Please email me at karen[at] if you have any questions. I pick up on your energy and let you know what I can see with regards to your question. These are direct from spirit and no cards are used. I will do my best to answer them :)
Queen of pentacles is the Queen from the suit of coins and is part of the minor arcana group. This card depicts a queen sitting on her throne. The throne is adorned with carved images such as goats, angels, and fruit trees.
The Queen is holding a gold coin in her hands with her lap as support. On her background are blooming flowers and lush plants. Behind are mountains high and mighty. She seems to be around a lot of plants.
The whole image exudes a vibrant and energetic vibe. On other cards, a rabbit is bouncing just near where her feet rest. The Queen seems calm and soft-spoken. She takes her time admiring the things around her and the coin she holds.
Queen of Pentacles Upright Keywords
- Nurturing
- Practical
- Healer
- Down to earth
- Financial provider
- Working parent
- Gratitude
- Social consciousness
- Generous
- Caring
- Homebody
- Practical
- Comforting
- Sensible
- Luxurious
- Welcoming
- Loyal
- Success
- Wealth
- Financial independence
- Homemaker
- Organized
- Kind
Queen of Pentacles Reversed Keywords
- Self-care
- Neglect
- Smothering
- Obsessed with status
- Dependence
- Selfish
- Unkempt
- Jealous
- Insecure
- Materialistic
- Greedy
- Self-absorbed
- Intolerant
- Envious
Queen of Pentacles General Meaning
The Queen sits comfortably on her throne with both her feet on the ground. This represents her strong connection with nature. This also tells of her being grounded and her control over herself. Her throne is engraved with symbols such as goats, angels, and fruit trees that ultimately represent wealth and abundance. This means the Queen’s financial influence and capacity. These things can also represent sensual pleasure.
The Queen cradles a coin with her hands and her lap. This emphasizes the Queen's nurturing nature. Her ability to care and encourage growth. This can also represent the excellent command of her wealth and abundance. She can have a full grasp of situations regarding money and wealth. Plants and flowers surround her that further highlight abundance and connection with nature. She can encourage and help the things around her grow and bloom into lush and beautiful plants.
Queen of Pentacles (Upright) Meaning
Unlike Queen of Swords, Queen of Pentacles is reminiscent of a mother’s care. This represents the caring nature of individuals towards abundance and the people around them. This speaks of warmth and nurturing presence. These are things most people crave in their lives. Having someone who has this type of character is a blessing.
This card symbolizes independence. You are an independent person that is capable of making your own decisions. You can nourish people and take good care of them. You can juggle having responsibilities at work and also your duties at home. This represents a good sense of balance. This capability to maintain balance is keeping your home as strong as ever. You are dedicated to creating a welcoming and warm atmosphere for your family.
This being said, you are also someone who loves and cares a lot. You are willing to extend your helping hand if ever someone is in need. You are in constant work to balance your work and the things at home. Despite the nurturing and attention you give to your job and home, you still find time for yourself. You have a good sense of task management and organization. These qualities are contributors to your success and achievements.
This card encourages you to stay as you are and maintain your nurturing, compassionate, and grounded personality. If you happen to change, do change for the better. It urges you to be practical and resourceful in solving emerging problems and issues.
Queen of Pentacles (Upright) in In Love and Relationship
The Queen of Pentacles is a card in a love reading. You’re someone who has the potential to be a wonderful partner.
You’re probably considered to be THE STANDARD. You RAISED THE BAR so high that anyone capable is willing to commit to you.
If you’re in a relationship, both of you are hustling. You’re working really hard in order to provide and spoil each other with love.
If this card points to a specific person, it would be nurturing, welcoming, compassionate, generous, and kind. This is the type of person you would want to build a home with. Queen of pentacles also points to someone who is a good homemaker and a role model.
Unlike Queen of Wands, this card points to your right to be selective and meticulous in choosing a potential partner if you are single. You are someone successful, and therefore, you can afford as much as select someone you deem worthy of your time and effort. This card can also represent someone coming into your life that embodies the characteristics of the Queen of pentacles.
