Twin Flame First Touch - How It Feels? -

Twin Flame First Touch – How It Feels?

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First things first, you should know that a twin flame relationship is shockingly different from what you may have experienced before. You may have held hands with someone already. You may have already kissed someone too. But when you enter a twin flame relationship, forget about it. You’ll experience some of the most intense moments in your life that you’ll probably forget about your other first kiss or your other firsts with other people.

First times with your twin flames will be very intense, it will send you soul shocks that are incomparable to any other tingling you felt when you do something with someone else.

I was in a really bad place before I knew my twin flame. Working two jobs, struggling to pay rent and just always so lonely.

After meeting him, I launched a business and made $10,000 the first month, moved into a bigger place, and I’ve never looked back. You can speed up your twin flame’s journey to you by identifying them.
>>> My Friend Psychic Jane clairvoyant can see your twin flame and sketch them for you.
(P.S. Finding your twin flame is a meeting of souls, and could lead to a tumultuously hot ‘bedroom’ experience.)

Meeting for the First Time

When you meet your twin flame for the first time, it won’t be the same as when you met any other person you’ve ever met. It is different for different twin flames, but they all say one thing: it’s vastly different compared to when you meet anyone else. There are twin flames who attest that the world stopped spinning for a moment for both of them when they locked eyes. Some say that they felt some kind of intense magnetic attraction that they had to talk or make contact with their twin flame after meeting them.

There are all kinds of testimonies about twin flames, but the one sure thing that all testimonies have is that the first meeting with your twin flame is not the same as with any other meeting.

However, you have to be warned here. Because there are also people who are like your twin flame but are actually not. They are called false twin flames, and although they are not necessarily evil or malicious, they can take your attention away from your twin flame. They even have almost the same first impression as your true twin flame.

Meeting your false twin flames (yes, there can be more than one) has a lesser impact compared to meeting your true twin flame. But if you experience meeting someone like them for the first time, it’ll be intense as well to the point of you mistaking your meeting with them to that of true twin flames.

Ever heard the story of my friend, Lisa? She always spoke about a unique, electric sensation when she first touched someone's hand at a coffee shop. It wasn't just any touch; it felt like the universe was aligning.

She was curious and wanted to understand more. That's when she turned to Psychic Source. Their gifted advisors helped her realize she had experienced her Twin Flame's first touch.

My article dives into the magic of that first touch, but if you're seeking deeper, personal insights, Psychic Source is the place to go.

With their vast experience, they've guided many like Lisa in their twin flame journeys. Curious about your own experiences? Click here and let Psychic Source's gifted advisors provide clarity.

Touching for the First Time

If meeting your twin flame is already that intense, then your first touch will be even more intense. Additionally, the intensity will depend on what kind of the first touch you are experiencing. Just like normal relationships, your first hand-holding session will feel vastly different compared to when you’re only brushing your hand on theirs. The soul shocks sent through your spiritual bond will be stronger if the kind of touch you do is also more intimate.

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Of course, it follows that the first kiss will be more intense than the first hand-holding session, and your first twin flame sex will be stronger than your first kiss. Though there may be some of you who experience having all of those soul shocks on the same day. The important point is that soul shocks will be sent to your souls once you do those things.

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However, this following fact makes twin flame relationships a lot more unique than normal relationships: your first touch is intense, but more touches will be even more intense. In a usual relationship, your first touch is your best touch. Once you’ve had your first touch, everything else becomes more and more boring, because the act becomes more routine. Yet, in a twin flame relationship, your first touch is your weakest touch, because your first touch is only the first glimpse of the entirety.

The more you touch your twin flame, the better the feeling becomes. It never becomes boring because it’ll never be a routine. It’s like making wine; it tastes better and better the longer you ferment it.

