What motivates you in life? What is your life purpose? These are the questions we ask ourselves during our lifetime. We often wonder where we go and what we are supposed to do. At some point in our lives, we feel lost.
In astrology, the moon's movement holds the wisdom that provides us guidance in our spiritual journey. The Lunar Nodes can act as our beacon towards fulfillment. If you are a native of the north node in Sagittarius, then this article is for you. Read on and find your cosmic destiny. Tap the wisdom of the heavens and understand yourself.
Sagittarius Soul Destiny vs. Gemini Karmic Past
For people born within the north node Sagittarius, your shadow is the south node Gemini. These two opposing lunar nodes reflect your past lifetimes and your destined purpose.
The north node Sagittarius stands as the northern star that guides you in the right direction. However, the south node Gemini presents you with the obstacles that allow you to find your inner strengths and hidden needs. While the polarity of Sagittarius and Gemini creates internal struggle, both are necessary to your spiritual progress.
Sagittarius meets Gemini
The south node Gemini is your obstacle that represents specific behavioral patterns that you need to let go of. It carries the karmic traits that hold you back from your real purpose in life. It is your biggest hurdle that you need to beat. Your karmic past is associated with too much logic, impulsivity, lack of decision, and superficiality.
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The north node, however, is your soul mission and a sense of purpose. It is what you are destined to be. It is what you aspire to become. It is your guide and direction to a fulfilling life. The north node in Sagittarius is defined by a lifelong search for truth and wisdom, self-exploration, and a sense of adventure.
Natives within this north node have a soul that longs to find its truth and meaning. You are always looking for information and knowledge about yourself and the world. To find what you are seeking, it is your challenge to listen to your inner voice and trust your intuition.
As you learn to harness your north node energy, life will offer you opportunities to expand yourself. You are a philosophical and truth-seeking individual. Use your north Sagittarian gifts to live an expansive, fulfilling life. But you must first release the traits that serve as your roadblocks in your north node Sagittarius path.
Strengths of North Node Sagittarius
Carriers of the north node in Sagittarius naturally love learning and exploring. They tend to take pleasure in nature and travel. Wisdom, truth, and meaning are the central theme of their life.
- Truth and Meaning
North node Sagittarian folks are called in a quest for spiritual truth and meaning. They are inspired to learn and accumulate knowledge. These natives are eternal learners who continually want to expand their thinking. To find the wisdom that they seek, they go out into the world while going through self-exploration.
- Love for Adventure and Travel
They feel fulfilled when they indulge their desire for constant adventure and exploration. These natives are drawn to the mysteries of life. Not only do they want to travel and explore different places, but they also go inward to understand and expand themselves.
- Love for Nature and Freedom
These natives thrive when they can express themselves freely. Because of this, they feel satisfied with activities that provide them a sense of freedom. They always feel the need to stay close to nature. Aside from being a nature lover, north node Sagittarius people love animals too.
- Gift of Gab
People born under the north Sagittarian node have a natural ability to speak persuasively and eloquently. They are specially gifted in communication. In fact, people born in north node Sagittarius can engage in exciting conversations for hours. Using their talents in words in a more profound and life-expanding manner will truly give them a sense of fulfillment.
- Optimism
North node Sagittarius natives are eternal optimists. Their positive attitude always brings them far in life.
Challenges in North Node Sagittarius
As a seeker of truth and meaning, natives of north node Sagittarius have struggled to reach their highest potential because of their shadows. The south node Gemini hinders them from finding their own truth and claiming their own meaning. They must overcome these obstacles and finally live their purpose.
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- Indecision and Unsteadiness
North Sagittarian soul is indecisive and restless. These habitual traits pose a problem to them.
Because they have an adventurous soul, they tend to be very open to many options and experiences. This makes them indecisive about which way to go and which direction they must follow.
They also need to find a career that resonates with their nature, or else they may never find a permanent job. They are most likely to feel fulfilled in a job position that provides them continual learning and insights, a sense of adventure, and freedom to express themselves.
- Relying on logic
Sagittarian natives need to listen to their intuition. In their karmic lifetimes, however, they are bound by logic. Their logic may help them when they seek knowledge and information, but acting on it may lead them to wrong decisions. It is challenging for people within this north node group to listen to their inner voice when it speaks.
- Superficiality
They tend to lose themselves in reveries and superficiality. Daydreaming and going into their fantasy world, instead of making decisions, prevents them from moving forward.
- Impulsivity and Inconsistency
Being impulsive and inconsistent is one of the issues of north node Sagittarius natives. Impulsively acting based on logic may get in their way. They also tend to second-guess themselves and others.
Your North Node Sagittarius Journey
Self-knowledge is the first step to approach our destiny and release our past karma. The north node in Sagittarius and the south node in Gemini encourage you to keep going on your spiritual development by listening to your intuition and going through self-exploration. You here to create your meaning and speak your truth.
This might be a tough challenge for you as a carrier of north node Sagittarius. You seek to be free from others' truth and opinions so that you can discover your truth. Overcome the hurdles of your south node, and you will live a life with direction.
Exploring Who You Are and Speaking Your Truth
Go through self-exploration, and you will find who you are at the core. If you feel that you are superficially going through life, then it's time for you to pause and engage in life assessments.
What are your values? What do you stand for? These are a few of the questions you must find an answer to, so you will know your place in this world. Reflect on your life intentions. Discover your truth and learn to speak it.
Express yourself. Risk it. After all, you are the one who should determine how you live your life.
- Learning to Trust Your Intuition
Too much logic is not good for you. You must learn to listen to that little voice within. Trust your intuition because it knows what your soul desires. To uncover more meanings in your life, let your intuition guides you. Don't rely too much on logic because it might lead you astray from the right decisions.
Your intuition, hope, and faith will bring you to a much more fulfilling and expansive life.
- Learning to Make Choices
Life may present you with a lot of options and choices. You may be overwhelmed with too much information. You may want to explore a bit of everything. But always remember, the right decision for you is the one that comes from your heart.
Make a choice based on your intuition, experience, and wisdom. Don't miss out on an exciting, fulfilling adventure because of your indecision and confusion. Decide. The power of the hunch tells you which way is right.
Journeying Through This Lifetime as a Sagittarius North Node Native
What motivates you in life? Similar to people with North Node in Taurus, as a north node Sagittarius native, seeking your truth and meaning is your inner fire. Your purpose is to live an expansive life. In this lifetime, you are learning to listen to that little whisper inside you. You have the gift of wisdom and intuition that allows you to reach the highest level of expansion.
Knowing yourself at the core, what you stand for, and what you believe in will give you life fulfillment. You are always on a quest for truth and meaning. Finding a universal truth and applying it to your life will bring you a sense of happiness.
Don't let anything hold you back. Always ready to take a risk. Travel if you must. Find what works for you, and don't let other people influence your choices. Evolve with your own truth and meaning. It's why you're here.
Famous Sagittarius North Node:
Nelson Mandela
William Shakespeare
Angelina Jolie
Bill Gates
September 24, 2029 – March 20, 2031
March 4, 2011 – August 29, 2012
August 2, 1992 – February 1, 1994
October 28, 1973 – July 9, 1975
April 3, 1955 – October 4, 1956