Six of Swords Tarot Card Meaning (Upright & Reversed) -

Six of Swords Tarot Card Meaning (Upright & Reversed)

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Six of swords is part of the minor arcana cards. The image is set to be on a body of water with a boat going somewhere. Aboard is a mother and a child. Along with them is a man who navigates and rowing the boat. The woman riding the boat has her head down, and she’s covered in a garment that resembles a hood as it covers her hair too. The child is also hunched down. Their faces are not shown as they are turning away.

The man has also turned away and is focused on rowing the boat. Aboard the ship is six swords that are pointed downwards. They seem to act as pillars as they surround the mother and child. The water around them is calm nor a sign of turbulence or storm. There are also visible islands or land in a near distance. The water on where the row passes are disturbed and are not resembling calm like the water before them.

Six of Swords Upright Keywords

  • Letting go
  • Transition
  • Change
  • Release
  • Escape
  • Moving forward
  • Distance
  • Departure
  • Acceptance
  • Progress
  • Stability
  • Calm after the storm
  • Guidance
  • Running away
  • Travels
  • Journeys
  • Relief
  • Healing

Six of Swords Reversed Keywords

  • Stuck in the past
  • Return to trouble
  • Resistance to change
  • Unfinished business
  • Slow healing
  • Feeling trapped
  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • Delay
  • Abandoning plans
  • Nowhere to run
  • Stormy relationships
  • Eloping
  • Disrupted plans like travels
  • Standing your ground

Six of Swords General Meaning

Six of swords generally depict departure. All of the people on the boat are turning away and facing the other side. This symbolizes that they are leaving something behind. They are sure and unwavering. The mother is covered in some cloth and seems as if she is hiding from something. Perhaps she is hiding her identity or undergoes a complete transition from her previous identity. The mother and the son’s head turned down portrays disappointment and sadness.

They may have experienced a significant loss and something that has affected them greatly. They are assured of moving away from their past as the image suggests moving on from their past. The water from where they are coming from is turbulent and disturbed. The stir can be because of the rowing or the natural situation of the water. This symbolizes the rough past or status they are fleeing from.

Six of Swords (Upright) Meaning

Six of swords represent transition. You are undergoing a significant change in your life. This change can be the cause of regrets and disappointment. Your deeds in the past might confront you. These situations might be pushing you to the edge. You might need to leave something behind for you to be able to move forward.

Every departure can be sad and lonely. However, there are situations and things you need to leave behind for you to find better days. Some pain needs to be dealt with to be able to move on. The pain would not last forever if you allow yourself to heal. This card symbolizes moving into calmer and better waters. It is a card of healing and moving forward. You are on your way to overcoming your difficult situation. The chaotic situation you are in will be shifting to the good side.

This card can also mean traveling somewhere to forget or going on a holiday. You are already strong enough to leave the familiar and journey into the unknown. The strength enables you to let go. It might be challenging to let go of something familiar. However, you might need to let go of some things to have a better path ahead. Once you leave things behind, it’s best not to look back and keep moving forward.

Six of Swords (Upright) in In Love and Relationship

The Six of Swords can be a relevant card in a love reading. This means that you need to accept the reality that things aren’t meant to be.

Part of the journey is the end, and every ending is a new beginning. Don’t spend your precious things on the wrong person.

Now, your relationship is progressing to a better place. However, ending in better waters can also mean ending a relationship. This can mean that the relationship has no hopes of recovering and that continuing it will lead to more damage. 

If you are single, this card indicates that you are healing and are ready to move forward. This can portray leaving some pieces of yourself behind as you don’t need them anymore.

This is a reminder to start looking after yourself every day. You need to start focusing more on implementing proper self-care.

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Six of Swords (Upright) in Career and Finance

Six of swords in the aspect of your career signifies that you are also transitioning into a better situation. There must be chaos, or your work life and things are starting to get under control. This can also mean that you will be leaving work for better opportunities. You will be moving and doing something better and healthier for yourself. This card can also indicate that you will be traveling internationally or domestically for work.

In the financial aspect, this card indicates you are slowly moving away from your financial struggles. You might have been in a place of pressure, and now you are slowly moving away from it. However, in terms of financial problems, it’s not good to run away from them. The best thing to do is find a way to solve them head-on rather than running away. Your previous financial experiences will help you deal with your current situation in a more innovative way.

Six of Swords (Upright) in Health

In the aspect of your health, this card can tell you of relief. You might have been experiencing an acute illness, and now you’re finally finding and experiencing relief. It might be a long time since you were fighting your illness. Finally, you are finding comfort and a bright light. You might still feel exhausted after all these times. However, it will be worth it, and things are moving in a more positive place. You are on the right track, and your health is navigating to a better place.