Queen of Pentacles (Upright) in Career and Finance
In the aspect of career, this card points to success. You possess good qualities like being practical, organized, and capable. These things make your work more accessible, and you can achieve anything as you put your mind and work into it. If this card points to a specific person, it would be someone who embodies a parental figure. This person will help you grow and will nurture you into someone better. This person will be a good mentor and influence in your life.
If you happen to meet someone like this, this card tells you to go for it and learn a lot. If this person offers a helping hand and offers you some advice and lessons, it’s best to listen to it. This person is helping you improve yourself. Be open to learning new things.
Queen of Pentacles (Upright) in Health
In the aspect of health, this card means good health overall. You are enjoying the fruits of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. You have been obedient and caring to your health, and it is now paying off. If you have been struggling with health problems, this card tells you to assess your activities. Look at your health practices and figure out what you can do to help in improving them. Take care of yourself.
Queen of Pentacles (Upright) in Spirituality
Queen of pentacles in the aspect of spirituality encourages you to believe in yourself. You need to trust your guts, instinct, and your abilities. Know that you are capable of doing great things as long as you put your all into it. This card represents that you are feeling a sense of spiritual fulfillment. This card urges you to trust your spiritual signals and instincts. If you think that you are walking on the right path for your spiritual growth, you must be right.
This card can also signal your ability to heal. You may be gifted with spiritual healing abilities. It pays to nurture this gift and allow yourself to grow.
Queen of Pentacles (Reversed) Meaning
This card in reverse can represent self-care. You are now spending your energy in taking care of yourself. You are channeling your caring energy to yourself. Perhaps you are working on your figure and creating new routines for self-improvement. This card also points to your desire and continuous strive for financial independence. You may still be in a family or a relationship. However, you are eager and determined to produce something by yourself.
You want to make sure that you're able to provide for your own and supplement your way of life. You want to do this without needing to ask for help from your partner or family. This card also reminds you to take care of yourself. Before you can take care of anybody else, you first must take care of yourself.
Queen of pentacles might also tell you that your home and work life is out of balance. Perhaps you are spending much more time on the other and neglecting the other one. This can mean that you may be spending too much time on your work that you may be neglecting your home.
On the other hand, the opposite might be true. You are too caught up with taking care of your family and home, so you do have not enough time for your work. This can affect your performance at work. This may be a great time to go out and enjoy nature. Perhaps some time by yourself will help you regain control. This time of peace can help in improving the balance between the two aspects of your life.
Queen of Pentacles (Reversed) in Love and Relationship
The Queen of Pentacles is a card in reversed love reading. You’re experiencing difficulties in committing to relationships.
This is because someone has wounded you in the past. This person suddenly changed your perspective about love.
So you’re having difficulty trusting people again. You feel like you’re afraid to let them in your life after a serious heartbreak.
Your person can shift to being possessive, spoiled, manipulative, and shallow. In the worst-case scenario, this person can be abusive. These things are red flags that signal for you to leave. You must know you are worth enough not to let yourself experience these things and treatment.
If you are single, this card in reverse can indicate your need to improve and fix yourself first. Perhaps you are not yet in a place where you are capable of entertaining potential lovers. There must be things you need to adjust by yourself first.
The best gift you can give to yourself is allowing yourself to grow and recognize your worth. When you are ready, love will surely come.
Queen of Pentacles (Reversed) in Career and Finance
Queen of pentacles in reverse in the talks of career can indicate bad career situation or lousy business. Things might be messy and disorganized right now. This card signals you to make a move to be able to help in solving this chaos. Find inspiration and work with it with what resources you have left. Use your intellect, and don’t let your emotions get the best of you. If you are having trouble at home because of your career, it’s best to address these problems through communication.
Pick yourself up. This card in reverse encourages you to know your capabilities and trust them. You are capable of nurturing and growing seeds with your dedication and hard work. In the aspect of finance, this card can speak of your poor handling of money. This can cause you to mismanage your financial matters. This card in reverse tells you to detach yourself from being too materialistic.
