Ten of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning (Upright & Reversed) - Spiritual-Galaxy.com

Ten of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning (Upright & Reversed)

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Ten of Pentacles is the tenth card in the suit of Pentacles and part of the minor arcana. The card depicts an image of an older man, hair as white as snow. 

Ten of pentacles is a card of success and accomplishment. This card tells of the achievement and goal you have achieved in your life. 

This card carries along with a sense of accomplishment and pride as you have completed these particular things in your life.

Beside the man, on his right side, stood two white dogs who were as friendly as usual. The man is petting the other dog while a child is patting another one. 

The man with white hair is portrayed as someone of great wealth, as depicted in his clothing. He is wearing an embroidered robe with quite some vibrant colors. This can indicate that the older man was throwing some kind of celebration in his castle. 

Around the image are ten distributed coins that have a star in the middle.

Ten of Pentacles Upright Keywords

  • Wealth
  • Financial security
  • Family
  • Long term success
  • Contribution
  • Inheritance
  • Affluence
  • Tradition
  • Strong foundation
  • Good family relations
  • Legacy
  • Roots
  • Ancestry
  • Privilege
  • Stability
  • Tradition

Ten of Pentacles Reversed Keywords

  • Bankruptcy
  • Family disputes
  • Debt
  • Short term or fleeting success
  • Huge losses
  • Restriction
  • Separation
  • Conflict rooted in money
  • Breaking traditions
  • Coldheartedness
  • Rocky or loose foundations
  • Financial failure or loss
  • Instability

Ten of Pentacles General Meaning

The older adult is portrayed like he is the head of a powerful and abundant family. His clothing and the garments on his body scream of wealth and achievement. 

He is patting a white dog as if he was welcoming them. The image depicts a get-together of a family, and the man patting the dog symbolizes his welcoming nature. 

He is a giving man that is willing to give warmth to the family. The picture is reminiscent of a family reunion, just like how people do it nowadays.

The white dogs symbolize loyalty and warmth. Their white color is a sign of purity and kindness. The child petting another white dog is a symbol of innocence. 

The man who seems to be the head of the family has succeeded in his life. Now, he is willing to share whatever he has achieved. 

The image portrays a kind of gathering. This shows the man’s generosity and his longing to give. 

He is a wealthy man that symbolizes achievement and riches.

The older man is secured, and we can see that the people around him are too. The walls and the flags that decorate the archway speaks of the history of the family. 

This tells us that they have a rich past. Their ancestry has been going on for a long time. This can indicate strength in their bond. In a way, the image portrays different generations. 

The elderly, the mature and the adults that are probably just starting a family, and lastly, a child, someone from the younger generation. This image portrays an image of co-existence and good relationships with people.

Ten of Pentacles (Upright) Meaning

For a long time and even now, you have been working hard and using your resources right. Now, you have reached a point of victory and a point where you can call yourself successful. 

The gains you have achieved through these achievements are resonating and are of use in your life. You are willing to share your knowledge with the people around you. 

Sharing your wealth is also one of the things you do.

You are a giving person. You are someone who wants the best for the people around you. 

This card encourages you to share your wealth and success with people who care about you in return. You have come this far to achieve what you have, and you are sharing your impact with others. 

This card reminds you of the comfort your family brings. They are someone you bond with even biologically. 

When the world seems unbearable, you have someone by your side if you have a family.

Ten of Pentacles (Upright) in In Love and Relationship

The Ten of Pentacles is an important card in a love reading. This shows that you’re currently with someone who is a good provider.

You both complete each other in terms of being independent. You don’t often depend on each other in terms of financial support.

This is because you’re both goal diggers who continue to thrive. Maybe you’re both workaholics; that makes you both so compatible.

But you’re always there for each other in the darkest days. It’s not always about wealth and excitement; it’s also about being raw and genuine.

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Ten of Pentacles (Upright) in Career and Finance

Ten of Pentacles is more on connections and relationships. In the career aspect, your career is as abundant as ever. 

This can also indicate that you are venturing into a family business. If you are already in a business, this card represents improvement and abundance. 

With the right mindset and people around you, your business will surely grow as you want it to be. This will help you in bettering the security of your family.

In the financial aspect, this card is also representative of security and stability. You are currently in a place of abundance and financial security. 

This card also tells you that you may plan to set up a retirement plan for your future. This is the best time for saving up for the future as you have the resources.

 You may also receive a considerable amount of money from your ancestors or your family. All in all, this card signals wealth and good family connections.

Ten of Pentacles (Upright) in Health

Ten of pentacles in the aspect of your health also represents stability and long-term good health. If you happen to have health issues, this card encourages you to look into your family history as something genetic. 

Whatever it is you are going through, rest assured that the people around you will help you go through with it. You will have their support and care.

Ten of Pentacles (Upright) in Spirituality

This card in the aspect of spirituality tells you that you are finding peace and security in the elements of your life. Your spiritual life is continuously growing, and it is giving you genuine joy. 