Six of Swords (Upright) in Spirituality

Six of Swords is a card of guidance. So, in the spiritual aspect, this card means that you are guided well. Good things are guiding you to the place you long for, a place of wisdom and peace. This card tells you to pay more attention to spiritual manifestations in your life like visions, intuitions, and dreams. It’s essential to strengthen your connection with them as they might be telling you important things to help and guide you.

Six of Swords (Reversed) Meaning

This card is more about the personal transition. It’s more focused on what changes are happening to you internally rather than the environment you are in. You are leaving things that are not helping you grow. This card emphasizes a more personal change and something you are doing in isolation. Sometimes privacy is best to help you overcome things and improve yourself. Finally, you have a clear vision of things you need to let go of and things you need to keep.

Unlike the Ace of Swords tarot card, this card also represents your awareness of things in your life. You know precisely what changes you need to make and how you are to do it. However, you hesitate as you think about the things involved. Perhaps, you are still hopeful that the struggles and issues will solve themselves without needing your interruption. This may be fear and worry talking for you. Bad situations sometimes do not get better, but instead, they worsen as you continue to ignore them.

The process of change is not all fun and games. It’s an inconvenience in other cases. And so, You’re trying to avoid the process because it will be uncomfortable for you. However, sometimes being out of your line of defense is what will make you win. Six of swords in reverse can also mean that you still have unfinished business. These issues are necessary for you to move forward in peace. Lessons and wisdom are awaiting in the opposite direction.

Six of Swords (Reversed) in Love and Relationship

The Six of Swords in reverse may show that you’re still stuck. This means that the past still has a strong effect on you.

This card wants to remind you that it’s okay to feel stuck. You don’t have to figure everything out on your own right now.

Six swords in reverse tell you that you may be still stuck in the past, unable to move on. This could be affecting your current relationship and, if you are single, your dating life. 

But you need to accept the fact that some things will not come back. And it’s up to you to decide if you want to move forward or not.

Learn more about Six of Swords as feelings. This gives specific information about how the card represents your feelings.

If you are single, perhaps you need more time to figure yourself out. The healing process might take longer. This is justifiable as it would be unfair to proceed to a new relationship without healing every wound the past gave you. This will only hurt your new lover, and perhaps, it may just hurt you in the long run.

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Six of Swords (Reversed) in Career and Finance

Six of swords in reverse in the aspect of your career tell you that your workplace is stormy. The situation might be draining you physically, mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually. This might be stirring a storm inside you. The situation can especially have significant adverse effects on your mental health.

Despite your determination to run away and take a break, you somehow feel the worries and anxiety creep in. Perhaps you feel stuck, and you seem to be afraid of not finding another career that would allow you to benefit better. Six of swords can also tell you that you are the one causing all the ruckus in your office. You might be taking part in the chaos. This card advises you to assess yourself and check your attitude toward your work and your workmates.

Perhaps you need to have a sit and a good conversation with people you work with. Figure out the grudges you hold and work on letting them go. Good communication and an extra length of understanding might be needed to fix things. Communication is crucial inside a workplace and between the people in it. For your financial aspect, this card tells you to gather your courage and face them head-on. If you think you can’t overcome your situation, it’s best to consult a trusted friend or a professional.

Six of Swords (Reversed) in Health

Six of swords in reverse in the aspect of your health can indicate extra time. Perhaps the recovery you have been longing for will take longer than you expected it. There might be other struggles coming your way, so it’s best to be prepared. Do not let these negativities get to you and take care of yourself.

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Six of Swords (Reversed) in Spirituality

In your spiritual aspect, this card in reverse can tell you that you’re having a hard time connecting with your spiritual guides. You may be in a pretty stagnating place right now. This can be overwhelming, but you need to relax and know that your abilities will grow at the right time. Change is constant, and you are allowed to progress at your own pace.

Six of Swords: YES or NO?

Six of swords brings the message of moving on and new beginnings. All in all, this card suggests and symbolizes reestablishment and starting anew. For these reasons, the answer to your yes or no question is YES.

Six of Swords Advice

The Six of Swords, as advice, wants you to work on your goals. Now may be the right time to start investing in our future plans.

You already have a plan that is laid out for you. This is because you’ve been working on this for several months now.

Don’t worry, because everything will fall down into place. You’ll be able to achieve your goals one step at a time.

This is the sign to believe in your intuition that everything will be okay. You got to put a lot of faith in yourself to achieve your long-term goals.

Six of Swords Reversed Advice

The Six of Swords, in reverse, shows that now's not the right time. If you're thinking about leaving a situation, don't pack your bags yet.

Try to think about the potential of this situation. There is something that you still haven't realized for this situation to work out.

Try to look at the bigger picture instead of only focusing on what's there. You need to be more observant and wise in this situation.

