Spiritual meaning behind breaking glass: Is it a good or bad omen? - Spiritual-Galaxy.com

Spiritual meaning behind breaking glass: Is it a good or bad omen?

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There are times that you break a glass in just a snap. Because of the superstitions going around, you’re wondering if it’s good luck or bad luck. Therefore, you come up with this question, what is the spiritual meaning of broken glass? 

The symbolism of glass has a long history since it has been used for years. They have been used for making different types of bowls, vessels, jewelry, and weapons. 

Generally, glass is an eternal material with impressive characteristics. You can break, transform, and melt it, but the end product is still glass.

Glass is considered a symbol of fragility, vulnerability, and brittleness. It has lots of symbolism. Glass could be in the form of a sparkling piece of glass art, glass-made decorative figurines, architectural designs like glass windows, doors, and so on. As you notice, these things are strong material but are fragile.

It also signifies protection and strength. It represents the things you can see and are well-aware of and the things you cannot see and are unaware of.

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It's like invisible protection where you can be attacked easily, something like that.

What is the spiritual meaning of broken glass?

Like a broken plate, Broken glass does not literally mean actual things that are broken. It could also be broken relationships that cannot be fixed or restored. It also symbolizes things that are bad and cannot be fixed.

In spiritual terms, broken glass is considered bad luck. It was derived from breaking a glass mirror. If you're holding a glass and it accidentally slipped on your hand, it means that you will meet someone who will do good for you. Therefore, it means you're lucky on that day.

To break glass in public is a sign of good luck and a good omen as long as you didn't hurt anyone. Many people are worried about breaking glass because it's linked with different superstitions.

Broken glass symbolizes terrible luck or misfortune, but others believe that it signifies luck. The key to determining whether it's a stroke of good or bad luck is by looking at the type of glass.

Glass mirror, when broken, means seven years of bad luck. But, a glass bottle denotes good luck if broken.

When it comes to relationships, people believe that a relationship will soon end. It could also indicate that a spiritual or family connection could be affected.

However, keep in mind that the messages we receive from the other side aren't always accurate. But if you're looking for a sign to end it, then a broken glass is sent by the universe to end your relationship with someone, so be it.

On the other hand, broken glass, such as mirrors and windows, represents a hidden message. Probably, you've heard about a broken mirror brings seven years of bad luck, which is a commonly known belief.

However, mirrors are the gateways between our world and the underworld. Therefore, when a mirror is broken, it means there's a crack or a gap from here to there.

The same applies to windows in your home. If one of your windows is broken, it will have a portal for the outside to get in.

Some people say that a broken window means the opposite. The window represents your defense, and when it is cracked or broken, it represents that your defense, either be physical or spiritual, is weakening.

It could be that you've finally ready to get out of the shell. Maybe you're ready to accept other opportunities in your life. It could be a new job or new business ideas.

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Only you will know whether the barriers are restraining you or the barriers are protecting you. Just follow your intuition.

Broken glass also signifies carelessness. Most of the time, we let our guards down because we're too complacent that no harm is coming our way.

However, if you accidentally break a glass, especially at night, it's a sign that something terrible might happen to you because of your negligence. Nevertheless, you can prevent it by being careful and vigilant. 

Lastly, broken glass is a sign of diversification. If you see broken glass, the universe is telling you to embrace diversification, which means it's time to be open-minded and accept the ideas and opinions of other people.

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Feng shui meaning of broken glass

When you find broken glass, it represents that your spiritual defenses are weak. Glass is a fragile and delicate item that needs to be handled carefully.

As elegant as it sounds, our spiritual defense should not be like a glass that shattered quickly. Therefore, it will not pose any risk or threats from the evil spirits around to lure you.

Whenever you find broken glass, the feng shui principle sees it as a sign that you're vulnerable to attacks. So, it's time to strengthen your spiritual defense by doing the following:

  • Positive affirmations
  • Protection spells
  • Hanging rosemary or bay leaf on your door
  • Wear a Hamsa hand bracelet
  • Burning protective incense
  • Saying protective prayers
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Another spiritual meaning from the feng shui tradition is that you're going to experience abundance in your life. Like broken glass, it shattered into countless pieces, and you cannot count them easily.

If the glass breaks into many pieces, it's a sign that you're going to experience abundance or countless blessings in your life. It's excellent news, and it brings joy to anyone who will receive it.

According to feng shui, whenever you break a glass into uncountable pieces, the universe tells you that money will come in your way. So, you could expect a drastic change in your financial status.

Lastly, feng shui experts believe that whenever you break a glass, it means something will end. It means a phase in your life is going to end and invites you to a new chapter of your life. It could be a relationship or a career.

Biblical meaning of broken glass

If you see broken glass, the bible has an explanation for it. First, broken glass is a sign of sin.

The bible tells us that God is warning us from making sins. Broken glass can injure our feet or hands whenever we carelessly step or touch the pieces.

Therefore, it signifies that we should stay away or prevent doing sin. If you sin, you should expect the consequences that can lead you to eternal hellfire. So, allow the broken glass to warn you.

Another biblical meaning of broken glass is that you should not be hasty when deciding. Deciding without even thinking will lead to horrible consequences.

Therefore, pay attention to the broken glass sign the universe gave you. When making a decision, ask God for direction and clarity.

Spiritual meaning of broken glass in a dream

Dreaming of broken glass represents your fear of the fragility of some person or situation in your life. Despite your efforts, you now need to face or deal with this situation that you're avoiding.

Another interpretation of broken glass in your dream is a good omen. You've been facing a problem for so long that has now been resolved. 

Here are the symbols of broken glass in your dream:

  1. Fragility

Broken glass in your dream can symbolize that you're worried about someone or something in your life that seems delicate. It could refer to physical fragility like electronic equipment or to physical conditions like osteoporosis, where people are susceptible to breaking their bones.

This fragility could also refer to your emotions. You feel fragile when you feel incapable of handling difficulties in your way, or it could mean that the bad things you're trying to avoid already happened.

  1. Boundaries

Glass in your dream represents a boundary between one space to another. It's like the windows in your car and house.

Dreaming of a broken glass symbolizes that you or someone in your life has overstepped the line. It could be invading one's personal space.

  1. Destruction

When a glass is broken, there's an act of destruction, whether it happened accidentally or not. Dreaming a broken glass means that something in your life has been destroyed.

It could be a good or bad thing, depending on you see it.

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Is breaking a glass a good or bad omen?

Whenever the universe is giving you a sign, you should take it and analyze it seriously. If you ignore the sign, breaking glass can bring a bad omen.

Your attitude on how you accept the spiritual message of broken glass will dictate if it will bring you luck or misfortune.

Final Words

If you're a spiritual person and believe in signs and symbols, you should be concerned about breaking glass.

Depending on the situation, the broken glass may symbolize damaged goods.

If you break it intentionally, it's bad luck then. However, if you broke it accidentally, it means good luck, or you'll receive help or favor from someone.

It could also mean an end of the current cycle in your life. Most times, the next cycle is full of positivity and good news.

Meanwhile, if you're not a believer in spiritual interpretation of broken glass yet you're afraid of breaking glass, then you could have an anxiety disorder known as Spasmenagalia Phobia

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Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.