10 Toxic Gemstones and Crystals: Be Aware! - Spiritual-Galaxy.com

10 Toxic Gemstones and Crystals: Be Aware!

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Minerals are an essential aspect of a balanced regime. But unfortunately, even in micro-amounts, some minerals are poisonous. When combined, several elements make up these gemstones, and mostly these are metals and poisons that can be present in some gemstones. Some crystals elixirs use toxic gas, which you should also avoid putting these gems in your mouths.

In addition, some gems have no known toxicity but are still soluble in acids that can harm the body. If you swallow particles of these gems, their dissolution in your stomach could release impurities in the mineral. Certain gems may also react dangerously with stomach acid. That is why being informed about these topics is essential.

History Of Toxic Gemstones

Gemstones have boost vitality since ancient times. Even while the majority of gemstones are healthy for your health, some combinations can be harmful. Using gemstones in water is an old holistic health practice based on the theory that water absorbs the therapeutic powers of gemstones.

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Gem water proponents think that gems improve water by returning it to its natural, pure state. As a result of the gem augmentation, your vitality and overall well-being in mind, body, and spirit will improve. The making of Gem elixir or crystal elixir is through soaking one or more gemstones in water to create energy for a specific healing effect.

10 Toxic Gemstones

  • Cinnabar

It's mercury sulfide, and it's the most dangerous material on the planet to handle. The name itself means “blood of dragons.” The principal mercury ore is Cinnabar that is a brilliant red crystal that forms near volcanoes and sulfur deposits. Cinnabar can emit pure mercury, inflicting tremors, loss of function, and death if disturbed or heated. 

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In the past, purchasing Cinnabar in Spanish mines containing cinnabar deposits was a death sentence throughout the Middle Ages and late 1700s. Cinnabar was valuable in China for decorative food dishes, and people used to prescribe Cinnabar for various ailments by some ancient medical practitioners who felt it had curative properties.

  • Galena

Galena is a relatively insoluble lead sulfide mineral and the principal resource of lead. Galena has a cubic structure, which means it will shatter into several smaller duplicates of its original shape if struck with a hammer. If released into the environment, it can harm fetuses and children's neural systems and induce cardiovascular disease in adults. Galena is commonly present in well-crystallized forms and comprises lead as a primary component, with tiny levels of silver in some ores.

  • Fluorite

Fluorine, a moderately soluble mineral found that can cause skeletal fluorosis, is a serious bone condition. Fluorite, also called fluorspar, is available in huge veins in various ores and crystals, such as iron, coal, and copper. Fluorite is creating different glasses, enamels, microscopic and telescopic lenses, and the flux for smelting.

  • Chrysotile

Chronic exposure to Chrysotile or white asbestos, the most common type of asbestos, causes progressive lung disorders that cause lung tissue stiffening. More than 50 countries have outlawed the mining of this dangerous asbestos. It is a naturally occurring material that is one of the most hazardous on the planet. The human lung will receive severe damage with asbestos.

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  • Phenacite

Beryllium, a hazardous metal found in phenacite, has caused lung cancer and severe inflammatory lung disorders such as berylliosis and chemical pneumonitis. Phenacite can be both mined in crystal and granite forms, and it has also been helpful as a gemstone in the past. Beryllium was once a base material in ceramics, particular forms of glass, and fluorescent tubes. Still, now it's only utilized to make metals and alloys for computer hardware, communications equipment, X-ray tube windows, gyroscopes, missiles, and rockets.

  • Crocidolite

Crocidolite, sometimes known as blue asbestos, is one of the most hazardous materials on the planet. Lung and mesothelial cancer are among the disorders caused by exposure to this material. Ceiling tiles, cement sheets, and insulation boards are among other commercial and industrial products from Crocidolite. It was, however, the least desired asbestos to use because of its poor heat-resistance properties.

  • Erionite

In contact with Erionite, a mineral that belongs to the zeolites group of silicate minerals, causes mesothelioma, a rare form of cancer. The carcinogenic substance is detectable in weathered volcanic ash and groundwater, and it has been the root cause of multiple deaths in Turkey. Although Erionite mining ended in the late 1980s, exposure to the fatal mineral during the production and mining of other zeolites, which are still in commercial use, can be deadly.

  • Pyrite

Due to acid mine drainage from sulfide mine tailings, Pyrite, a sulfide mineral consisting of iron and sulfur, is a major contaminant of groundwater and streams. Pyrite oxidation releases hazardous metals and metalloids that are hazardous to humans.· 

  • Hydroxyapatite

Belonging to one of the Apatite groups of phosphate minerals and a significant dental enamel and bone mineral component, Hydroxyapatite or Hydroxylapatite offers a direct hazard to health. It forms deposits in the heart valves and arteries, causing blockages. The most significant utilization of Apatite is in the chemical and pharmaceutical sectors and phosphorus mineral fertilizers. 

  • Quartz

Exposure to a fine particulate form of Quartz, which is the natural form of silicon dioxide and the second most prevalent mineral in the Earth's continental crust, causes silicosis, lung cancer, renal disease, and immunological issues. Natural quartz crystals are valuable as jewels, and most commercial production of Quartz is from seed crystals known as lascas. 

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Being aware and promoting prevention is worth a pound of cure. To begin, identify and avoid harmful minerals to avoid exposures. If you got exposed, seek medical help as soon as possible. Even though there are many gems to prevent on that list, numerous gems are acceptable to use. Water-toxic gems can also be useful in numerous ways, such as daily meditation or as a beautiful decoration on your windowsill. You get the benefits of gemstone energy even without the risk of exposing the gemstones to water. You can be sure that gems enhance their color, creating additional health risks.

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Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.