5 Effective Tips To Play Hard To Get Without Pushing A Leo Man Away - Spiritual-Galaxy.com

5 Effective Tips To Play Hard To Get Without Pushing A Leo Man Away

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Playing hard to get with a Leo man that you like may seem nonsense, but it's not. It brings thrill to the relationship that you want to build with the king of the zodiac. It also ignites the fiery passion of this sign for the chase.

However, you have to know the ideal way first before doing this with a Leo man. If done correctly, you can make him excited in meeting you again and exert more effort to please you.

Before You Read: The Leo man is a force to be reckoned with, full of pride and passion. Step into his regal world with Anna Kovach’s Leo Man Secrets. This guide shines a light on his majestic nature, showing you how to be his queen.

Whether you're trying to match his energy, bask in his warmth, or stand by his side as he takes on the world, Leo Man Secrets is your crown. Dive into the world of Leo and discover the secrets to winning his heart. Ready to rule his heart? Grab your copy of Leo Man Secrets by Anna Kovach today and ascend to his throne!

But if done wrongly, you might lose your king for good. Avoid spoiling your chance to be his queen by knowing what thrills him and what ticks him off with Leo Man Secrets guide.

So, how do you play hard to get without pushing a Leo man?

When it comes to playing hard to get, you need to ensure that your actions won't push him away. To do that, you need to build a connection first and let him feel that you want him to chase you. Avoid saying yes right away and make your own life your top priority.

Before we move forward, I highly recommend you to take this 2-min FREE compatibility quiz and calculate your relationship compatibility score created by my friend Anna Kovach, a professional Relationship Astrologer.

It has helped thousands of women to get more clarity, increase intimacy and improve communication with the man in their life.

It's scary accurate and it seriously blew me away. Inside, you'll discover what might be going on underneath the surface, what's the hidden message behind his words and behavior, and many other little-known secrets — all based on one simple fact — his Zodiac sign.

Click here to take quiz and calculate your relationship compatibility score >>>

Now, if you're into playing games, you better think twice before making it happen. You have to remember that Leos are fiery signs and if you anger or upset them, you might be facing the fury of the Lion. So, it's always best to know the right way of playing hard to get without offending him. Also, it would be nice if you know how to attract a Leo Man.

Do Leo Men Like Women Who Play Hard to Get?

When it comes to the chase, Leo guys love to go after the women they like. They like the challenge where they're required to exert more effort for the woman they desire. So, it's safe to say they like women who play hard to get, given that they have an established connection with them.

You also have to be careful in your ways if you decide to play hard to get with this prideful man. He won't let himself look pitiful and won't take further action if he sees that it won't get reciprocated. Thus, you need to ensure that you're not sending signals that can make him assume you're not into him.

So, how do you play hard to get without pushing a Leo man away? Let's find out!

You may also find this interesting:  9 Obvious Ways to Tell a Leo Man is Interested in You

5 Effective Tips to Play Hard to Get With a Leo Man

Tell him that you're waiting for the chase.

Leos are very straightforward people and they'll appreciate it if you are the same. So, there's no need to pull off a drama to get his attention or relay your message of love. You can directly tell him that you like him and that you're only waiting for him to take the needed action.

Being transparent with him about your feelings will be enough to make him take action. However, make sure that you keep things interesting as they don't want boredom to strike in their life. Have the guts to make it clear to him that you like him by sending him flirty texts.

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By being upfront with your feelings, he may realize that he loves hearing that you want him. It will also make him see that you're too adorable being your bold self. So, if you haven't told him about your feelings yet, it's time to do so.

I also wrote an article about Ignoring a Leo man exploring its possible effects (or consequences) to your relationship with your Leo man, which you might find interesting. 

Do your own thing first.

One of the best ways to play hard to get without pushing a Leo man away is by being busy. When he calls, you don't need to pick it up right away, especially if you have a schedule for the day. Finish what's on your schedule first before calling or texting him back.

Once you prioritize your own thing first, it will make him realize that you have a clear insight of what you want. This way, you can use it as a perfect alibi in playing hard to get, making him value your time. If he sees that you're busy, he will likely take the time to meet and talk to you and might consider compromising for you.

So, consider doing your own thing first before accommodating him. It will make him value you more as he loves the chase and puts all the work on the woman he likes.

Shower him with attention and pull away.

One of the best things to make a Leo man intrigued is to shower him with attention and pull away. This will make him think about you more and may even start to chase you if he really is into you. So, consider flirting with him and begin to pull away once you see that he's immersed in you.

Your flirting skills can lead to knowing a Leo man being good in bed. So better master those flirting skills into reality!

It might not make a lot of sense to get his attention and pull away, but it works like a charm for fire signs, such as Leo. It ignites the fire within him to do more to get the prize he wants and that would be you. He's not into easy women as it kills the thrill of the chase, which he enjoys.

So, do your best and shower him with attention and pull away when you see that he's giving in to your charm. If you see him in a club, you can flirt with him and once he's too immersed, turn your back and talk to someone else. This way, you are making yourself like an aphrodisiac, making his mind run wild.

Don't get under the sheets too early.

If you want something long-term with a Leo man, ensure not to get under the sheets too early. This will only make him think that you're used to something like that and he doesn't want his woman to be like that. He wants a woman he knows he can trust and giving yourself too early isn't how to show that.

Consider not giving in to his charm and jump right into the sheets with him. Once he gets what he wants, he might walk away as if nothing has ever happened between you two. So, make him work for it and establish a good foundation with him.

Once you have a solid base with him, it will be hard for him to get away from you as he already has invested his feelings in you. So, consider delaying the sexual gratification for him and he will make sure to work hard and earn it. This way, you will gain his respect and might even consider you to become his life partner.

However, if you have moved too fast with your Leo man, learn how to patch things up and still win his heart with Anna Kovach's Leo Man Secrets.

You might also want to read this guide on how to thrill and turn on a Leo man

Be with him but take your own space.

Another way to play hard to get without pushing a Leo man away is by being with him but taking your space as well. This means that apart from the relationship, you also need to live your own life and prioritize it more. This also means giving him some space to do the things he wants and support him.

Such a way will make the relationship between you two more fulfilling and mature. This will also bring many good things to your connection and will let both of you live the way you want to live. As you might know, Leos are freedom-loving individuals and they highly value it in their lives.

Once he feels that you are becoming a threat to his freedom, he might consider cutting you off in his life. So, respect his boundaries, be with him, and take your space and vice versa to have a good foundation with him. Let him see that you are the match he is looking for that won't threaten his freedom but rather support it.


Playing hard to get to a Leo man can bring excitement to the relationship if done correctly. So, consider following the ways found above to play hard to get without pushing him away. This way, you provide him the thrill he wants in the chase and make him realize that you're not an easy girl.

If this a Leo man still ignores you can read this article on what to do when a Leo man ignores you. And for more tips, read this article on how to make a Leo man want you more.

Also, getting your hands on the ultimate guide Leo Man Secrets can guarantee your success in being the center of your Leo man's world.

Check out Leo Man Secrets guide here >>

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Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.