This is an excellent time for appreciation and enjoyment. 

Share your blessings with others and improve your connection. This will bring you peace and fulfillment.

Ten of Pentacles (Reversed) Meaning

Ten of pentacles in reverse poses a question as to what you want. This card in reverse can tell you that wealth can be a struggle and barrier as time goes by. 

If you have been caught up with all the luxurious things, you might get lost in them. Perhaps you may forget about reality and get trapped in an endless cycle of chasing pointless wealth. 

As you journey in search of money, you might feel unsatisfied and want more and more as time goes by.

Ten of Pentacles (Reversed) in Love and Relationship

The Ten of Pentacles, in reverse, can be about a love reading. This shows that maybe you’re seeing the wrong perspective in love.

Maybe instead of genuinely giving, you also seek approval. You seek validation from your family or your current partner.

This is because you’re confident that you’ve always been generous. You know that they’re always thankful to have you.

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Ten of Pentacles (Reversed) in Career and Finance

In the aspect of career, this card in reverse speaks of instability. You might be encountering disconnection and challenges in your business partners and relationships. 

This is an excellent time to revisit your business plans and decisions. You might want to save what’s left that can be saved.

In the financial aspect, this card in reverse also indicates losses. Reverse ten of pentacles can be a sign of substantial financial loss in your life. 

You may experience bankruptcy, huge debts, etc. It may be from a business, or perhaps a debt, or other things. 

This card can also signal family disputes related to money. The family might be in a lot of tension because of money matters. 

The trust between your family is now broken, and you need to be more careful in dealing with them. The loss is double as it speaks of losing both family trust and money/ wealth.

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Ten of Pentacles (Reversed) in Health

Ten of pentacles in reverse can signal a sudden shift in your health. Suppose you have been experiencing and are struggling with some health-related issues. In that case, this card in reverse can tell you of the vast tendency that it’s inherited or genetic. 

It might be helpful to conduct checkups and research your family history.

Ten of Pentacles (Reversed) in Spirituality

This card in reverse speaks of a challenge in your spiritual growth. Perhaps something is blocking you and your energy from reaching and achieving true fulfillment. 

You might have been focusing more on the material things the world can offer rather than spiritual growth.

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Ten of Pentacles: YES or NO?

Ten of pentacles exudes positive energy, especially in terms of family and financial matters. Relations are blooming, and it is a good card that indicates trust between family, friends, and partners. 

It is also a sign of long-term stability and abundance. For these reasons, the answer to your yes or no question is YES. 

This is especially true on another level for questions about family, relationships, friendships, and partnerships.

Ten of Pentacles Advice

The Ten of Pentacles card as advice wants you to be generous. This should be applied often when taking care of your family.

So look after your family more, help them in any way that you can. Because they were the ones who were there ever since.

Ten of Pentacles Reversed Advice

The Ten of Pentacles, in reverse, shows the financial crisis. This could inevitably affect the state of your family.

Perhaps you or your family are currently suffering from money problems. You need to find a way soon in order to solve this issue.

Maybe you’re also not on good terms with some of your family members. It’s okay to detach from people who continue to be toxic.

Ten of Pentacles as a Person

The Ten of Pentacles is someone who is financially independent. If you have this card, maybe you’re the breadwinner of the family.

So you don’t hesitate to provide for them even if they don’t always need it. You’ll initiate by giving the necessary items for them to survive.

You’re someone who works hard in order to provide for your loved ones. But you must not forget that you provide for yourself too.

Ten of Pentacles Reversed as a Person

The Ten of Pentacles, in reverse, is someone who is unfortunate with wealth. If you have this card, then you’re currently suffering from debt.

You don’t have the total capacity to take control of your finances. Your daily bills and debts continue to pile up in front of you.

Your greed will lead you to nowhere if you don’t choose generosity.

Ten of Pentacles Present

In the present, you’re currently lucky in terms of wealth. Don’t pressure yourself because your efforts are always worth it.

Don’t overwork or exhaust yourself to the core because you deserve long hours of rest and relaxation from heavy work.

Your efforts from work are currently gaining the recognition they deserve. As a result, you receive the salary you deserve with good bonuses.

Ten of Pentacles Past

In the past, you used to struggle because of money. You felt like everything in life is intertwined with money.

You used to believe that opportunities for you were limited. You had a difficult time finding a job that would make you stable.

But you didn’t give up until the very end, so opportunity knocked on your door. And you gladly accepted this without hesitations.

Ten of Pentacles Future

In the future, you’ll face challenges that will lead you to square one. It will make you remember the hardships you encountered in the past.

But you already know what to do this time. So you’re not afraid to accept the challenges that will surprise you soon.

This may be in relation to your finances and career. You have the ability to make wise decisions and actions in order to succeed.

Ten of Pentacles as How Someone Feels About You

Someone feels secure whenever they think about you. They feel like they don’t have to worry about a single penny because of you.

