Have you heard of the saying, “The eyes are the portal to the soul?” Most probably, compared to any other part of the body, the eyes attract the most incredible soul connection, the most fantastic mysticism, and the greatest consternation.
Having sparkling eyes signifies the universe's way of sending a warning of possible paranormal perils. People with sparkling eyes have lineage derived from a higher dimensional source, which includes demons, angels, and even the heavenly souls of humans.
Babies and young children have eyes like this too.
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Well, there's another meaning why the eyes sparkle; it could also be a sign of attraction, which you'll get to know below.
Eye Sparkle Attraction
If your boyfriend or partner's eye sparkles when he looks at you, it signifies what they're feeling inside. To determine a person's feeling for you is to look for the less obvious signs that cannot be faked, and that's the expression of his eyes.
As a girl, you should notice these silent signs and do not be carried away with words or grand gestures. If you're a firm believer of “action speaks louder than words” saying, you are guided.
Here are some reasons why your partner's eyes sparkle when he looks at you:
If his eyes sparkle when he stares at you, it's a good sign. It means that you're the woman of his dreams. However, be careful of the “woman of my dreams” phrases, as it can mean different things to other people.
If this person finds you attractive, his eyes might sparkle when he sees you. Honestly, when a guy finds you attractive, it's a good thing for you, plus if his eyes sparkle because he sees you attractive, then it's an even better sign. He's so into you.
One proof that a person is comfortable around you is when his eyes sparkle. For example, he's calm and relaxed when you're around, and he can truly show his goofy side or weird side because he's relaxed around you.
You don't have to worry because their eyes sparkle when they look at you; it reminds of a beautiful memory; it could be this person's deceased mother. However, if you see the rage in his eyes and not sparkle, then it's a bad memory.
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Sometimes a person's eyes may sparkle when he looks at you because he's genuinely interested in you but already accepted that he could not have you. It could be this person already has a girlfriend, or he sees you already with another man.
When a guy's eyes sparkle when he looks at you, it could or could not mean he genuinely loves you.
Lastly, his eyes might sparkle when he looks at you due to some reason. He believes that you're interested in him.
Someone's eyes having two different colors is interesting enough alone. But what about its meaning? Of course, so much more interesting.
You can find it out in the article I wrote about the Spiritual Meaning of Two Different Colored Eyes.
Dream about sparkling eyes meaning
Dream about sparkling eyes signifies an omen for creativity, flexibility, and the ability to mold yourself to fit into a situation. You are confident in your ability, and you're battling with your repressed emotions.
This dream could also indicate the eternal bond, relationship, and love between a mother and her child. However, you're the last in line for something.
A dream about sparkling eyes may also symbolize fortune and love. It could be you're expressing your desire for some excitement in your new relationship.
It could also mean innate knowledge, which is a part of your instinctual nature. This dream represents your emotions and suggests harmony, pleasure, and fertility.
A sparkling eye denotes unrealistic goals you have for yourself. Eventually, you'll achieve this; however, you still need to do something before this career and goal ultimately develop.
The sparkling in your dream symbolizes concerns about your physical image, including your weight. Well, you need to get ready because there's some hard work coming ahead.
The eye is a metaphor that represents your small and irrational fears. Don't be so black and white about everything, where you need to learn to adapt to different situations.
This dream represents your frustrations in your life. Well, you need to pay attention to this negative behavior of yours.
You're beginning to discover your hidden potential to create a solid foundation of a fortune. However, it may not come quickly, so you need to persevere and be more determined in achieving your goals.
Sparkling eyes are beautiful in real life; that's why they share a positive symbolism in the dream too. They represent the guardian angel you have in your life right now.
You might also be curious about the Spiritual Meaning of Hazel Eyes.