Queen of Pentacles (Reversed) in Health
Queen of pentacles in reverse speaks of health issues. This can expressly point to your body weight. You may either be very light and malnourished or overweight. Either way, these things represent poor nutrition. You must be getting caught up in other aspects that you are neglecting your health. This card encourages you to take better care of yourself and do not forget your body's basic needs.
Queen of Pentacles (Reversed) in Spirituality
This card in reverse speaks of using your spiritual gifts and abilities in the wrong way and for the wrong reasons. You might be wasting these skills and talents. Remember to not succumb to the darkness and strive for positive growth. Remember that every action made has its corresponding consequences.
Queen of Pentacles: YES or NO?
Queen of pentacles is a card of abundance, growth, and balance. This card encourages you to embrace and love yourself. In the same way, love and care for other people and help them grow. For these reasons, the answer to your yes or no question is YES.
Queen of Pentacles Advice
The Queen of Pentacles, as advice, wants you to stay successful. Because you have what it takes to live a stable and happy life.
You’re someone who is willing to manage your finances consistently. This is because you use this for future and positive purposes.
Expect that new opportunities will appear at your doorstep. This is brought by your hard work and practical approach in everything you do.
Know that you’ll soon receive what you prayed for. This card also reminds you to continue taking care and looking after others.
You have what it takes to have a mother figure.
Queen of Pentacles Reversed Advice
The Queen of Pentacles, in reverse, shows that you're irresponsible. You won't manage to handle your finances at the moment.
You're having a difficult time putting your feet on the ground. You're losing the motivation to continue achieving your goals.
Maybe you're always surrounded by a pile of expenses. You kept on giving your share to people who didn't do the same for you.
Maybe it's time to reevaluate your decisions and choose yourself first. Because you've done so much for others, now's the time to detach.
It isn't an easy decision to make. But do it for your peace.
Queen of Pentacles as a Person
The Queen of Pentacles is someone who is financially independent. If you have this card, then you consider yourself a girl boss!
So continue doing what you love and make sure not to harm others. You always find your way to the corporate or business world.
You execute your practical, resourceful, and creative side effortlessly. As a result, you continue to receive an abundance of recognition.
You’re someone who continues to hustle the way out of life. It doesn’t matter if it begins the hard way, as long as you persist.
Giving up is never an option; you’ll choose consistency.
Queen of Pentacles Reversed as a Person
The Queen of Pentacles, in reverse, is someone who is selfish. Perhaps you’re someone who likes to keep all your achievements to yourself.
Instead of returning the efforts to the people who supported you, you walk away. You believe it was the most accessible and most convenient decision.
You work hard only to provide for your needs and interests. You don’t bother taking care of the people who are looking after you.
On the other hand, maybe you’re currently suffering from anxiety. This is brought by the financial matters that pile up.
You have no clear solution to eradicate this.
Queen of Pentacles Present
In the present, you’re currently on the road to overflowing success. You now have what it takes to live a wealthy and stable lifestyle.
This wouldn’t happen if it wasn’t for your constant hard work. You showed how dedicated and devoted you are to facing struggles.
Your optimism and resilience brought you to the right place to be. You’re now at a home where everything is falling into its rightful places.
You deserve to celebrate as a sign of your achievements. During this time, a female figure continues to guide you along your journey.
They’re encouraging you to become better.
Queen of Pentacles Past
In the past, you either went through a silver lining or faced struggles. This is mainly related to your past financial background.
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If you suffered from struggle, you’re now trying to break that curse. You don’t want this for your future relatives to experience; once is enough.
Perhaps you came from a family that lacks financial stability. Now you’re the one who is picking up the fragments from the struggles.
On the other hand, maybe you grew up in a wealthy family. You may have generational wealth, but you want to grow on your own terms.
You want to succeed.
Queen of Pentacles Future
In the future, you'll continue to live a beautiful life. A life that you deserve to receive because of your optimism and dedication.
