Three of Swords is one of the cards in the suit of swords. The card depicts a floating heart pierced by three swords.
The swords represent pain, damage, and suffering as what we can assume by having them pierce the heart.
When you look at the picture, you can immediately assume pain and suffering. It’s reminiscent of heartbreak, and it’s a familiar image. The story it tries to tell us is almost universal and understood by everyone.
Three of Swords Upright Keywords
- Heartbreak
- Heartache
- Betrayal
- Loneliness
- Sadness
- Separation
- Grief
- Sorrow
- Upheaval
- Absence
- Conflict
- Pain
- Loss
Three of Swords Reversed Keywords
- Forgiveness
- Optimism
- Overcoming pain and depression
- Reconciliation
- Compromise
- Sharing
- Recovery
- Releasing pain
- Refusing to let go
- Sharing
- Acceptance
- Healing
Three of Swords General Meaning
The heart has been long interpreted and a symbol of love, passion, and compassion. Seeing the heart getting pierced by not only one but three swords tells us a lot.
The swords represent pain, suffering, disappointment, and despair.
In general, the three swords bring pain and sadness. Pain is represented in the act of piercing them through the heart.
Space closes in as the three swords overshadow the heart. This can signify the closing of emotional doors and even the death of emotions.
The background tells of a storm. The clouds are heavy and dark, and the rain is heavy.
We can imagine that turbulent winds are there as well. Rain is an element that represents blessing and room to grow.
However, on the other hand, it is also a symbol of loneliness.
Three of Swords (Upright) Meaning
Similar to the Three of Cups Tarot, the Three of Swords card stands for a period of challenges and difficulty. You may be in a place opposing happiness right now.
It depicts rejection, betrayal, and discouragement. You must be going through a difficult time emotionally and mentally.
Although it sounds grossly impossible given the weight of your situation and emotion, it is still worth the try.
There might be a massive misunderstanding between you and an opposing party. This misunderstanding and a series of exchanging words can cause you pain and despair.
Words are as sharp as swords, as they say. Painful words piercing through your heart can lead you to become disheartened.
This card tells of an abrupt gust to your emotions. As it is sharp and unexpected, you are taken aback and unable to process objectively.
You tend to be swallowed up by these strong emotions striking at one blow. It can come in sudden news like breakups, loss of a loved one, betrayal, and rejection.
Your situation can leave a significant impact on your life as a whole. It is important to note that these experiences are also lessons, and they are passing.
Try to rise as soon as possible and pick yourself up.
Pain is non-negotiable in your journey through life. As you grow, you will gain pieces of knowledge that you can use along the way.
As you acknowledge and feel these emotions, do not forget to take care of yourself nevertheless.
Three of Swords (Upright) in In Love and Relationship
The Three of Swords is an essential card in a love reading. However, it deals mainly with separation or parting ways.
You may have recently had a separation from the person you love the most. This separation had a huge impact on your life in terms of having negative thoughts.
You and this person are currently working on your own terms. You’re both making yourselves busy to divert the attention away.
If you’re still in a relationship, it’s time to work things out. Communication and understanding is the key to making this worth it.
If you are single, this card tells you that your past pain is interrupting your dating life. You might have pent-up and leftover emotions of grief and suffering that cause interference.
Three of Swords (Upright) in Career and Finance
In the aspect of your career, Three of Swords is not so much of a good sign. It dwells and tackles disappointments, sadness, and losses. You might be suffering from losing a job or is feeling frustrated at your current job right now.
You might be feeling overwhelmed and troubled because of your workplace right now. Perhaps, a lot of miscommunications and misunderstandings are happening.
There may be a lack of communication between you and your co-workers. These issues may become more intense as you go on without talking.
By doing this, all of you have a chance to get to know each other on another level. Not only that, you will be able to get to the root of the problem.
You might be under a lot of pressure or dismay because of economic issues. There may be significant changes in how you live because of these problems.
Three of Swords (Upright) in Health
Three of Swords is not a great sign either concerning your health. This card depicts surgeries, disorders, or general health issues.
Taking care of yourself, especially in the specificities like your mental and emotional health, is a priority during these times.
Three of Swords (Upright) in Spirituality
Three of Swords in regards to your spirituality means that you need healing. There might be deep wounds in your heart, as depicted in the image.
