The Chariot Tarot Card Meaning (Upright & Reversed) -

The Chariot Tarot Card Meaning (Upright & Reversed)

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A tarot card representing control, victory, and conquest is what the major arcana's seventh card in the tarot deck is about. The Chariot tarot card is a card that talks about overcoming conflicts and progressing onward in a direction that is filled with positivity.

The Chariot tarot card describes the transformative force and energy that transpires before notable transitions in our times. It registers the sense to command and factors a disciplined character.

This tarot card does not guarantee success and victory but promises you awards for your sweat, hard work, and dedication. One must keep advancing, and by pure and absolute firm hard work, dedication, devotion, and commitment, this person will be a victorious champion.

The major arcana's seventh card in the tarot deck is The Chariot. This tarot card has a special connection with the element of water, the moon, and the astrological sign Cancer. The Chariot's key dates range from the 21st of June up to the 21st of July.

Symbolism Of The Chariot

Ahead of the Chariot are two sphinxes: a white sphinx and a black sphinx. These two are a representation of the hostile forces and energy of the charioteer. For the charioteer to succeed, this charioteer must command and subdue this duo.

The chariot driver is above all. Therefore, this driver is the winner, the victor, and the champion of them all.

Also, the charioteer is somehow below a canopy, a star canopy. The charioteer's position or place below the star canopy stands as a reminder that he is not that powerful, for he is no god.

If you look closely, you will find a square on the chariot driver's chest- this square is the earth's elemental symbol.

The Numerology Of The Chariot

The tarot deck's major arcana has twenty-two cards overall. The major arcana's seventh card is The Chariot tarot card. To get seven, you may add the digits, three and four.

The number three may signify divinity, while number four is a figure for materiality. The Chariot's number, seven, may be a symbol of the blend and mixture of materiality and divinity.

Aside from that, number seven is considered as the number of faith and the faithful. If you may list down these things, we have seven days in a week, and in astrology, we have seven planets, traditionally.

If you have faith and trust, you will feel the heavenly and divine guidance that will help you advance, progress, and move forward with a bag of courage, assurance, and protection.

The Chariot Keywords


  • Accomplishments
  • Achievements
  • Action
  • Ambition
  • Assertiveness
  • Beginning
  • Clever
  • Command
  • Confidence
  • Confrontation
  • Conquest
  • Control
  • Courage
  • Deeds
  • Determination
  • Direction
  • Domination
  • Drive
  • Dynamism
  • Focus
  • Going back home
  • Independent
  • Journey
  • Leadership
  • Motivation
  • Movement
  • Overcoming obstacles
  • Peace
  • Persistence
  • Power
  • Progress
  • Promotions
  • Providence
  • Resolution
  • Strength
  • Success
  • Travel
  • Victory
  • Willpower


  • Accidents
  • Aggression
  • Arrogance
  • Close-mindedness
  • Confusion
  • Defeat
  • Directionless
  • Distractions
  • Dispute
  • Failure
  • Forceful
  • Inability to express emotions and feelings
  • Invasiveness
  • Lack of control
  • Lack of direction
  • Lack of focus
  • Moodiness
  • Obstacles
  • Opposition
  • Powerless
  • Recklessness
  • Resistance
  • Scattered energy
  • Trouble
  • Vengeance
  • Worries
  • Wrong direction
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The Chariot Tarot Card Meaning (Upright)

The Chariot in an upright position is the figure of willpower, strength, and even determination. Drawing this tarot card means that you need encouragement, and this card will be your encouragement. Have a fierce and strong dedication in setting your goals while channeling your power to succeed. The key to success will always be commitment and discipline with a little sprinkle of willpower.

The Chariot tarot card can further symbolize that willpower is requiring you to subdue an obstruction. This time is an excellent time to recognize the reasons and objectives behind your goal. Adopt this as fiery to better launch you forward.

In reaching your goals, do not ignore and be passive of opportunities: take action and put your best into it. There will be challenges while on your way to victory, but The Chariot card will play a significant role in you and your journey. Never question your capabilities and abilities, believe in yourself, and you can do the impossible.

The Chariot card lets you know that you may attain whatever you desire as long as you trust yourself and do not lose your focus along the way.