Perhaps you'll come up with a significant decision. This pertains to staying at the current job that you have and adapting to it.
Instead of resigning and growing from a new environment, you'll stay. It will probably be the best decision that you'll ever make.
Because as you grow with this job, you'll be able to help more people. This is where you'll practice your compassion and empathy.
You're now living a life that's stable and happy.
Queen of Pentacles as How Someone Feels About You
Someone feels like they can have a future with you. This person believes in your ability to remain independent and provide for your loved ones.
This person feels happy because they have you in their life. You feel like everything is always in its proper order or place.
This person feels a sense of inspiration whenever they think about you. You inspire them to work hard on their goals to achieve them.
They believe that you’re someone who is bound for a long term relationship. They also believe that you would implement stability.
They have the urge to be better.
Queen of Pentacles Outcome
The Queen of Pentacles, as an outcome, shows that you’re working out. You’re trying to motivate yourself in order to strive.
This outcome leads you to remain productive in your life. Perhaps you’re currently working on a project or campaign.
Trust yourself and the universe that this will be a success. All your efforts and sacrifices will not be put to waste.
It could be possible that you’ll be able to engage in commitment. You’re now ready to prepare yourself to enter a relationship again.
Everything will work out in your favor. It’s also time to check up on others.
Queen of Pentacles Pregnancy and Fertility
The Queen of Pentacles shows a sign of pregnancy. This could mean that you’re going to receive the news of having a baby.
This is because this card has a relation to a mother figure. You may be someone who has been a mother figure for others before.
But now, you finally have the ability to look after your own child. You now have the ability to provide for another human being.
Take this as an opportunity to continue working hard. You have everything on your plate to continue being successful.
You’ll be able to conquer this journey to parenthood.
Queen of Pentacles Energy
The Queen of Pentacles has an intense energy of success. If you have this card, you believe that you deserve to receive good things.
This is because you never fail to show your dedication to your work. You would always make sure that you would successfully accomplish your tasks.
This intense energy resides with your ability to grow. Despite being on the top, you’re still open to growth by receiving feedback.
You’re someone who is bound to receive wealth in the long run. As long as you remain consistent and persistent, you’ll be good.
So don’t underestimate your true potential.
Queen of Pentacles as Action
The Queen of Pentacles as an action is about focusing on yourself. Perhaps you’re fond of keeping yourself in the right state of mind.
So you often engage in healthy activities to achieve peace. You engage in taking exercises or yoga in order to take care of your health.
You’re someone who is willing to be responsible for your actions. You’re willing to be accountable for the wrongdoings that you commit.
If you know that you’re wrong, you’ll do the honor of apologizing and accept it. But if you feel like someone isn’t on the same ground, you’ll walk away.
Queen of Pentacles as Intentions
The Queen of Pentacles is always aligned with good intentions. As long as you choose yourself, everything will be okay.
You have good intentions when you choose to love yourself. Instead of engaging in intrusive or sabotaging situations, you’ll take care of yourself.
You’ll do whatever it takes in order to survive and succeed. Because you know that everything will be worth it once you achieve your goals.
As long as you create peace within yourself, no one can take that away. Because you can finally master the art of self-love.
You’re someone who is willing to grow each day.
Queen of Pentacles as How Someone Feels About You
Someone thinks that you’re intelligent and hardworking. When you combine these two, it will always result in success or victories.
You’re someone who never stops chasing after your dreams. No matter how bumpy the road it may be, you’ll get there because you can.
This person sees you as someone who chooses to be independent. You want to create a life on your own terms without the help of anyone.
So you’re already used to looking after yourself and figuring things out. So this person finds your independence a major turn on.
This person also sees you as someone practical.
Queen of Pentacles Time Frame
The Queen of Pentacles can have a specific time frame. But this will always depend on your current situation and energy.
A specific period may start on December 13 and will end on January 9. The Queen of Pentacles has a connection with the element of water.
This event may be in relation to the result of your efforts. So make sure to stay stunned and align yourself with positive thoughts.