You may feel deep sorrow because of your current situation. Grieve over these heartbreaks and find time to heal. If you need help, do not hesitate to ask for help.
Three of Swords (Reversed) Meaning
Three of Swords in reverse indicate victory over your situations of grief. You are finally ready to let go and look at other things around you.
You may be able to find tremendous opportunities that will catch you up. Perhaps you may contact a person that’s close to you and finally open up.
This card is also representative of victory in general. You may have achieved a new level to which you may know yourself. You are ready to own up to your mistakes and apologize.
Making an effort is not as hard as before. You confront your problems and issues with other people and are determined to patch things up with them.
It’s a time for healing, and you are ready for it. You are at a place where you are prepared to let go of the negativities and live in optimism.
Three of Swords (Reversed) in Love and Relationship
The Three of Swords, in reverse, represents acceptance. This may be in relation to finding each other again after separation.
In order to completely heal, you must learn how to forgive. It will only be difficult if you choose to hold grudges against people.
If you are single, you might have just experienced a breakup. This card in reverse tells you that you have finally moved on.
The bondage that’s keeping you in sorrow and pain is now cut off from you.
You might be interested in Four of Cups Tarot Card.
Three of Swords (Reversed) in Career and Finance
This card in reverse in the aspect of your career tells you that the storm has cleared up. The conflict and misunderstanding might have come to an in your workplace.
Taking initiative works, and you can realize that because of this situation. You can develop a better relationship with your co-workers.
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Your mood has significantly increased, and you are more excited to work. Finally, the thorn in your heart and the pain are thrown out the window.
Communication in the workplace has significantly improved, and everyone developed a new level of respect for each other.
You can take proactive steps to counter your loss and regain them in the long run.
Three of Swords (Reversed) in Health
The reversed three swords say your health is improving. You are getting out of your unhealthy situation or the health issues that are bothering you.
Improvement, especially in your mindset, awaits you.
Three of Swords (Reversed) in Spirituality
Three of Swords in reverse in talks of your spiritual life tells that you are ready for healing. This is a time for forgiveness and second chances.
You are finally in a place of healing and understanding. You are growing spiritually and are ready to forgive those that wronged you.
The pain and sorrow you are feeling are starting to turn into lessons. You are now more aware and spiritually strong.
You might also want to check out this Ten of Pentacles Tarot Card article that I wrote.
Three of Swords: YES or NO?
Three of Swords depict pain, sadness, and suffering. You or a person you care about could be experiencing some serious struggles.
These sorrowful emotions exuded by the card lead you to the answer NO. You might end up getting hurt or hurting other people if you choose to continue your plan.
Have you read the tarot card before this? If not, and you want to learn more, go to the Two of Swords Tarot Card, or you can proceed to the Four of Swords Tarot Card.
Three of Swords Advice
The Three of Swords, as advice, wants you to be independent. It encourages you to focus more on yourself and detach from people.
This doesn’t necessarily mean that you will leave people altogether. Instead, find yourself a comfortable place that will benefit your growth.
It’s always okay to work out things for yourself. Eventually, you’ll start to realize that the art of solitude is beautiful.
Three of Swords Reversed Advice
The Three of Swords, in reverse, may be a sign of healing. You’re currently moving towards the next stage in your life to leave the past.
But the universe sees your struggle to let go. This is because you continue to refuse to detach yourself from people who aren’t worth it.
You’re someone who depends too much on people. As a result, they would always disappoint you when they can’t manage your expectations.
Three of Swords as a Person
The Three of Swords, as a person, is someone with a kind heart. You may be someone who encountered a lot of trauma in the past.
You continue to believe that having a good heart is a blessing. It gives you the opportunity to see the good in people despite their flaws.
Three of Swords Reversed as a Person
The Three of Swords is someone who likes to hide. If you have this card, you may be someone who puts up a mask for people.
This is because you don’t want them to see the real you. Instead, you put up a mask to show that you’re always genuinely happy.
Three of Swords Present
In the present, you’re contemplating your setting. There seems to be a confusion regarding what you want to achieve.
Maybe you can’t decide on a specific outcome. You don’t know if you should feel happy or sad about news regarding work.
Three of Swords Past
In the past, you experienced major fallouts in your life. There was a time when you were almost close to the point of giving up.
You experienced an era of anxiety and depression. This is the cause of your perplexity and decisions that aren’t good for you.