The Chariot tarot card takes with it an ingredient of heavenly supervision and guidance. You might see exceptional chances or peculiar synchronicities emerge on your pathway. Please use it as a hint that you are on the right and best route.

Please do not go around trying to find shortcuts because there are no shortcuts to success. You need to work hard for it. The route will not be an easy one, so prepare yourself.

Have faith and have discipline, you will then see yourself at the last stair to the gates of victory.

The Chariot (Upright) in Health

You are currently in your best state and condition yet. But that will not last long, so better start changing your game to have a healthier lifestyle.

The Chariot (Upright) in Career

Something is holding you back from success. It is yourself that is holding back.

Stop letting the perception of others hold you back; you should not please anyone. Stand your ground, there is no need to feel challenged or insecure. Be confident with yourself and look at the bigger picture that life has to offer you.

The Chariot (Upright) in Money

You are about to get to a high spike financially. If you have debts, take this as an opportunity to pay them off. Once you do pay your debts off, consider buying yourself something and treat yourself out.

The Chariot (Upright) in Love & Relationships

The Chariot tells you that loving yourself is crucial and hard but you can do it. Before you shower others with love and affection, you should be your first customer at it. There will be no room for anything new if you do not have self-love.

If you want to pursue a relationship, a serious one, you need to take your time in assessing yourself and your needs. If in a relationship already, do not forget to leave some love for yourself.

Learn to prioritize yourself too.

You want to continue growing in the relationship. You also want your partner to climb the stairs to success.

The Chariot Tarot Card Meaning (Reversed)

if the Chariot in an upright position is a signal for you to move forward, a reversed Chariot card is the opposite. When The Chariot tarot card is in a reversed position in a tarot reading, it expresses downfall, incompetence, and conquered. It likewise symbolizes emotions of being out of control.

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It might also imply it is an opportunity to reassess your desires, wishes, and objectives and make sure everything aligns with your purpose. It tells you to reassess and reevaluate your plans and decisions.

In the tarot deck, The Chariot tarot card's vanity, conceitedness, narcissism, and arrogance are some of the most damaging tarot card features. The sense and activity of divine and heavenly guidance and supervision can nurture and cultivate an image and fantasy of supremacy. Do not let yourself slip and sink into this pitfall and snare. Do not enable yourself to be an enforcer of abuse and cruelty.

Sometimes, this reversed tarot card reveals how you let the hindrances, trials get the best of you and not what you should do. What you should do in times like that is to stop for a moment to rest and reflect, then continue. Loosen up and believe in yourself.

The Chariot (Reversed) in Health 

You will have a splash of energy and motivation, and you need to focus on using these strong aspects to stay on the right path. Find your healthy balance because this will be your key to success.

The Chariot (Reversed) in Career

Upright or reversed, The Chariot has two components, ambition, and drive. Drawing The Chariot in a reversed position tells you to reexamine, reevaluate, and reassess your life and situation. Do not take and commit yourself to too much work.

The Chariot (Reversed) in Money

To be bold is okay, but too much of it will cause you some backfires. You need to avoid making big decisions such as investing and closing business deals in money and wealth. Do not rush yourself in deciding and choosing; take time to understand the offer and opportunity.

The Chariot (Reversed) in Love & Relationships

Keep in mind that there should be a commitment in love. You should not step into a relationship if you do not have that.

The relationship shouldn’t be a competition in the first place. If your partner’s struggling, it’s your responsibility to help them.

Why did you decide to commit if you’re not showing effort? Your partner showers you with time while you make full time with yourself.

There is nothing wrong if you plan to take things slow: this slow pace would let both you and your partner enjoy while progressing and building a more substantial foundation.

The Chariot Advice

The Chariot is all about seeking your true potential and strength. Life is a battlefield, and you need to be the soldier who shows up first.

Life is not always rainbows and butterflies. There are times when you’ll experience constant thunderstorms that can destroy your confidence.

You will be the calm between your storms. Once you can handle things by yourself, you’ll conquer every hardship.

The Chariot sees your struggles and silent battles that you don’t tell anyone. But at the end of the day, you’ll still need a support system.

Trust the process because everything will be worth it.