Don't just run away if the situation seems overwhelming because you might regret it when you miss the opportunity.

So continue to stay and figure this out.

Six of Swords as a Person

The Six of Swords as a person is someone who is organized. You may be someone who can perfectly handle time management well.

This is because you want to increase your productivity. You have what it takes to show your skills and gifts to the world.

You’re someone who is good at making decisions. This is because you’ll weigh the pros and cons of your possible choices first.

You’re someone who looks like your life is functioning perfectly. You’re the kind of person who is “all around” in terms of skills.

You continue to try out new hobbies and ideas.

Six of Swords Reversed as a Person

The Six of Swords, in reverse, is someone who is struggling. You may be struggling when it comes to following the rules.

This is because you believe that rules are made to be broken. You’re still confused about the true essence of applying rules in real life.

You’re the kind of person who is too dependent on other people. You refuse to be alone or discover things on your own.

You’re someone who pours out little effort into your skills. As a result, you would receive feedback and scores that aren’t that high.

Being too dependent on others is exhausting.

Six of Swords Present

In the present, it shows that you’re currently doing well. Your life seems to be in a calmer state than it was in the past.

It seems as if everything is always falling into place. You’re experiencing excellent and positive things in which you truly deserve.

You’re also receiving an abundance of blessings along the way. You never fail to accept the opportunities that continue to enter.

You’re someone who is now facing your challenges without fear. You’re not running away from the consequences of your actions anymore.

So be proud of the enormous progress you made to get here.

Six of Swords Past

In the past, you used to depend too much on people. As a result, it became a difficult time for you when people started walking away.

This is because you were not used to doing things on your own. You would always want the company and assistance of someone else.

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In the past, you also encountered countless problems. You used to run away from these problems because you found it challenging to face them.

The past has taught you to stand up for yourself despite the circumstances. It has prepared you to face your fears even if you fall down.

Six of Swords Future

In the future, you’ll have the assurance that you can do it. No matter how difficult the challenges you may face, you’ll go out there!

This is the perfect opportunity to start improving. You believe that you’ll do a lot more amazing things in the future.

But you’re still uncertain if the future is bright for you. So you need to receive the assurance that everything will be okay.

So don’t worry about that, because the future will assure you. The future will put you in the right places where you’ll continue to grow.

You’re made to do more things.

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Six of Swords as How Someone Feels About You

Someone feels like you focus too much on being delusional. This person wants you to pay attention to what they’re trying to say.

This person wants you to listen to their advice or suggestion. Perhaps you once approached them for guidance regarding a problem.

This person feels like you need to learn more about things. This person wants you to know how to do things on your own.

This person feels like they need to stay away from you. But it’s not necessary to be there for a long time; they just need some space.

You should try to listen.

Six of Swords Outcome

The Six of Swords, as an outcome, shows a hidden adventure. Perhaps this is beneficial for your constant growth and improvement.

You may be someone who will be on an extended vacation. This may be in relation to implementing how to be more independent.

You’ll be able to learn how to handle things on your own. This is to refrain from depending too much on other people.

This is the time wherein you continue to distance yourself. Perhaps this is about a relationship or family conflict.

You don’t need to deal with things right away; focus on yourself first.

Six of Swords Pregnancy and Fertility

The Six of Swords card can be a sign related to pregnancy. However, this does not necessarily exist as a card for pregnancy.

It may be possible that your pregnancy will result in conception. You’re still uncertain if you really want to start your own family or not.

The conception may also be related to sickness. Everything happens for a reason, and maybe now’s not the right time.

You need to focus more on improving yourself. You’ll not be able to provide for a child if you choose to be dependent.

So you should take care of yourself more.

Six of Swords Energy

The Six of Swords as energy may be related to overcoming challenges. Now is the time to start moving forward for a better life.

This immense energy resides with your strong will to change. You’re now done with relying on others, so you want to focus on yourself.

You want to improve yourself for the best version. And you also want to start handling things on your own before seeking help.

It’s important that you’ll be able to know your priorities. So start implementing proper time management to increase your productivity.

It’s not too late to try and become successful.

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Six of Swords as Action

The Six of Swords, as an action, is a card of transition. Prepare yourself to manifest the life that you want to have.

Now is the time to start working on yourself to thrive. It's now past bedtime in terms of depending too much on people.

You now realize that all you need is to make yourself better. You'll not be able to fulfill your individual goals if you're not independent.

So you're now taking a significant transition in your life. But this adjustment can take a long time before you get used to it.

Prepare yourself for extraordinary changes.

Six of Swords as Intentions

The Six of Swords relies on having good intentions. If you want to do something positive, you must reside with good intentions.

This is a card that is a representation of transformation. You’ll be able to achieve your goals if you choose to change for the better.

