Vivid dreams spiritual meaning: Have you experienced it? -

Vivid dreams spiritual meaning: Have you experienced it?

Have you woken up from a vivid dream and wondered what that means? Well, you're not alone. So, what does the universe tell you in your dreams?

The spiritual meaning of the vivid dream can be caused by specific reasons associated with our lives, the way we sleep, stress, and the way our mind works. It could also arise from the monumental shift in our lives and activities that has left our brains trying to reach and accept the changes.

Vivid dreams are fascinating, and there are times that you'll experience them and see nice ones, while most of the time, they look natural. People scared in the supernatural world happen in paradoxical sleep and become more vivid as you go deeper into sleep.

Sometimes you no longer have these dreams or are blurry, while some thoughts are so intense that you can recall the details.

Vivid dream interpretations can possess many things. For instance, sleep deprivation can lead to more intense dreaming.

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Also, when you're addicted to alcohol, you abruptly stop drinking, which can cause withdrawal symptoms. One of these is having vivid dreams every night.

Moreover, people with sleeping sickness often report vivid, eccentric, or disturbing dreams that can be difficult to differentiate from reality. Vivid dreams could be related to rapid eye movement (REM) sleep differences.

Vivid dreams are also associated with depression, stress, anxiety, and other mental conditions. Furthermore, physical conditions, such as heart diseases and cancer, can cause vivid dreams to occur.

For highly detailed vivid dreams, it means that you can no longer hide your deepest fear and anxieties. Your shadow side, meaning a side of your personality that contains all the parts of yourself that you don't want to admit you have, occurs in your dreams.

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Vivid dreams spiritual awakening

According to people who have already experienced it, spiritually awakened people will have vivid dreams. Still, those who have vivid dreams do not necessarily mean spiritually awakened.

When you sleep, your spirit body wakes and interacts with other dimensions. That's why some people get premonitions about other people or the things around their surroundings when they wake up.

A vivid dream means your spirit had an exciting yet profound adventure. Since dreams are a great way the spirit uses to communicate with us, you might want to write down your dream experiences to develop your intuitive nature and get valuable impressions.

If you're meditating regularly, these dreams could be a sign that your mind can stimulate a more profound meditation and connection with your spirit. These dreams are also helpful in analyzing life problems you're trying to resolve.

They can be in the form of symbols, feelings, and familiar objects of your daily experience. 

Whenever you're having a hard time interpreting your dreams, it's best to write down the objects and story sequences that are associated together. Or you can talk about it with someone you trust and knows the issue you're dealing with.

However, some people believe that vivid dreams are not signs of spiritual awakening. In fact, spiritual awakening means different things to different people. We can interpret vivid dreams and lucid dreams as connecting to another reality.

In a more profound sense, spiritual awakening is realizing that there's a better life ahead once the filters we put in our heads are lifted. Without these filters, we can see things more of reality.

For instance, a dollar and a diamond are both valuable, but in reality, none of them are valuable beyond their material properties. A dollar can wipe the dirt, and a diamond can cut glass.

Likewise, a spiritually awakened person will see things for what they are.

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Vivid dreams and intuition

Most of us are highly intuitive, but we neglect and pretend things we know without knowing how we know, significantly if we're raised in highly rational or influenced by our religious beliefs. However, when you're confronted with the event, you end up saying to yourself, “I knew it's gonna happen!”. 

You have good intuition if you've experienced this kind of feeling. If your senses are more sensitive than usual, something might happen.

If that's the case, there might be more signs pointing you to something. One of these signs is having vivid dreams.

Dreams and intuition are connected since they came from the same place: the unconscious mind. If you're dreaming and you remember it well, it's because your unconscious mind is saying something to you.

It wants to share some information that your conscious mind is unaware of. If this happens, you may feel either excited or nervous, but don't be afraid; it's normal.

You can write down these dreams and interpret what they're telling you.

A well-known example of how dream works in intuition is from the research scientist James Watson. Watson and his partner, Frances Crick, were thinking about DNA design.

Watson had a dream of two intertwined snakes, and his correct interpretation of the double helix strand of DNA provided the chemical foundation for all life. His intuition was terrific and efficient that the double helix was accepted without further verification of one experiment.

Moreover, if you're highly intuitive, it could mean that something big had happened in your life before you began seeing patterns around you. You may not be aware, but some signs, such as patterns and numbers, were messages from the universe.

You probably feel in doubt until you just take down these patterns you're seeing.

These patterns demand to be heard because they indicate precautionary signs about something for your safety. For example, these patterns can show up in unexpected ways, like looking at your watch at the same time every day or seeing the same pair of birds every day.

Another way intuition speaks to you is when your left lobe of the brain is quiet. It can happen during activities such as drumming, dancing, meditation, prayer, daydreaming, and being in nature.

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Biblical meaning of vivid dreams

The biblical meaning of seeing vivid dreams is considered the right thing to hear from God. God may interact with us through dreams to convey or warn us about something.

Once you see vivid dreams, it's hard to ignore God and His words. Also, you're not easily distracted because all your concentration focuses on hearing till the moment you fall asleep.

Vivid dreams examples

Vivid dreams are intense dreams that linger on your mind and give similar feels as if they are real. They came from the regular REM cycles that your brain goes through in a usual night of sleep.

Unlike most dreams, vivid dreams are so intense that they can affect your mental health.

Most dreams happen during REM cycles of sleep and recur every 90 minutes. Depending on the sleep schedule, it can last for around 20 to 25 minutes.

You can also experience vivid dreams during naps and nighttime sleep.

Vivid symbolize in dreams could be sleep deprivation, which causes more intense dreaming. At the same time, alcohol, such as drugs, can affect paradoxical sleep.

Therefore, once you stop using them, you can see unusual, vivid, and intense dreams.

Moreover, these dreams evolve as they run through our fears which could be the reason for having heightened anxiety instantly. In the present times, you can experience uncertainty and disruption that can affect your everyday life, such as separation from a loved one's rejection in a job position that can trigger anxiety.

Having vivid dreams can also lead to sleep deprivation, stress, anxiety, and emotional breakdown throughout the day. It is reflected in our dreams because dreaming reflects the way we think.

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Another factor is fluctuations of hormones that can affect your vision or fear that sparks vivid dreams, just like traumatic events. Narcolepsy also causes vivid dreams and waking within the night.

The most common vivid dreams include nakedness, falling, and being chased.

When we turn up to work or school with no clothes on, we all have that dream. According to experts, this kind of dream represents vulnerability.

It could be a fear that you don't want to be exposed, feeling vulnerable, and you're wondering if you can show people the real you.

Another is falling. Have you woken up from sleep or dreamed that you were falling from a cliff or building? This kind of dream is common, and it means that you're probably insecure, unsure, or overwhelmed about some aspect of your life.

Being chased by a gang or an animal is another example of vivid dreams. It's like you're feeling overwhelmed by the demands of life, and you're being fed up.

So, take time to relax and unwind to forget these worries in your life. 

If you dream about being lost in a maze, it means that you're feeling uncertain about the outcome of a situation. You're unsure what you should do next, and you're feeling hopeless.

Hence, through the appearance of vivid dreams, you can have an idea about the information that you hold and reflect on your everyday life. Vivid dreams are like the life that we think about and become what we admire.

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Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.