The Chariot Reversed Advice

You feel like your intrusive thoughts are a part of you. As a result, you refuse to believe that you can conquer life through optimism.

You have this mindset that life is unfair.

The daily activities that you do feel like a cycle of despair. You’re often feeling burnout, but you choose to ignore the exhaustion and continue working.

There are several times when you experienced rejection. You blame your life status right now, thinking you can’t do anything but to complain.

The Chariot realizes that you’re constantly losing hope. You believe that in the end, you only have yourself.

The Chariot as a Person


If you have the Chariot, every day is a major challenge for you.

You can be a workaholic or one who loves to be productive. You believe that doing everything all at once is your greatest strength.

In increasing your productivity, you don’t forget to create a planner. You always organize your schedule for the day to keep track.

You’re someone who craves new knowledge. You’re open to learning different topics about the world and aspects of life.

The list of activities continues to pile up. But you always balance your priorities.

The Chariot Reversed as a Person

Harry Styles once sang, “You talk of the pain like it’s all alright.”

You’re someone who chooses to keep their emotions private. You put up a strong facade in order to hide your vulnerability to others.

People often wonder what’s going on inside your head. They find it difficult to read your thoughts and emotions.

You have low self-esteem and refuse to show your abilities. You believe that people will always watch you fall rather than to succeed.

You have a destructive schedule. You’re often late for conferences and meeting deadlines.

You let your negative emotions suffocate and consume you.

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The Chariot Present

 You’re turning in your next age, and you’re thriving!

The Chariot in the present wants to congratulate you on your victories. You came this far because of your determination and perseverance.

The book that you found alluring in the library? You’re going to go back to bring the book home with you.

You’re excited to pay your debts and everyday bills. If you’re living alone, your salary will provide extra expenses for yourself.

You’re booking plane flights left and right. As a result, you will spend several months in solo traveling mode.

The present shows that hard work pays off.

The Chariot Past

The past changed your mindset about success. As a result, you have this perspective that you need to work hard to get what you want.

You both held on to daisies and thorns in the past. You accepted life’s status on good and bad days.

An event made you lose hope for a while. But this became your reason to continue thriving.

Maybe you lost your job, or a family member said their last farewell. This makes you stronger by focusing on the things you’re capable of.

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The past version of you had to happen for you to glow constantly.

The Chariot Future

The future will lead you to make a decision. This decision has something to do with you and your current career.

Keep in mind that you’ll still be successful whatever the outcome. This situation will test if something needs to remain for you.

There will be an abundance of opportunities coming your way. You can’t wait to evaluate them all!

You can receive a gift or reward from a particular person. They’re someone who wants to show their appreciation to you.

In the future, you’re gonna have a bigger version of yourself. Once again, you’ll fall in love with life.

The Chariot as How Someone Feels About You

As the Chariot, you make this person feel like they can be the best. You showed them immense inspiration in choosing what they love.

They feel an acute sense of productivity whenever they're with you. They'll gladly do the same if you're reviewing for exams in advance.

You're their driving tool towards productivity. They feel at ease whenever you influence them to be consistent with their self planner.

You made them feel that life is worth living. They discovered that life would offer them many opportunities for success.

They're always thankful for having you as their ultimate guide to self-fulfillment.

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The Chariot Outcome

You will start your journey in discovering your true potential. Finally, you’re ready to leave everything that doesn’t make you feel safe.

Unhealthy patterns and toxic relationships will abolish. You’re willing to leave situations and people that can’t help you grow.

You’ll discover several interests along the way. Maybe you’ll learn to play an instrument or will start making art on canvas.

The hardest thing will be abandoning a few of your interests. You’ll leave them because they don’t help you grow anymore.

The outcome will focus on your ability to prioritize yourself. You’ll be healthier, stronger, and more productive.

The Chariot Pregnancy and Fertility

The Chariot is a sign that you can have the loving family you deserve. You and your partner are ready to commit and risk your child.

If you have the Chariot, you’re already preparing the child’s necessities. These can be their clothes, hygiene products, medicine, etc.

You’re probably processing your financial resources and savings. You and your partner already have a bank account for your child.

You’re excited and nervous about how the pregnancy will take place. Nevertheless, what’s essential for you is to feel your child’s embrace.

