Prayer for Pilots: Flight of Confidence in God's Goodness -

Prayer for Pilots: Flight of Confidence in God’s Goodness

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Pilots can encounter realistic distractions that can sometimes divert their attention from flying during a flight. So, it is important to seek guidance because everything is not only about skills, diligence, and professionalism.

The Lord is much interested in the willingness of the heart– whether to surrender all adversaries or to hold it back.

Read Matthew 11:28-30. “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

The Lord Jesus Christ carries your burdens. Once you lived with him as the center, all the hard work and difficulties that keep you stressed and worried are no longer a struggle.

Take time to meditate over these prayers and think of how you receive God's instructions for your life. For this reason, you can share the teachings of God, and you can pray intently for others.

By learning his intervention in your adversaries and the truth of his love and compassion, you can extend this to others.

Oh, Holy and Merciful Father, I come to thank you for all the graces and mercy you bestowed on me

I pray for all those involved and pioneers of aviation and all airplane pilots.

Guide them in the infinite vastness of the skies as they watch the Earth become far away beneath them

Under your protection, may you allow them to seek refuge under your wings

Oh Lord, look upon them with your gentleness upon all the travel they venture out

Guide them in their flight and fill them with clarity and sharpness in mind

Bless them with a fresh and positive mood and presence of mind that they follow the safety procedures carefully before, during, and after the flight

Shelter them from harm and accidents so that they may go home safely

I pray that you equip them with the right skills to keep those they carry safe

I pray that you bless the vehicles of those who take aerial travel so that they may reach their destination safe and happy

Lord, hear your sons who you have chosen and answered to their calling

Please help them fly with confidence that it is you who empowers them to partake in their duties and serve their country well

You are their light and protection

You are their shield and their wings

To you, they find strength, and so give them power and resilience

To you, they find endurance, and so, persevere them

To you, they find compassion, and so show them your goodwill and benevolence

To you, they find peace, and so, pour harmony, calmness, and serenity to them

You are the most powerful, loving, and merciful

Hear them, Oh Lord, and hear my prayer


Prayer for Safe Travel and Protection

Pilots answering the Lord's calling for them to serve and fly is not like a fairytale where everything will flow on your own accord. It takes a brave heart to jump into risk—but with confidence in the Lord's plans and will for him.

Challenges will come to test your faith. And sometimes, it just takes one reminder for you to turn back to God. Like how a biker ride with God, fly with your faith back to God.

When things are difficult, it could be hard to pray when fear is the game. So, as a Christian, you serve as a vessel to pray for others.

Like marines, pilots that may face danger or harm at any time of the day need protection for their safety or may also be the safety of the people they carry.

Dear Lord, I pray to you today for the sake of pilots, airmen, and other pioneers of aviators.

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Preserve those who travel and envelope them with your loving care

Protect them from any harm or danger and bring them safety as they travel to their journey's end

They may not see the risks ahead, and I pray, Lord, that you keep them away from it

Watch over them

Allow them to feel a sense of security and safety in your presence

Guide them with your knowledge and wisdom

Keep their focus sharp and have that clarity and presence of mind

Make them alert and guide them to make wise decisions

Condition their minds to set the goal of safely returning home to their families

Cloak them with your divine protection

Remind them that they do not travel alone, for they are safe with you

Please help them to fly with confidence and skills to follow the instructions and procedures

Keep their flight safe and comfortable!

Through Christ our Lord


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High Flight Poem 

Inspired by his experiences as a fighter pilot in Royal Canadian Air Force in World War II, Pilot Officer John Gillespie Magee Jr. wrote High Flight on August 18 while stationed at No. 53 OTU outside London.

In September 1940, Magee enlisted in the RCAF and graduated as a pilot. A year later, he was sent to England for combat duty in July 1941.

He mailed his parents a copy of his poem in August 1941. Several months later, on December 11, 1941, Magee, only 19 years of age, crashed to his death after his Spitfire collided with another plane over England.

People see his writing as an ethereal visualization of aviation and at the same time an allegorical interpretation of death—which made it fitting to his memorial. The High Flight was exhibited at the American Library of Congress in 1942 and featured prominently in the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster and aviation memorials worldwide.

Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth

 And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;

 Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth

 Of sun-split clouds, – and done a hundred things

 You have not dreamed of – wheeled and soared and swung

 High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there,

 I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung

 My eager craft through footless halls of air…

Up, up the long, delirious burning blue

 I've topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace

 Where never lark, or ever eagle flew –

 And, while with silent, lifting mind I've trod

 The high untrespassed sanctity of space,

 Put out my hand, and touched the face of God.

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Patron Saint of Pilots

Our Lady of Loreto

Our Lady of Loreto is the Patroness of Aviation, and the Catholic Church celebrates the feast of Our Lady of Loreto every December 10. The story below tells you about the history of Our Lady of Loreto.

The Holy House of Loreto is the house where the Blessed Virgin Mary was born and where the Archangel Gabriel appeared in her Annunciation. It is the first international renown shrine dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Shrine of Loreto is under the direct authority and protection of Popes, which was said to have a special connection to the shrine.

The Holy House of Loreto had been a pilgrimage destination for eight centuries, famed worldwide.

The legends about the transportation of the Holy House from Nazareth to Loreto have been circling over centuries. First, Mary's house should be in Nazareth, but it is said that it was miraculously transported to Loreto.

Traditions held that the angels flew over the sea, miraculously carried the house, and transported the Holy House from Nazareth to Loreto, Italy. For this reason, the Our Lady of Loreto was linked to pilots, airmen, and aviation.

As the rapid progress in transportation and technology further developed, many pioneers of aviation and pilots returning home from World War I requested Pope Benedict XV as a Patroness of Pilots and Aviation.

As per the declaration of Pope Benedict XV on March 24, 1920, Our Lady of Loreto was recognized as the Patron Saint of Aviation. Pope Benedict XV approved a special blessing: “O merciful God, You have consecrated the house of the Blessed Virgin Mary with the mystery of the Word Incarnate and placed it in the midst of your children. Pour forth your blessing on this vehicle so that those who take an aerial trip in it may happily reach their destination and return safely home under Mary's protection.”

Below is the special blessing of airplanes that the Pope approved, including the reference to Our Lady of Loreto.

God, who by the mystery of the incarnation mercifully consecrated the dwelling-place of the blessed Virgin Mary, and wondrously transferred it to the heart of your Church; we beg you to pour out your blessing + on this airplane (these airplanes) so that all who fly in it (them) may, under the protection of the Blessed Virgin, happily reach their destination and then safely return home; through Christ our Lord.

Our Lady of Loreto, pray for all airplane pilots and all those involved with aviation!

However, modern researchers suggest that the relics from the Holy Land were transported by ships during the Crusades. There may be insufficient evidence of how the Holy House was transported to Italy.

Still, the walls of Loreto show identical Marian graffiti markings found in ancient Judeo- Christian churches in Palestine.

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Pray this prayer interceding Our Lady of Loreto, Patron Saint of Pilots.

O Holy Mother of God, our Lady of Loreto, Patroness of aviation and air travelers. We come to thank you for all the graces and benefits bestowed on us. Full of trust in your powerful intercession, we fly to you, begging for your maternal solicitude and care. Listen to our supplications for the success of this flight and all the flights we may undertake. Do bless the pilots, the flight attendants, the technicians, and all of us, passengers placed under their care. As we piously believe that your house in Nazareth was borne by angels to Loreto, so may you also bring us all safely to our destination here on Earth and to our final home in heaven. Amen.

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Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.