Ten of Swords Tarot Card Meaning (Upright & Reversed) - Spiritual-Galaxy.com

Ten of Swords Tarot Card Meaning (Upright & Reversed)

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Ten of Swords is part of the minor arcana group. It depicts a picture of a man on a shore lying down. 

Ten of Swords is a card that encourages acceptance. Just like how you accept the emotions you feel, you should also be willing to take the shift in your life. 

Ten swords are pierced on his back, and blood gushes from the wounds. A red cape can be seen covering some parts of his body. The sky above him is dark and ominous. 

In some images, the sun makes an appearance as if providing little light to the dark place. As he lay lifeless on the ground, the water beside him is calm and quiet. 

The image generally evokes a calm and peaceful picture. The picture seems to be bleak and, in a way, feels empty.

Ten of Swords Upright Keywords

  • Painful endings
  • Deep wounds
  • Betrayal
  • Loss
  • Crisis
  • Issues
  • Mental breakdowns
  • Breakdowns
  • Betrayal
  • Enemies
  • Financial ruin
  • Bitterness
  • Collapse
  • Exhaustion
  • Ruin
  • Stuck or stagnation
  • Badmouthing
  • Goodbyes
  • Hitting rock bottom
  • Exaggeration
  • Curses
  • Failure

Ten of Swords Reversed Keywords

  • Rising above problems
  • Haters
  • Gossips
  • Surviving disasters
  • Improvement
  • Healing
  • Despair
  • Pulling yourself together
  • Relapse
  • Finding coping mechanisms
  • Perseverance
  • Forgiveness
  • Recovery
  • Despair

Ten of Swords General Meaning

Ten of Swords speaks of the inevitable end of things. This card marks the end of something in life. 

As the man lay flat on the ground, his surrender was inevitable. The changes were sudden and perhaps groundbreaking. 

The red cloth covering half the man’s body represents his dignity as he leaves. All of the swords are stabbed in his back from his neck down to his spine. 

This signifies that the challenges must be unexpected and abrupt.

The sky is dark as a symbol of lost hope. The darkness encourages a pause, a rest, just like the rest we get at night. 

But, in some versions, a sun is peeking, which symbolizes hope despite the heavy clouds. The pitch-black sky is reminiscent of the void we usually feel when all is lost. 

The black sky is a sign of the dark road almost impassable, brought by fears and worries. The man lay flat, in utter surrender and with no means to get back up.

The image itself depicts dark energy as the blood gushes out and the swords are stabbed straight into the body. Hope is gone, but the small light can mean a new start and hope for what is lost.

Ten of Swords (Upright) Meaning

This can range from career, relationships, hobbies, and etcetera. The endings can be unexpected and abrupt. 

It can take you back and pull you down. 

This is where being prepared comes in handy. When you assume all things to be temporary, you are likely ready to lose some.

However, the pain of losing something remains intact and untouched. This is relevant even without the person showing hints of pain. 

The feelings brought about by these experiences may disrupt the flow of your life. However, you need to be strong and face the reality of letting go. 

This shift may be a significant shift or a tiny one—nevertheless, your acceptance matters. Accepting the current and letting go of the past that does not serve you anymore is a strength. 

Of course, pain can be present in letting go, but sometimes pain is also the weapon. With pain, the lesson seems more resounding, and you get stronger as you go.

This card is also an all-out card. This can indicate a grave situation where you are experiencing something that has a severe effect on you. 

Perhaps it will be difficult for you to move on, but with enough time, you indeed can. This card urges you to pull yourself together.

 Pick yourself up from the ground and help yourself slowly recover from the loss you just experienced. The first step to healing actually has the guts to start. 

As you go, you will realize that the process of recovery was worth it.

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Ten of Swords (Upright) in In Love and Relationship

In a relationship, this card is not so good of a sign. This card speaks of ends, and that includes stops for relationships. As a result, you may experience the pains of separation like breakups, divorce, or canceled engagements. 

If you are in a relationship, your relationship might be in danger of experiencing a breakup. In all actuality, you may have already known the shakiness of the relationship. 

This is the type of endings you sort of actually prepared for.

However, this does not exempt you from pain. You will still feel thestill the pain of losing somebody despite the misunderstandings. 

This time, you need to accept the situation and the pain in order to move forward. Sometimes, Ten of Swords can also signal infidelity. 

For example, one or both of you may have been having affairs that contributed to the destruction of the relationship. In any case, if you feel like you can’t go on with the whole thing, it’s best just to end the relationship.