With the Chariot’s strong perseverance, you’re going to be a fantastic parent.

The Chariot Energy

The Chariot’s immense energy comes from your ability to be in control. This is your life; you have the free will to decide what’s best for you.

The energy came from determination and consistency in working. Not everyone has the ability to rise even after innumerable times of failing.

You’re someone who doesn’t stop until you get the toy in the claw machine. Giving up is not an option.

When you receive a failing mark, this doesn’t discourage you. Instead, you’ll study hard in order to get that A+.

The Chariot reminds you that you’re in control, so don’t rush.

The Chariot as Action

If you want to change something, SHOW IT. Your success will not appear at your doorstep unless you do something about it.

Are you envious that most people are successful? To get rid of your insecurity, you need to place yourself out there.

You need to be aware of what your skills are. This is essential to show what you can offer to employers.

You don’t have a lack of motivation; you’re just lazy. Whining is not the solution if you don’t have what you want.

Instead of complaining, show them what you’re good at. Eventually, someone will discover you.

The Chariot as Intentions

The Chariot’s intentions can be positive or negative. This has something to do with achieving their dreams.

The positive side shows that you’re always willing to help. You raise the confidence of others and teach them ways to hustle.

You’re open to any criticisms or feedback. You believe that this is beneficial for your career improvement.

Your priorities are always related to your life goals. Maybe you look at your bucket list to see if you accomplished one.

The negative side is your narcissistic and selfish self. You feel like you own everything and are willing to bring anyone down.

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The Chariot as How Someone Sees You

Someone wants to follow in your footsteps. You inspire them, and they’re willing to change the way they think.

This person allures you for being independent. If you have a Youtube channel, they always watch your productivity vlogs.

In relation to the Youtube channel, maybe you’re making videos about living alone. This person has the urge to do the same and start a new life.

They believe that you effortlessly manifest your dream life. They want to learn more from you; they’re wondering if you’re doing coaching.

This person continues to be the best version of themselves because of you.

The Chariot Time Frame

The Chariot’s timing relates to when success or hardship will occur. Therefore, you need to prepare yourself for both of them.

This sudden change may be fast. It doesn’t last up to two months; one week is the possible maximum.

If you’re fortunate enough, this card may give you a sign of the number 7. It’s a representation of days, weeks, months, or years.

The Angel number “777” is on the lookout. This is a sign that divine guidance is on its way to rewarding your successes.

Don’t burn yourself to stress; you’ll receive a prize for your hard work.

The Chariot as a Woman

The Chariot is a woman who never stops trying. She’s like a reincarnation of one of the Greek goddesses.

You may be someone who craves knowledge. You’re fond of spending several hours in a library just to read.

There are times when you’re shy to use your knowledge. You can be active in class participation or prefer to write a remarkable essay.

You’re a woman who doesn’t need codependency. You believe you’re perfectly fine in handling things on your own.

You’re the workaholic girl boss of the contemporary world. You’re willing to discover things from a different and broader perspective.

The Chariot as a Man

A Chariot is a man who is constant in everything he does. He often shows his masculine energy to boost his confidence.

You can be someone who makes sure you’re always proper. From the way you talk, dress, act, and communicate.

You want to get things done in order to move on from the next. Even if it exhausts your whole being, you keep on working.

Maybe you have an interest in medicine, business, or law. You want to show your skills to a larger audience.

But you choose to hide your vulnerability. You divert your exhaustion by working overtime.

The Chariot Communication

Communication may not possess a substantial effect on the Chariot. It's either they're not used to speaking up, or they're always talkative.

You may be someone who dives into introspection. You casually observe situations and people while being skeptical about expressing it.

But being skeptical about talking about it isn't a bad idea. Maybe you grew up preferring to keep things privately as you take care of yourself.

On the other hand, you prefer to communicate when it's advice. So when someone wants to learn from you, you're willing to tell them the details.

You communicate verbally or through writing.

The Chariot Reconciliation

The Chariot cannot be a positive sign for reconciliation. This person will always choose themselves over anything else.

Maybe you recently broke up from a long-term relationship. The reason can be that you choose your career instead of staying.

There’s no doubt that the love is still visible for the both of you. However, you believe you also need to work in separate ways.

