Sun Conjunct Venus Composite: The Problem With Peaceful Couples -

Sun Conjunct Venus Composite: The Problem With Peaceful Couples

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Sun Traits

We stress the importance of the Sun: planets would fall off their orbit and find another star to revolve if the Sun dies. 

The Sun conjunct Venus composite ensures that the relationship will be full of tenderness for each other. There will be a smooth-sailing relationship, albeit not constantly. 

These people will have fun with each other. It is not surprising that they will do things together. Furthermore, both are open to each other's opinions and value them. 

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This giant star defines our personality as a whole. It oversees our overall personality. 

As opposed to the moon that governs emotions, our Sun concerns itself with rationality and logic. Hence, the Sun is at work whenever we use our rationality when making decisions. 

Our planetary aspects also depend on the Sun. The Sun influences our planetary aspect. 

In the end, the Sun has the final say whether or not the personal planets will take over our identities temporarily.

The Sun oversees our maturity as well. Additionally, the massive star represents our masculine energy and ego.

Venus Traits

Venus is one of the most worshipped goddesses in ancient Rome because of her charming face and alluring aura. Passionate love and affectionate couples move her heart, earning her the title of goddess of love. 

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This planet governs love and relationships. Venus reveals our perception of love and relationships. 

Venus craves harmony and balance. It wants nothing more but serenity. 

And this planet wants to share this peace with anyone and spread it in the surroundings. For this reason, the planet dislikes conflict and disagreements. It views those as the destruction of balance.

Check out this Sun conjunct Uranus article if you want to learn more about the Sun and Uranus.

You may also find this interesting:  Mercury Conjunct Venus: Will There Be An Imbalance In The Relationship?

Sun Conjunct Venus Composite

Mathematical midpoints between persons determine a composite chart. These midpoints measure the distance of planetary placements and aspects between couples or even friendships. 

Composite shows the energies these people create in the relationship, unlike synastry, which shows the people's impact on each other. 

This couple will certainly have the same taste in fashion, style, and decoration. Bonus: they also share the same perception and ideas. 

These similarities are what make the relationship enjoyable. Their energies are in sync, and they find a lot of common ground with each other.

The couple will want to maintain the balance that their relationship has. 

But here comes the problem. No matter how pressing the issues are, the couple will find themselves brushing them off. 

This couple wants harmony so much, and they achieve it by giving each other what they want and need. Because of this, there may be times where satisfaction is their primary drive in the relationship. 

These people may stay in the relationship even if they do not love each other anymore. Emphasis on satisfying each other may derail the relationship's purpose.

Remarkably, the couple thinks of each other's needs. But remember that the relationship should not always work like that. 

People get into relationships because they love each other, and this love is the top priority. 

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Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.