If you happen to be in an abusive relationship, this card firmly pushes you to break away. If this is difficult for you, you should ask someone to talk to or help you. 

You might be in greater danger if you continue to stay with someone who hurts you in any aspect of your life. If you are single, this card points to your trouble moving on. 

Perhaps your past relationship had a significant impact on you, and it’s hard to shake their influence and feelings. On the other hand, this can also mean that maybe the relationship ended on unexpected terms.

It can be possible that you weren’t ready for it to end. At some point, you wish it never happened. 

On these occasions, it’s important to remember why you had to break up in the first place. It’s useless to keep something that’s destroying you. 

This card encourages you to find time for yourself. Perhaps some time to bond alone and realize your self-worth. 

Getting to know the self does not stop at knowing your name. There are still many things to know about yourself.

Ten of Swords (Upright) in Career and Finance

As Ten of Swords is generally a card that represents ends, this is not a good sign in the aspect of your career. You can be meeting the end of a project or perhaps the end of your job.

 You may be on the verge of being fired, or you may be the one ending your ties with your current career.

This card can also indicate you being a subject of unfavorable talk inside your office. You might have developed fake friends or people who dislike you inside the office. 

Try to distinguish the people you can trust and those you cannot. Keep those you trust close and try to communicate with those you cannot get along well with.

Ten of Swords also speaks of overstraining yourself. Perhaps you have been working a lot to the point of exhaustion. 

You must take it easy for you to be able to do your best performance. Do not overwork yourself and do everything on time to avoid damaging effects on your health. 

This might not be the best time to engage in businesses or partnerships. 

It could be shaky and might crumble anytime without the right mindset and actions. Unfortunately, as this card speaks of ending and collapse, businesses may be experiencing this.

Hardships are typical and are sometimes a need in life. Without them, it would be impossible for some to develop their attitudes positively. 

Therefore, when faced with a struggle in their career, the best thing to do is to take the best course of action and learn something from it. In the aspect of finance, this card tells you to be careful of the deals you sign into and your financial spendings. 

This card can point to an investment that has been stagnated and is not yielding you any fruit at all. Objectivity is essential in investing rather than your emotional drives.

Ten of Swords (Upright) in Health

Ten of Swords is a warning call for your health. This card encourages you to stop and take a break. 

It would be best to focus on your health more to avoid severe conditions that can damage you significantly. This card urges you to put your health first.

Ten of Swords (Upright) in Spirituality

As a card that signals the end, Ten of Swords indicates that you are about to disconnect and detach yourself from old beliefs. 

However, this card can also be a warning telling you to be careful of the people around you. They may be dishonest and disloyal, which can disrupt your growth in the spirit.

Ten of Swords (Reversed) Meaning

Ten of Swords in reverse speaks of the struggling nature of people—the way when we deny the end and start to get defensive. 

Perhaps you are not ready for the future, and you tend to fight a war that’s already decided. Thus, your resistance will just cause the situation to be messed up even more. 

You could be worsening the picture as you try so hard to save it. In dragging the case too far, you can prolong the agony and allow yourself to get stuck in an unfortunate situation.

This card encourages you to assess your situations and the decisions you will potentially be making. In a sense, it urges you to let go of the things that are only hurting you. 

It persuades you to refrain from looking back. Instead, your goal is to look forward and face the future that’s about to unfold rather than the irreversible past.

Lastly, this card symbolizes the end of suffering and despair. This means you will be able to find room for yourself to grow. 

With this, you can release the negativities and let go of the emotions that create damages in your life.

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Ten of Swords (Reversed) in Love and Relationship

Ten of Swords reversed in the case of love and relationship indicates a glimmer of hope. This card speaks of your process of healing. 

Finally, you are on your healing journey and are ready to move on from the past. Suppose you happen to be in an abusive relationship that’s hard to escape. 

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In that case, this card in reverse brings a message of victorious escape. This card can indicate a rise in the level of abuse that can seriously affect your life. 

It’s best to assess and escape as soon as you can.

Prioritize your safety over your feelings. At the end of the day, you have yourself, and you are essential. 

If you sense danger inside the relationship, leave immediately before emotions cloud your decisions. The relationship might be already over. You still have hard feelings like anger and despair. 

However, you have also recognized the necessity for the existence of these feelings. They are part of the lessons you gained.

If you are single, this card in reverse represents recovery. After an unfortunate relationship, you are getting closer and closer to healing. 

