Saturn Square Venus Transit: Getting Past This Restricting Event -

Saturn Square Venus Transit: Getting Past This Restricting Event

Saturn traits

In Roman mythology, the god of agriculture's reign is famous for two things: first, the Golden era. Saturn's reign is the Golden era, for he brought wealth and everlasting peace during his reign. For this reason, Saturn earned the title “god of time.” Second, Saturn is the king of gods until his children ousted him from power.

In astrology, Saturn governs a lot of things. But primarily, the ringed planet rules over limitations and barriers. The planet reminds us that we can live our life to the fullest, but we can't do everything. Hence, Saturn represents different barriers in life: laws, responsibilities, duties, and norms. Are we faithful in executing our duties and responsibilities? Do we run away from the responsibilities rested on our shoulders?

At the outset, it seems like Saturn is that wet blanket person. But in reality, it reminds us to take moderation on everything. Of course, confidence is admirable, and it's good to break the chains once in a while. But limitations are there to impose order.

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Saturn represents maturity as well. Responsibilities and maturity go hand-in-hand. One cannot carry out their duties if one is not mature enough to handle them. Saturn reminds us that responsibilities are part of growing up. And one cannot get rid of it. What we can do is carry our responsibilities and have fun on the side!

Saturn represents authority figures as well. These persons can be parents, primarily fathers, leaders, teachers, or anyone who wields authority.

Venus traits

Venus, like Saturn, is famous in Roman mythology for a lot of reasons. Her dominion is love and relationships. For this reason, the goddess favors passionate love and couples. She has a gentle and kind heart, but she can be cunning as well. She uses her charm and attractive features to lure men and gods at the palm of her hands. Venus rules over aesthetics and arts as well.

The goddess's dominion is not far from the planet's dominion in astrology. In astrology, the planet concerns itself with love and relationships. But this statement doesn't mean that Venus only affects those in a relationship.

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The brightest planet knows our perception of love and relationships. Are we ready for love and commitment? Do we ever think that love and commitment will bring happiness into our lives? Venus knows our love language. It knows how we want to get appreciation in a relationship. Furthermore, Venus knows how we like our relationships to flow. Do we want it to be tender and passionate or just nothing of the sort?

Venus rules over the arts, including literature and performing arts. Like the goddess herself, the planet likes aesthetics and lovely things. But above all, Venus values harmony. This planet likes everything to be serene and balanced.

One thing that Venus dislikes is an unhealthy environment. They also hate rude people and impolite ones. Because they want everything to remain peaceful, this planet hates conflict and disagreements. This planet views challenges are the disruptions of balance.

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Saturn conjunct Venus transit

With Saturn in the influence, expect that it will limit the planetary aspect's power. With Saturn limiting Venus' influence, you will feel like you need to be careful in selecting your friends or lover. You may feel like you cant start your relationships because people have hidden agenda of making friends with you. You feel suspicious of everyone.

Additionally, this is the time where you cannot pay attention to the relationships you have. Your old friends may become non-existent for a while. Some relationships will fade, and some will break. But don't fret because it's all a part of life.

With this transit, you may feel like you want to distance yourself from people. You may want to isolate yourself or take on challenges alone. Because of the feeling of isolation, it follows that there may be a feeling that you are unappreciated. One may undergo depressive episodes. Take advantage of this isolation and evaluate your habits, and experiences, and relationships.

Just like the Saturn transit on the natal Venus, this transit will give you clear eyes to assess all your relationships. You may want to step back and look at which among your relationships are beneficial. Which among the relationships have too much negativity? This transit reminds us to let go of the relationships that no longer serve us. Relationships that support us should stay.

This transit will make you want to take more responsibilities. Take advantage of this transit by doing just that. Obligations may burden us, but it sure teaches us a lot of things. It also makes us more mature and stronger. But take only what you can. Do not push yourself in carrying all the responsibilities.

You may feel like this transit took away any pleasure. This feeling is both good and bad. You can use this period to gauge if your satisfaction relies on superficial things. This time is the ideal time to ask yourself what do you want in life? What can you do to achieve the things that you want in life?

This event is also the time where you feel like you need to spend your money wisely. You would want to restrict your finances and save. This transit is the ideal time to devote your money to something worthwhile. Invest your money in stocks or insurance.

However, this event can also be the time where money issues may resurface. Old debts may come back and ask for payment. You will regret some of your previous spendings. This transit is a hard time when it comes to finances. So try not to do anything rash on your finances.

One should also take caution because someone from your life may come back. This person either made an impact on you before, or they will make an impact on the present. There will come a person who will transform your life in the most significant way possible. They can change your perspective over something or change the way how your life goes.

This transit reminds us that everything we do has consequences. But it also encourages us to embrace the changes in our lives and let go of whatever is holding us back.

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Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.