You stick to the idea that growing apart is better than growing together. If this person continues to approach you, you continue to push them away.

A reconciliation may not happen because self-love prevails to you.

The Chariot Physical Appearance

The physical appearance of the Chariot says a lot about being healthy. They may be pure vegetarians assuming from their slim bodies.

You’re someone who doesn’t forget to exercise. As a result, you can have a muscular body or the body of an hourglass.

You always make sure that you have the proper diet. Your friends will understand if you prefer salad over roasted chicken.

Going to the gym is part of your schedule. You can have broad shoulders or a hard chest.

Keep getting that full six pack! But remember to let your body rest from time to time.

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The Chariot Reversed Outcome

It seems like you’re waiting for a miracle to happen. You’re in perplexity between moving on and staying in places that made you suffer.

You want yourself to grow and reach extreme fulfillment. But you’re still relying on people who took advantage of your potential.

You’re afraid to try out new things along the way. You doubt your capabilities because you feel like other people have done it better.

The loophole of despair is still existing. You don’t leave your interests because you think they’re all you have.

You resist change because you think that the best version doesn’t exist.

The Chariot Reversed Pregnancy

Maybe you want to focus on your career rather than starting a family.

This can be a pregnancy that wasn’t part of the plan. You probably have no plans of having a child because you’re a workaholic.

Because you don’t invest in this, you currently don’t have a long-term plan. You still choose to work for eight hours rather than staying at home to rest.

This may be because of your past experiences in childhood. Family relatives can impact a significant change in their child’s mindset.

The worst part can lead you to take your child to an adoption center. 

The Chariot Friendships

The Chariot can be a vital sign for friendships. You help one another to become wiser and bolder!

You may have friends whom you consider as your gym buddies. You encourage each other to live a healthy lifestyle.

It’s important that you also have friends who are suitable for your mental health. You need people who are willing to comfort you, even if you don’t like it.

The Chariot in friendship is a sign that your friend group is productive. Maybe you’re active in checking a healthy diet or vitamins.

Surround yourself with friends who want to strive with you.

The High Priestess and the Chariot

Everything is possible with the power of your mind. Because your mind would always work in mysterious ways to achieve success.

You’re currently trying to trust your intuition before you take a step. You know that this is important in order to avoid doubts and regrets.

You have the ability to create a wonderful life for yourself. So don’t underestimate your skills and knowledge over certain things.

The High Priestess and the Chariot is a good tarot combinations. They’re a sign that you can achieve your long-term goals, whatever it takes.

With the High Priestess, you have strong determination and intuition. You believe that what you want is always necessary to achieve.

Because you’re the creator of the life you want to live. Which means you’re the one who needs to be responsible for everything.

With the Chariot, willpower will never let you down. You need to grow constantly.

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The Chariot and Knight of Swords

You’re someone who has the strong will to succeed. So tricky circumstances don’t matter to you as long as there’s progress.

You’re creating a life that you want for yourself in the long run. You’re trying to gather all the needed tools and resources for your career.

You don’t want anything to get left behind. Because you’re trying to achieve your goals in a single manner.

The Knight of Swords and the Chariot are an excellent tarot combination. This is a sign that you’re willing to exceed your abilities.

Because you want to grow more as you enter different stages. You believe that you’ll experience essential lessons as you go on.

If you genuinely want something, you’ll work hard for it. You’ll not think of any excuse that will prevent you from achieving your dreams.

With the Chariot, your willpower is already invincible. So you’ll not back down right away.

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The Chariot and Queen of Cups

You’re someone who loves to look after others. Because you want nothing but the best for them to be happy.

So you’re trying to offer what you can to lessen their burdens. Perhaps you’re a teacher or a counselor to others.

You want to fill in the gaps of loneliness of other people. So you believe that you can be their support system to comfort them.

The Queen of Cups and the Chariot is a good tarot combination. These cards are a reminder that your existence is a profound thing.

Because you’re someone who balances your career and relationships. As you strive harder for success, you’re also there to love people.

So you always have a busy schedule. But this doesn’t become a nuisance or an irrelevant implementation to you.

With the Chariot, you can accomplish anything you desire. You just need to continue doing what you love and persist.

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Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.