If you are not sure they are your twin flame, my friend Psychic Jane can draw what your Twin Flame looks like. Discover what your Twin Flame looks like here >>

Kinds of First Touches

This topic has been lightly talked about above, but there are just different layers to the different kinds of touches, especially the latter ones. Listed below are the kinds of touches in ascending order of intensity.


The very first level of touching is to bump. Whether you accidentally bump into your twin flame or it’s an intentional bump, it’s included in this category. Furthermore, light touches or nudges are also considered bumps.

Although this touching stage is the least in terms of intensity, being able to do this is a step up from the meeting stage. Soul shocks will still be formed of greater intensity compared to simply conversing.


There are a lot of different twin flames, and different twin flames have their own level of being conservative. There are twin flames that take almost a lifetime to get to the hand-holding stage, whereas there are also twin flames that hold hands almost right at the moment they meet. There’s nothing wrong with being conservative. It may mean that you’re missing out on the experience, but you’ll experience it anyways.

Additionally, it’s also more beneficial for you to delay the holding stage if you are quite conservative, because you may not be able to handle the soul shocks coming your way. A lot of conservative twin flames have ended up in the twin flame separation stage due to the soul shocks coming from hand-holding. A lot of you may think that it’s too innocent, but there are reported testimonies of instances of twin flame separation stages due to soul shocks from hand-holding.

Take your time and don’t rush, because your twin flame journey is different from the twin flame journey of others.

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The third stage of the twin flame touch is the kissing stage. For the conservatives, this stage is one of the biggest triggers for the twin flame separation stage. The runner twin flames who feels the trigger are mostly girls. Yet, even for the non-conservatives, this stage is still a big step up from hand-holding.

If you’re not sure you can handle this touching stage, then you better communicate your concerns to your partner. Even if you and your partner are connected in spirit due to the spiritual connection you have as twin flames, it’s too much if you assume that your twin flame can read your mind. Communication is key in every relationship, and twin flames are not exempted from that. That saying is especially true if you consider the next paragraph.

Different twin flames have differing experiences with regards to their first kiss with their twin flames. There are twin flames that felt like a raging volcano erupted deep within their souls after their first kiss. There are also twin flames who were the exact opposite – they felt like a soothing balm was applied to the burning sensation they have. It’s like they were comforted after kissing their twin flames, that they felt very safe and secure in their company.


This is the highest touching stage in terms of intensity. Due to that, it’s no surprise that even non-conservatives find this as one of the most triggering parts of a twin flame journey. The soul shocks that twin flames get when they engage in sexual intercourse are on a different level compared to hand-holding. It’s no wonder that many twin flames go to the twin flame separation stage after this.

What’s intriguing is that even if intercourse has a higher intensity compared to the kissing stage, there are a lot of twin flames that transition to the intercourse stage right after the kissing stage. That’s why a very strong soul shock can be produced within a few moments. That’s how intense twin flame relationships can be.

Even more intriguing is the fact that, like the kissing stage, the experience various twin flame couples have can vary. There are twin flame pairs that get as excited as an electric phenomenon, and there are twin flame pairs who get very soothed and comforted in their lover’s embrace.

One very important thing to note is that the sexual intercourse stage is not synonymous with the true twin flame union stage in your twin flame journey. There are a lot of misunderstandings, especially by the younger generation, about the true nature of the true twin flame union stage. True twin flame union is a spiritual event and not a physical one. It is not consummated by having sexual intercourse, and it isn’t through marriage either. You’ll know when you’re in the true twin flame union stage when you get there as twin flames.

If you’re not ready to get to the sexual intercourse stage, then delay it by any means. Again, twin flame journeys are unique in their own way. Don’t try to emulate other people’s experiences because their experiences may not fit yours.

P.S. I highly recommend checking out Psychic Jane as she has the ability to detect and draw the face of anyone's Twin Flame. She has been gifted with strong abilities in both Clairvoyance (the ability to see) and Clairsentience (the ability to feel). Reach out to her and you’ll be stunned by the results. Click here to get started >>

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Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.