaning. More importantly, it can answer complex questions in our life that we can’t easily address.

If you’re unsure what it is, you can look into the signs for a clue. The north node placement on the day of your birth greatly influences your life. For Libra north node natives, the theme of your journey is about balancing your needs and others.

Libra Soul Destiny vs. Aries Karmic Past

In the birth chart, the north node represents your soul’s purpose in this life. Natives are born possessing south node qualities in them. However those attributes may have helped them in the past, it can bring about negative influence in their lives.

A person’s journey starts by leaving the south node. In other words, it means shedding those traits that don’t serve them anymore.

Additionally, the south node also reflects who they have been during their past lifetimes. Libra north node natives used to live freely and independently from others because of the presence of Aries in the south node. They are self-reliant and know what they want.

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With their tendency to overly focus on themselves, Libra north node natives can become too arrogant and stubborn. They may also put themselves first without realizing they already have stepped on others.

In this lifetime, these natives are destined to overcome those selfish impulses. They need to learn to connect with others. It’s their goal to give selflessly and lead a more harmonious life.

Libra meets Aries

Libra and Aries are situated directly opposite each other. Whereas Libra is more of a diplomat and focused on nurturing relationships, Aries is more straightforward and individualistic.

Libra north node natives are bold, daring, and have a strong sense of identity. This may have caused them to become conflicted with others even in their earlier years. People may become annoyed with their “me-first” attitude and competitiveness. When others express disagreement against them, they may take it personally.

It’s their goal to attain positive Libra attitudes to have a more fulfilling life. Libra is known for its love for balance, aesthetically pleasing things, and intimacy, in relevance to Libra rising. They want peace, fairness, and beauty in everything. They’re masters of cultivating and nourishing relationships.

These natives already know themselves well. What they need in this lifetime is fostering better relationships with people around them. They must learn the importance of giving and self-sacrifice. With this, they can have a more fulfilling and happier life.

Strengths of North Node Libra

Natives within this north node group are known for their bravery. They like to go to places where none have ever gone before. They are self-sufficient and can usually work on tasks by themselves.

  • Independent and a Strong Sense of Self

All their lives, these natives know they can rely on themselves. They don’t usually seek help, even in challenging situations. They have a keen sense of who they are. Because of this trait, they can quickly move forward without hesitation. They are courageous and are risk-takers.

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  • Courage

These people know when to take a stand. They can defend themselves and wouldn’t let others take advantage of them. When faced with risk, they are confident they can handle it and take on the challenge without fear.

  • Talent for Leadership

Their bold and independent nature makes them capable leaders. They are willing to take charge and don’t mind walking ahead in front of others. They like being the one who takes the wheel.

Challenges in North Node Libra

They can become too competitive and tactless to the point of hurting a person’s feelings. They also tend to focus on themselves too much. Because of those traits, they can lose sight of other people’s well-being in the process.

  • Impulsiveness

These natives can be too passionate and rash. They make hasty decisions and sometimes without regard for someone else. They have a tendency to charge ahead without thinking of other people’s needs or opinions.

  • Self-Absorbed

Libra north node people focus on themselves too much. They may even think that everything happens for them, even if it doesn’t have anything to do with them at all. They tend to act on themselves without asking for feedback. They may be more concerned about their own survival rather than the good of the whole group.

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  • Too Much Self-Reliance

Because they spend a lot of their time being solo, they struggle to cooperate with others. They may even think it’s OK to work alone without any help. But deep inside them, they crave connection and relationships.

  • Selfishness

With their impulsive and selfish tendencies, Libra north node natives tend to prioritize themselves. This may sometimes result in sacrificing relationships. Their competitiveness makes them want to win every time.

  • Arrogance

Libra north node natives have a hard time handling conflicts. They can sometimes be too arrogant and willful. This may cause them to snap at the littlest things. It can cause a strain in a relationship that could have been handled better or more peacefully.

Your North Node Libra Life Journey

Your north node Libra path demands you to become more diplomatic in your approach. Learning how to compromise and make peace with others are what you need. The connection you have been longing for all your life will only be achieved if you practice putting other people’s needs before your own.

  • Putting Others Before Self

This lifetime needs you to become more aware of others’ wants and needs. You do not walk into this world alone. Even without admitting to it, you long for companionship and connection with other people. This is what you should strive for.

Consider other people’s feelings and well-being before you make a decision. Whether it’s something you’re about to do or want to say, put yourself in their perspective. Other than it can make your relationship with them stronger, it can avoid conflicts, too.

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  • Learning to Make Compromises

By taking in positive Libra qualities, these natives can learn to handle conflicts better. They can become persuasive and diplomatic in their approach without picking a fight. It’s also best for them to choose their battles wisely. To achieve that, they must learn to be more calm and polite in the way they talk.

  • Cooperation

People within the Libra north node group have spent their past lifetimes preferring to be alone. They heed no one and only live for themselves. In this lifetime, however, they must learn how to be more cooperative.

Make people around you feel valued. If they have an opinion, listen to it without taking it personally. Utilize your talent for the good of everyone. You aren’t here just for yourself.

It also doesn’t stop by serving others and becoming aware of their needs. Empower them and bolster their confidence, too. By helping them become more capable and stronger, you will receive the same positive feeling you give out.

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Journeying Through This Lifetime as a Libra North Native

It isn’t easy for these natives to transform and become spiritually grown individuals. After all, it’s a battle between putting themselves or others first. They’re pitting their own survival against the good of the people around them.

Self-sacrifice and generosity take time to be practiced. However, it does these natives good to know that they need others as much as others need them. They are not here only to lead but also to become servants, followers, and helpers.

Going out of your comfort zone starts by reaching out to people. Give a helping hand to someone who needs it. Even if there’s something you want for yourself, but you know it will be much better to give it away, then do so. You will create stronger bonds with them.

That doesn’t mean you have to let others walk all over you. Hold the courage, confidence, and tenacity Aries has brought into your life. Use it to encourage other people. When you uphold justice and fairness the way Libra does, you uphold yourself, too.

Your soul mission is to become the helper of people. Instead of engaging in senseless arguments, make a compromise. Look at it from another’s perspective, if possible. By putting yourself in other people’s shoes, you will understand them more.

Learn to control your quick fuse. You don’t need to get into an argument every time there’s a disagreement. The world can only work if people try to understand each other. If there’s a criticism, gracefully accept and think about it without letting it get the better of you.

Libra north natives make good negotiators. Their persuasion skills, combined with their sense of fairness, can help smoothen out conflicts.

Your journey will teach you to become more focused on others instead of only your own. On your way to the north node, you will find yourself getting along with people better. You will discover many exciting things you had never experienced before when you were only focused on yourself.

Only when you learn to share will you receive more. The world needs someone who isn’t only tough and courageous but also has the heart to give.

Famous Libra North Nodes

Michael Jackson


Thomas Edison

John Lennon

Isaac Newton


Oct 15, 2032 – May 22, 2032

Feb 19, 2014 – Nov 11, 2015

Aug 1, 1995 – Jan 25, 1997

Jan 8, 1977 – Jul 5, 1978

Jun 17, 1958 – Dec 15, 1959 (Take a look at this December 15 Zodiac if you want to see it.)

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Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.