You have learned to accept all these lingering emotions and use them for your good.

Ten of Swords (Reversed) in Career and Finance

Ten of Swords in reverse in the aspect of your career also symbolizes getting over a hard time. Perhaps you have been experiencing a rough patch in your job or the people in your office. 

Thankfully, the storm is slowly calming down. If you happen to lose your job, you are now seeing a glimmer of hope and are ready to start again. 

You are on your way to finding something you would want to do likewise. In a way, it’s a reconnection process to your passion.

You are now in search of something a lot healthier than the job you had. This time, you will have the chance to excel and grow in an environment that suits you. 

If you are in business, this card in reverse can indicate both your business rising back again or its destruction. 

Ten of Swords (Reversed) in Health

Ten of Swords in reverse in the aspect of your health indicates recovery or survival. If you have been struggling with a severe illness, your condition is getting better and better over time. 

If you think you can’t handle your struggles alone, it’s always okay to ask for help from people you trust and professionals.

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Ten of Swords (Reversed) in Spirituality

Ten of Swords in reverse in the case of spirituality also symbolizes recovery. You have already surpassed a hard time in your life, and therefore, you have gained knowledge and wisdom from them. 

On the other hand, this card in reverse can also speak of neglect. Perhaps you are missing the lessons life has to offer because you refuse to accept them

Instead, provide a space for your spiritual growth and get closer to yourself.

Ten of Swords: YES or NO?

Ten of Swords, as evident in the imagery of the card, exudes negativity as the gore image speaks for itself. It generally tells about failure, endings, despair, and loneliness. 

Because of these reasons, the answer to your yes or no question is definitely a NO.

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Ten of Swords Advice

The Ten of Swords as advice reminds you to keep down. Now may not be the right time to act impulsive on your goals.

You need to keep your feet on the ground. Stay wise and critical when it comes to making decisions.

Ten of Swords Reversed Advice

The Ten of Swords, in reverse, wants you to move on. If you’re having trouble staying, now is the time to go.

You can always walk out of a situation that consumes you. Because you have nothing to give and prove to people who don’t deserve you.

You need to learn how to walk away to forget the past. Because you won’t be able to achieve your goals if you don’t.

Ten of Swords as a Person

The Ten of Swords is someone who wants to be independent. If you’re like this, then you’re having trouble leaving people.

This is because you always choose to look after people. You gain a sense of dependency when you take care of others.

So you’re now having trouble choosing yourself and your priorities. You’re someone who constantly believes that life is full of struggles.

Ten of Swords Reversed as a Person

The Ten of Swords, in reverse, is someone who doesn’t act right. If this is you, then your family and friends are continually disappointed with you.

This is because you continue to contradict your words and your actions. When you want to promise something, you’ll always end up not doing it.

Ten of Swords Present

In the present, you’re currently experiencing challenges. You feel like something terrible is about to happen at this moment.

But keep in mind that this event will change your life. It’s always inevitable to encounter the worst case scenario in your life.

Remember that you’re not unfortunate for experiencing this. We all need to face more hardships because it’s part of human nature.

Ten of Swords Past

In the past, you experienced situations that nearly broke you. As a result, you thought that you would never recover from these struggles.

These struggles enabled you to question your worth. At that moment, you felt like you didn't have what it takes to survive.

You were someone who juggled countless responsibilities. A lot of people left you in disappointment and hurt you emotionally.

Ten of Swords Future

In the future, you need to think carefully about your decisions. Because some roads will lead you to immense destruction.

Be sure to evaluate a choice first before picking it up. You have a variety of options in front of you, so be wise.

You don’t need to figure everything out. Because you’re going to need more time in order to make the right decision.

Ten of Swords as How Someone Feels About You

The Ten of Swords as feelings may be specified in a relationship. Someone is currently suffering from the damage of this relationship.

This person is currently trying to pick themselves up. Maybe an enormous destruction led this person to heal.

This person feels like your relationship is going nowhere. They used to be confident that they were doing everything for this to work.

Ten of Swords Outcome

The Ten of Swords, as an outcome, shows that changes appeared. This could be in relation to endings that suddenly entered your life.

You may be dealing with a separation from your past person. So you’re taking the time to grieve and gather your thoughts about this.

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Ten of Swords Pregnancy and Fertility

The Ten of Swords may be in relation to pregnancy. You may be someone who is currently pregnant but is in separation from your partner.