Perhaps this person is a family member or a relative of yours. They would always rely on you in terms of financial matters.

This person feels like they already have everything in their life. They’re thankful for you for having the privilege to live this life.

Ten of Pentacles Outcome

The Ten of Pentacles, as an outcome, shows generational wealth. The advantage of your family is that you’ll inevitably be wealthy.

You need to be thankful for this excellent opportunity. So you need to work hard in order to gain and be worthy of this success.

Ten of Pentacles Pregnancy and Fertility

The Ten of Pentacles can be a card for pregnancy. This may come off as a surprise in terms of knowing the good news.

So you may not expect it, but it will occur, or it’s already here! It’s time to prepare yourself for another stage in your life.

This time, you’ll move on to the stage of parenthood. This process will not be easy, but it’s going to be worth it.

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Ten of Pentacles Energy

The Ten of Pentacles presents a very positive energy. This energy resides with your ability to harvest and manifest a successful life.

This energy also connects with your abundance of happiness. Of course, anyone can be genuinely happy when they’re wealthy.

In your case, you’re not only wealthy because of countless amounts of money. Aside from this, you’re rich in love and care.

Ten of Pentacles as Action

The Ten of Pentacles is an essential card for action. This shows your perseverance and consistency in becoming more successful.

You do this in order to provide security and happiness for your family. You know that this isn’t an easy task, but you continue to do it.

You’re someone who is always willing to do things the hard way. Because you believe that everything will be worth it.

Ten of Pentacles as Intentions

The Ten of Pentacles is a card for having good intentions. You’re someone who works hard to earn for yourself and for your family.

You’ll never stop until you know you can be a good provider. Even if you’re already successful, the work doesn’t stop there.

Because you’ll continue to experience hardships along the way, life isn’t only fantasies and rainbows; it will give you a headache.

Ten of Pentacles as How Someone Sees You

Someone sees you as the potential to be a good companion. They may constantly observe how you manage productivity in your life.

This person sees you as someone who has a lot of responsibilities. So as much as possible, they don’t want to be an inconvenience.

This person sees you as the breadwinner of your family. They believe that you’re the one who often provides for them.

Ten of Pentacles Time Frame

The Ten of Pentacles can have a specific time frame. But this will always depend on your current situation and energy.

A specific duration or period may be in the span of ten years. This event may be in relation to your success and wealth.

The Ten of Pentacles has a connection with Mercury in Virgo. A period may begin on September 12 and will end on September 22.

Ten of Pentacles as a Woman

The Ten of Pentacles can be a representation of a woman. This means that you’re someone who loves to spoil your loved ones.

Perhaps you’re the eldest daughter in your family. Which also makes you the breadwinner and top tier in the family.

Your strong feminine energy resides in your ability to listen and understand. You never fail to adhere to their concerns first before anything else.

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Ten of Pentacles as a Man

The Ten of Pentacles can be a representation of a man. If you have this card, you’re currently giving your efforts to your family.

You’re the type of guy who has always been family oriented. Your top priority is looking after and taking care of your family.

They have always been an important part of your life. Without them, you don’t believe you’ll be able to get here today.

Ten of Pentacles Communication

The Ten of Pentacles is a good card for communication. This shows you have the ability to extend your empathy to others.

This is often applied whenever you engage with your family. You always want to have open conversations for them to speak up.

You’re willing to hear and understand their individual concerns. So you’re trying your best to help them with their problems.

Ten of Pentacles Reconciliation

The Ten of Pentacles is a positive card for reconciliation. A past person wants to work things out with you again.

This person sees you as a part of their family. Meaning they want to be with you for the rest of their lives.

Their family probably knows you already. And you finally reached their family’s standards, so that’s a huge bonus!

Ten of Pentacles Physical Appearance

The Ten of Pentacles can have a specific physical appearance. But this will always depend on the one who received the card.

You look like someone who is now at the highest point in your life. This means that you’re currently at the point wherein you’re now successful.

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Ten of Pentacles Reversed Outcome

The Ten of Pentacles, in reverse, shows that things are falling apart. You never intended for any of this to happen all at once.

Maybe you currently have a separation from your person. And you’re also having financial problems that are too overwhelming.

You have unresolved issues that continue to resurface. This mainly refers to strong family tensions that need confrontation.

Ten of Pentacles Reversed Pregnancy

The Ten of Pentacles, in reverse, shows things aren’t going well. You may experience difficulties in handling your pregnancy.

Because different factors may take part in your stress phase. Perhaps there are family issues that are lingering on the surface.

So you’re having difficulty running to someone or reaching out. You really need to have someone by yourself in these difficult times.

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Ten of Pentacles Friendship

The Ten of Pentacles is an important card for friendships. This shows that things are going well for your friend group.

You're surrounded by people who genuinely love you. They're willing to stay by your side through thick and thin.

You need these people other than you need yourself. Because you can't face this life alone, you'll need a companion.

Sharing is caring!

Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.