You’re someone who is now willing to learn more. You’ll not let your guard down no matter how difficult life may be.

You intend to succeed despite the challenges that you’ll encounter. This time, you’ll not walk away if problems start to be difficult again.

So continue to put genuine trust in yourself.

Six of Swords as How Someone Sees You

Someone sees you as the kind of person who would doze off. This is because you continue to linger in your unrealistic expectations.

This person sees you as someone who depends too much on people. You would most likely seek help in minor situations.

This person also sees your strong potential to succeed. But in order to do that, you must learn how to do everything on your own.

This person wants to give you growth advice. But they’re hesitating because you might not listen.

Try to give this person a shot and see if they’re really genuine to you.

Six of Swords Time Frame

The Six of Swords can have a specific time frame. However, it will always depend on your present situation and energy.

The Six of Swords has the representation of the number six. So expect an important event to take place in six days.

The Six of Swords has a connection with Mercury in Aquarius. And expect a specific period to start on January 30 and will end on February 8.

This card is also associated with the element of air. It stands for movement, balance, and solution to a certain event.

Whatever the result is, continue thriving for individual growth.

Six of Swords as a Woman

The Six of Swords can be a representation of a woman. If you have this card, then you’re currently experiencing a transition phase.

Don’t be afraid of this process because it will be worth it. You’ll have to move forward and leave the past behind to continue.

You’re someone who is now embracing transformation. You’re willing to adapt to significant adjustments in order to improve.

You used to depend too much on people in the past. But now, you’re perfectly fine in managing things on your own.

The universe sees your potential, girl boss. So continue showing your strong confidence.

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Six of Swords as a Man

The Six of Swords can be a representation of a man. You may be someone who is now striving to be the best version of yourself.

You’re someone who manages things effortlessly. While it may not look effortlessly, you know how to maximize your time.

You’re someone who is always good at decision-making. Whenever a team building situation pops up, you’re always there to the rescue.

You apply your masculine energy to your confidence. You feel like you have already achieved so many things in the present.

So be thankful that you’re still here today. Continue doing what you love.

Six of Swords Communication

The Six of Swords can be a card for communication. If you really need the help of someone, don’t hesitate to reach out.

This card may be all about staying independent despite the circumstances. But in the end, you’ll still need the assistance of another person.

When you’re not used to managing a device, call for help. Remember that it’s not your job to know how to operate everything.

It’s okay to ask for help if you feel the need to cry. You’ve done a great job these past few months and you deserve a friend.

Continue to stay resilient.

Six of Swords Reconciliation

The Six of Swords may not be a sign of reconciliation. This means that a past person may not want to work things out again.

Don’t take this as a negative sign in terms of relationships. Take this as a sign that there’s so much more in store for you.

You need to accept the fact that people come and go. You just need to learn how to manage everything on your own.

This past person is never the right person for you. This person realizes that you two need to grow apart for good.

The right person will come.

Six of Swords Physical Appearance

The Six of Swords can have a specific physical appearance. But this will always depend on the one who receives the card.

You may look like someone who loves to travel. This is because you’re willing to explore new things and grow from places.

So you may not have a permanent address or home. Since you often travel and you don’t settle in a single place.

You may look like someone who doesn’t smile often. This may not necessarily mean that you’re always sad or in deep thinking.

If you’re indeed a traveler, the universe wishes you good luck today!

Six of Swords Reversed Outcome

The Six of Swords, in reverse, may show that you need time. Maybe you found out that your partner has been cheating behind your back.

Or a conflict occurred in your workplace that soon became toxic. And you need to come up with a decision if you should stay or go.

Remember, it’s not a bad thing if you choose to focus on yourself. It’s not a bad thing if you decide to leave everything behind for a while.

This may be the sign that you need to travel. Feel free to go on a vacation or a calm place.

Six of  Swords Reversed Pregnancy

The Six of Swords in reverse may be in relation to pregnancy. This could mean that you're not ready to enter the stage of parenthood.

The universe isn't rushing you to decide right now. So your feelings about not wanting to think about this are valid.

Maybe you just need to work on yourself first. Instead of stressing over a situation, you can't control, focus on yourself.

Time will tell when is the right moment to have this decision. In the end, it will always be up to you, especially if you're female.

Keep doing what you love and thrive.

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Six of Swords Friendship

The Six of Swords may be an essential card for friendship. This could be a sign that you need to focus on yourself first.

You have the free will to choose your set of friends. And you have the free will to cut off ties with friends who aren’t good for you.

Sometimes, all you need is a break from every stressful situation. It’s okay to detach yourself from friends who continue to exhaust you.

You need to make a decision about the ones you’ll continue to trust. Remember, you can’t trust all of your friends; they may disappoint you.

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Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.