Three of Swords Future
In the future, you’ll start to realize a lot of things. Maybe you’ll realize that there’s more room for growth.
And this is going to affect your relationship in terms of work. Maybe you’ll realize if the job is still for you or if you need to let go.
Remember, it’s okay to move on from things in order to grow. It’s okay to resign from a job that you thought was all ready for you.
There’s so much more in store in the future. You’ll just have to believe in yourself that you can do it.
You’ll improve more.
Three of Swords as How Someone Feels About You
Someone feels disappointed with you because of something you did. This person wants to stay away from you for a while.
But this doesn’t mean that this person will not speak to you again. They just need some space to gather their thoughts and emotions.
Three of Swords Outcome
The Three of Swords, as an outcome, represents hardships. Perhaps you’re currently having trouble dealing with your relationships.
Perhaps you and your partner are experiencing a major fallout. The arguments and problems continue to resurface the foundation of this relationship.
Three of Swords Pregnancy and Fertility
The Three of Swords may be a sign of pregnancy. This may be in relation to the involvement of drama in your relationship.
Perhaps a third party is currently taking part in this relationship. So it’s getting harder for you to keep up with the pregnancy.
Three of Swords Energy
The Three of Swords may represent a negative energy. This energy continues to invade your personal and comfortable space.
Perhaps you’re still suffering from a heartbreak. This heartbreak gave you a reason to lose yourself in the process.
Three of Swords as Action
The Three of Swords, as an action, is related to healing. This may be in relation to a separation or detachment from a friend.
If you want to heal completely, you’ll be the one to adjust. It’s you who needs to come to the stage of acceptance.
Three of Swords as Intentions
The Three of Swords as intentions may relate to a relationship. Perhaps it’s one of your intentions to stay in a falling relationship.
This is because you believe that everything will work out. You believe that you have the power to make this relationship work.
But you need to realize that we can be with the wrong people. And now’s the time to realize that you still have yourself despite the circumstances.
Three of Swords as How Someone Sees You
Someone sees you as the type of person who can’t move on. This is because you continue to hold on to the past.
This person believes that you’re not ready for commitment. This is because you’re still committed to fixing a relationship that has already ended.
Three of Swords Time Frame
The Three of Swords can have a specific time frame. But it must always depend on you and your situation.
A specific event may happen in three days. This event may be in relation to your current grieving or healing stage.
Three of Swords as a Woman
The Three of Swords can be a representation of a woman. You may be someone who recently got out of a failed relationship.
This is because you and your past person didn’t meet the same ground. The time has arrived when you can no longer understand each other anymore.
Three of Swords as a Man
The Three of Swords may be a representation of a man. You may be someone who is currently in a grieving stage because of separation.
This separation caused you to have anxiety and feel melancholic. You feel like you don’t have the energy to function properly anymore.
Three of Swords Communication
The Three of Swords card is an important card for communication. This may be a sign that you need to express yourself more.
Perhaps you recently moved out of a failed relationship. And now you’re still undergoing your healing process.
Three of Swords Reconciliation
The Three of Swords is an essential card for reconciliation. This may be a sign that a past person can’t move on from you.
Perhaps a third party got involved in this relationship. Which is also the reason why you two had to go in separate ways.
This past person still regrets what happened between the two of you. They still love and miss you every single day and want to reach out.
Three of Swords Physical Appearance
The Three of Swords can have a specific physical appearance. But it will always depend on the one who received the card.
You look like someone who recently got out of a separation. So your physical appearance may show that you’re not in your best self.
Three of Swords Reversed Outcome
The Three of Swords, as an outcome, shows that you’re still recovering. You’re someone who is currently undergoing your healing process.
But you’re now starting to heal your broken wounds. You’re beginning to recover from the chaotic relationship you had in the past.
Three of Swords Reversed Pregnancy
The Three of Swords, in reverse, may involve acceptance. Perhaps something about a pregnancy situation made you love yourself more.
Maybe you’re now accepting the fact that this isn’t the right time. Now’s not the right time for you to provide for a child.
Three of Swords Friendship
The Three of Swords is an essential card for friendships. It wants you to realize that distancing yourself can be a good thing.
This doesn’t necessarily mean that you don’t want to be friends. But it shows you that you need to look after yourself more.