Twin Flame Spell: Does it really work? -

Twin Flame Spell: Does it really work?

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People are becoming impatient in finding their true love. They are likely to take chances on anything that can speed things up.

Twin Flame Spell can be appealing to attract your twin flame faster. It can work, but there are consequences after casting the spell that you should consider.

There are many questions you need to ask yourself first before carrying it out. Magic can be tricky, and you need to be more cautious when it comes to the heart.

Can love spells work on twin flames?

Love spells are magically bound and work to initiate attraction. It does not necessarily make someone fall in love with you.

But love spells or magic strengthen the energy already there. It can help you to be in a particular place and headed in a confident direction.

It is contrary to what others believe about how it works. You don't make someone fall in love with you at first sight.

So, if you like someone and that someone wants you back, it makes mutual feelings stronger. It helps accelerate things between you two because of the energy present.

It seems like a magnetic attraction that draws you both to be together.

You must be clear with your intention for a love spell to work successfully. Being honest with what you want allows the person to cast the spell specifically.

When it comes to twin flames, they already have a special soul connection. Love spells are unnecessary for both partners since they are meant to be together.

It can be pointless to perform the spell because they are into each other. But it can be a different scenario if it involves someone else.

Moreover, the magic doesn't work if the person who desires it has the wrong intentions. It is not something you can do to make someone fall in love deeply with you.

As stated in the condition, the feelings must be mutual for the spell to work.

I was in a really bad place before I knew my twin flame. Working two jobs, struggling to pay rent and just always so lonely.

After meeting him, I launched a business and made $10,000 the first month, moved into a bigger place, and I’ve never looked back. You can speed up your twin flame’s journey to you by identifying them.
>>> My Friend Psychic Jane clairvoyant can see your twin flame and sketch them for you.
(P.S. Finding your twin flame is a meeting of souls, and could lead to a tumultuously hot ‘bedroom’ experience.)

How to cast love spells?

Before we go deeper into the process of casting a love spell, please do not do it for fun. Sometimes, people turn to magic as their last resort and with the help of a trusted guide.

It is best to work with someone who has experience in making spells. It is not a game if you involve magic in your intentions.

It requires protection, knowledge, and guidance. Be aware that you are altering the natural flow of events.

If done wrong, it may cause serious effects and consequences which may affect your life. So, it is best to understand how to perform a magical ritual correctly.

Like any ritual, it is ideal for taking a hot bath before anything else. The hot water purifies and relaxes the muscles throughout your body.

Once your physical body relaxes, it allows you to enter the psycho-physical. You can also add herbs or spices to the water, similar to what spell you will cast.

You can prefer using sweet fragrances when doing love rituals. The water cleanses your body, and it also clears your mind.

Dress in clean clothes and opt for a white tunic of light linen. Take off all metal objects in your body, such as jewelry.

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If you do not have a permanent circle, draw a magic circle. You can use chalk or sea salt consecrated with holy water.

While drawing the circle, recite a protection formula or say a joint prayer. The ring must have at least two meters in diameter.

It should be wide enough to allow you to lie inside without any limbs coming out. Before starting the actual ritual, proper preparation is necessary.

Memorize the magic formula since you are not allowed to read it. It would help if you recited it from memory with authority and conviction.

It is necessary to speak the words clearly and say them well. Aside from the terms, the use of voice is as important.

Your voice emits sound waves, and the tone of voice will assert your will. It goes beyond the meaning of words, so the choice of words is also vital.

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Being convinced with the words, you recite to say them firmly. Moreover, words, tones, and meanings are significant, as well as gestures.

Do not think of anything else while repeatedly making a particular gesture. Stay focused and visualize intensely in your mind your desire.

Sometimes love rituals specifically require you to be more sensual. Align your thoughts to the sphere of love for the spell to be effective.

Lastly, eliminate all the items used during the ceremony itself. You can throw them into the river or bury them in a specific place.

Follow these instructions strictly because each item and place has a symbolic meaning.

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What are the kinds of Twin Flame Spells?