A specific event may also happen in nine days or nine months. This will also be related to any topic regarding financial matters.
You’ll receive what you prayed for.
Queen of Pentacles as a Woman
The Queen of Pentacles is a representation of a woman. You’re someone who won’t stop until you get to the top.
You’re someone who will not let yourself submerge in perplexity. If you feel like something’s overwhelming you, this is a sign for self care.
You should make sure that you’ll keep yourself grounded. So you have your own ways for yourself to calm down and be at ease.
You never fail to show the people you love that you’re there for them. As a result, you love to offer emotional and financial support.
As Dory said, just keep swimming!
Queen of Pentacles as a Man
The Queen of Pentacles can be a representation of a man. If you have this card, you’re the kind of person who is down to earth.
You’re someone who would do anything to be resourceful. When the table office lacks materials, you’ll find other materials outside.
You won’t stop until you have the alternative supplies. And even if they’re alternatives, the project will turn out to be a success.
You’re someone who chooses to live a practical life. This is already intertwined with your practical mindset and ideas.
You’re someone who is willing to be a good provider to others.
Queen of Pentacles Communication
The Queen of Pentacles is a good card for communication. You may be someone who is willing to engage in open conversations.
You’re known to be a homebody in your family. So you would usually adopt the art of extending empathy to family members.
Even if they live miles away, you’re willing to show transparency. When you need something urgent to say, you won’t hesitate to speak out.
You also influence healthy communication to others. Because you believe that this is where people can always be themselves.
So someone is willing to present themselves as raw and vulnerable to you.
Queen of Pentacles Reconciliation
The Queen of Pentacles can be a good card for reconciliation. This means that a past person is willing to commit themselves to you.
They would always feel nostalgic of the connection you had. You built a strong foundation of love and trust in this relationship.
This person is willing to be a good provider for you. They want to offer you a form of commitment for the long term.
So expect this relationship to be stable and healthy. As long as you’re both willing to work this out, everything will fall into place.
This person wishes you constant happiness.
Queen of Pentacles Physical Appearance
The Queen of Pentacles can have a specific physical appearance. But this will always depend on the one who received the card.
This is a representation of a woman, so you’re someone who is independent. As a result, you present yourself as someone who is successful.
Perhaps you dress appropriately according to the occasion. Maybe you often wear corporate or business attire.
This attire represents that you’re definitely a girl boss. You’re someone who works hard in order to earn for yourself.
You’re someone who looks like you can be a mother. Perhaps you’re good with taking care of kids.
Queen of Pentacles Reversed Outcome
The Queen of Pentacles, in reverse, shows that you’re limiting yourself. This pertains to your capability to enter into relationships again.
If you’re currently entertaining someone, now’s the time to step back. Maybe you need to rethink if you’re now ready to commit.
Because if you continue to push it, it will be harder for the both of you. Since there are still issues that you need to sort out.
On the other hand, you’re feeling exhausted from overworking. But you continue to overwork in order to earn.
But your exhaustion leads you to detach from the people you love.
Queen of Pentacles Reversed Pregnancy
The Queen of Pentacles, in reverse, is a sign of pregnancy. But this could mean that you're not ready to enter the life of parenthood.
You need to fix and heal yourself from your issues. You're currently having difficulty when it comes to your relationships.
So raising a child will be another responsibility for you. And you'll inflict your child with the stress and devastation you're experiencing.
It's best if you step aside in family planning for a while. Choose on how to improve yourself and interact with the people you care about.
Everything will be in its rightful place.
Queen of Pentacles Friendship
The Queen of Pentacles is a sign of friendship. You’re someone who is going to have a new friend in your life.
This is specifically a female friend who has a mother figure. Both of you will be able to compliment and complete each other.
It seems as if you’re both compatible with having this friendship. This person will help you in order to improve yourself more.
You’ll be there for each other through ups and downs. When one is struggling at work, the other will offer practical advice.
You deserve to have someone who is willing to support you.