This is a complex challenge that you need to face. Because you have no choice but to get up and take care of your baby.

Ten of Swords Energy

The Ten of Swords may have an overwhelming energy. This resides with the strength to have negative and intrusive thoughts.

These thoughts continue to linger in your brain. As a result, it heavily affects your emotions and responses to the people around you.

This isn’t something that you should blame yourself for. You got these thoughts from your past and traumatic experiences.

Ten of Swords as Actions

The Ten of Swords is an essential card for action. This may relate to your strong urge to move on and be fully healed.

Perhaps you recently experienced a situation that nearly broke you. This situation suddenly changed your perspective on life and love.

Some things aren’t always meant to stay. You should be aware by now that people will always come and go.

Ten of Swords as Intentions

The Ten of Swords may present good intentions. But these will only appear if you choose yourself to heal.

You may be someone who experienced a lot of hardships. You just want for all of these to be finally over.

In order to implement change, you need to give full commitment to it. Because nothing will happen if you don’t intend to help yourself.

Ten of Swords as How Someone Sees You

Someone may see you as the type of person who is fragile. You may look like you're physically vulnerable, or they personally know you.

This person sees you as someone who would always crumble. They feel like others might take advantage of you and your intentions.

Ten of Swords Time Frame

The Ten of Swords can have a specific time frame. However, this will always depend on your current situation and energy.

This could mean that an important event is coming to an end. This may take place at the end of the month or the full moon’s end.

The Ten of Swords has a connection with Sol in Gemini. A specific period may begin on June 11 up to June 20.

The Ten of Swords has a connection with the element of air. This event may lead you to a realization or conclusion.

So be sure to prepare for this.

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Ten of Swords as a Woman

The Ten of Swords may be a representation of a woman. If you have this card, then you’re currently approaching your healing stage.

Perhaps you recently had a separation from your person. You firmly believed that they were the right one for you.

Ten of Swords as a Man

The Ten of Swords can be a representation of a man. You may be someone who is currently trying to be better.

You stopped showing your expectations from other people. You believe that you need to be independent in order to achieve your goals.

Ten of Swords Communication

The Ten of Swords is a good card for communication. This could mean that you need to start opening up to other people.

It will only be more difficult if you continue to remain private. You need someone who is always willing to listen to your problems.

Ten of Swords Reconciliation

The Ten of Swords may be a sign that reconciliation won’t take place. This may be in relation to your past person’s current healing phase.

This person is currently trying to make themselves okay. They don’t want anything to do with you anymore.

This person wants to completely move on and forget the pain. So they’re currently trying to make themselves feel better.

Ten of Swords Physical Appearance

The Ten of Swords can have a specific physical appearance. But this will always depend on the one who received the card.

The Ten of Swords may be someone who doesn't sleep much. If this is you, then you're probably overworking yourself.

Perhaps you have difficulty having a good night's sleep. Because you kept thinking about the problems that continue to pile up.

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Ten of Swords in a Love Reading

The Ten of Swords card may be a representation of a love reading. You may be someone who is currently trying to move on from a separation.

This relationship finally reached its farewell for good. It’s time for you and your person to part ways for the better.

This is because your relationship doesn’t work out anymore. You both need to part ways in order to let individual growth in.

Ten of Swords Reversed Love Reading

The Ten of Swords in reverse is a good sign for a love reading. This could mean that you’re currently on your way to the path of healing.

The universe wants to congratulate you for coming this far. Because you didn’t expect that you’ll get over the pain of the relationship.

Ten of Swords Reversed Outcome

The Ten of Swords, in reverse, shows your potential to move forward.

You’re currently trying to get yourself back up again. You got out of a toxic or abusive relationship.

The universe wants to say that they’re proud of your progress. This is because you continued to remain strong until the very end.

Ten of Swords Reversed Pregnancy

The Ten of Swords in reverse shows you’re starting to move forward. You’re ready to leave the past, to begin with, something new.

You received the good news that you’ll be having a baby. As a result, you’re doing everything it takes to make sure you’re both healthy.

You’re now trying to heal from what the past did to you. It’s not an easy process to step in, but you’re always doing great.

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Ten of Swords Friendship

The Ten of Swords is an important card for friendship. You may want to start evaluating your current choices with your friends.

Perhaps an upcoming disagreement will be on the rise. It’s up to you if you’ll take part in this situation.

Prepare yourself for the worst-case scenario of this situation. Prepare yourself because people may probably leave your life again.

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Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.