Spell to Find your Twin Flame

The spell to help you find your twin flame only works for a limited time. Since twin flames are meant for life, it only aids you in crossing paths.

Try performing the spell on a Wednesday when it is the full moon. You can also do it during the waxing moon on a Friday.

You need Goddess oil, a rose, and a red cloth to perform the spell. You also need candles in the colors purple and silver.

First, rub the Goddess oil into the purple candle. Place it at the center of your altar afterward and light it.

When the purple candle is burning, take your silver candle. Lit the silver candle using the light of the purple candle.

Place the silver candle on the right side of your altar and start chanting.

“Lover in the air, come to me. Lover's arms are here for thee.”

“Bring my twin flame to see; true love is the key.”

Remember to fold and unfold the red cloth as you chant the spell. While you stare at the candle flame, imagine your twin flame.

Imagine that your twin flame has already found you. Imagine how you are going to interact with them.

Visualize how you will show and express your love to each other. You feel the excitement and joy in your heart like it's happening.

When the candles finish burning, keep the leftover wax. Place it on the center of the red cloth and put the petals with it.

Tightly close the red cloth with the wax and petals inside. Carry around the charm with you, and you will meet your twin flame soon.

Although this spell brings many lovers your way, be vigilant. You will identify your twin flame and be certain about it.

When you finally meet them, bury the charm in the woods or near a big tree.

If you are not sure they are your twin flame, my friend Psychic Jane can draw what your Twin Flame looks like. Discover what your Twin Flame looks like here >>

Spell For Twin Flame Love and Connection

This kind of spell intends to ritually call topics of love and connection with your twin flame. Although they are already present in your twin flame relationship, it intensifies it.

Prepare an intentionally weaved two candles together and Aphrodite oil. Set aside a piece of paper to write your intention.

The spell, when performed correctly, will open up your desires for each other. It can reignite the passion, spice up the sex life, or strengthen the bond.

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What are other twin flame love spells?

Some people tend to perform the Twin Flame love spell to beckon a beloved. In some cases, they need a little push to open their hearts to love.

Perhaps some want to recover from heartbreak. Or some just want long-lasting love that comes from twin-flame relationships.

Whatever the reason behind casting the love spell, a ritual helps. As mentioned earlier, cleansing is essential – yourself and your space.

It is necessary to purify the air without any ill intention. It may not be yours, but the cosmic can grasp the energy once you perform it.

One way to cleanse is to burn white sage and rose. It allows the love to enter your space once the air is cleaned.

Gather all your materials, such as a tray, twin flame candle pair, and cotton string. Secure your quartz and rose quartz with you, and make sure they are also cleansed first.

With the candle, you can carve your name while the person you call is on the other. You can also carve words as simple as “LOVE.”

You can leave this part because it is optional. But when you do it, it keeps your mind to be clear with your intentions.

The more you put them into the physical realm, the more you manifest them. Be sure to write them as though you are already in love.

Avoid using the phrases “I want” or “I wish” during a ritual. Instead, use words like “I beckon” or “I am grateful to receive.”

In that way, it steers the positive energy of gratitude. Intentions in a love spell must be positive and not destructive.

Engaging in destructive thoughts and intentions pays consequences sooner. It will also not bring you your desired result since it comes from negative energy.

The next step is to tie the cotton string around the candles about an inch from the bottom. The tie knot symbolizes your union and coming together as a couple.

Recite your prayer or intention as you light the wick of the candles. There might be instances when you must redo relighting the candle, which is fine.

However, it would be great to hold the flame to the wick a bit longer. Once the flame reaches the wax, let it continue burning.

Although relighting can be a distraction, it is vital to stay focused. Concentrate on keeping the intention and recite them powerfully.

Cleanse yourself and your space again after the candles burn down. You can also burn a cinnamon stick for a few more days after the ritual.

P.S. I highly recommend checking out Psychic Jane as she has the ability to detect and draw the face of anyone's Twin Flame. She has been gifted with strong abilities in both Clairvoyance (the ability to see) and Clairsentience (the ability to feel). Reach out to her and you’ll be stunned by the results. Click here to get started >>

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Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.