Best Wedding Dates Based on Numerology: Set the Schedule Now -

Best Wedding Dates Based on Numerology: Set the Schedule Now

Plans of settling down and marrying the person you love needs a lot of thinking to do. Committing yourself to a life-long relationship requires conviction and willingness to put yourself in that situation. 

Of course, everything comes easy if you’re marrying the one you love. However, marriage is not a straight path. It comes with struggles and obstacles along the way. Thus, choosing the best date for your wedding can significantly impact the chances of success in your marriage. 

The study of Numerology will help you out in deciding on the final date of your wedding. A wedding needs a lot of preparations and signals the start of a new chapter in your life. Hence, following Numerology’s advice on what dates would be best to marry, surely bring clarity to you and your partner. 

Continue reading on and learn how to determine the best dates for you to tie the knot! 

The Importance of Choosing the Right Date

Committing to a life-long relationship is something that we really need to be sure about. It’s easy to plan out what the wedding and reception would look like and the place of your honeymoon. However, one of the things that make it hard for couples to decide is the date of the wedding. 

In Numerology, everything that has happened or will happen is dependent upon the mystical properties of numbers. Each number has a unique vibration which gives it a distinct set of properties.

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Consulting to Numerology before choosing a date to tie the knot will give you an advantage in your marriage life. Choosing the perfect date for your wedding day will provide more success in your marriage. 

Have you wondered why some marriages fail and end up in divorce while others work out fine until they grow old? The simple explanation behind this is choosing the right date that coincides with your relationship. 

Studies show that couples who chose their wedding date based on Numerology have ended up living happy and lasting married lives. On the other hand, couples who chose just a random date do not guarantee a smooth and peaceful married life.

It’s true that marriage is not an easy path to take. There will always be trials and living up to the person you married. But one thing that matters most is that both couples should work as a team to solve the problems they face in their family. 

Choosing the right date will help shape the future of your marriage. The benefits of choosing a suitable date for a wedding will bless you with an abundance of needs and emotional matters. There will be stability and bountiful blessings in your married life. 

Picking out the best date to marry will bring love, blessings of children, peace, harmony, and healthy marriage. 

Seeking advice on what insight numerology can offer eases the anxiety during the wedding preparations.

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How to determine the best wedding dates?

Marriage is a significant event in our lives. Planning when to start this day is also a crucial step in setting foot in that setting. The date of the wedding is the one that usually takes a long time to be decided. There are certain factors that affect the couple’s decision and agreeing together on a specific date.

One of these factors includes uncertainty after the day of marriage. The question that is in the atmosphere is when would be the best date to marry? Or the confusion if the date you choose is a lucky or an unlucky number.

Your thoughts are filled with confusion or doubt; thus, the study of Numerology wants to help solve it up. Numbers always have been a particular part of our lives. Numerology helps us understand the deeper meaning behind numbers and what they relate and affect our lives. Even your birthday number has something important to tell you in Numerology.

We have a strong connection with numbers. Thus, one way to determine the best dates to marry is through your life path number. Our life path number gives us a vivid picture of our personality. Learning through your life path will show you your negative side and weaknesses and guide you in overcoming them. Our life path number will also give us an explanation of why we think and act in such a way. 

Determining what best dates should marry will depend on your life path number and your partner’s by using numerology.

How to determine what your Life Path number is?

To determine our Life Path number, we’re going to get it from your date of birth. To get this information, just follow the simple steps below:

Numbers are everywhere. You are literally swimming in them. Phone numbers, addresses, license plates, pin codes, your date of birth.

Numbers touch every single thing we do. In fact, all energy carries a hidden numerical code and vibration.

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First, write your date of birth in numerical form—for example, May 26, 1997, to 5261997. The next thing you’ll do is add each numerical component until you get a sum of a two-digit number. For the example above, we will get a sum of (5+2+6+1+9+9+7) number 39.

Next, we will further reduce the two-digit number into only one compound number. For this example, we will 12, then further reduce to come up with your exact life path number – number 3.

After determining what your life path number is, do the same also to your partner. Once you’re done getting your life path number and your partner, we will now decide what could be the best day for your marriage. 

Take, for example, the life path number of your soon-to-be husband is 5. So, what we will do is add 3 and 5, which will give us 8. The sum of your life path number and your partner is your wedding date!

However, if the number you got does not meet with the day you’re loved ones are available, or some conflict on the venue, there are still other dates that you can choose from. These options are still based on your life path numbers. Continue reading on to know more about available dates.

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Numerology numbers and best dates to marry

Life path number 1: People who have this life path should marry on dates with number one or have a sum of 1 when reduced. These dates are 1, 10, 19, 28.

Life path number 2: People who have this life path should marry on dates with number two or have a sum of 2 when reduced. These dates are 2, 20, 29.

Life path number 3: People who have this life path should marry on dates with the number three or have a sum of 3 when reduced. These dates are 3, 12, 30.

Life path number 4: People who have this life path should marry on dates with the number four or have a sum of 4 when reduced. These dates are 4, 13, 22.

Life path number 5: People who have this life path should marry on dates with the number five or have a sum of 5 when reduced. These dates are 5, 14, 23.

Life path number 6: People who have this life path should marry on dates with the number six or have a sum of 6 when reduced. These dates are 6, 15, 24.

Life path number 7: People who have this life path should marry on dates with the number seven or have a sum of 7 when reduced. These dates are 7, 16, 25.

Life path number 8: People who have this life path should marry on dates with the number eight or have a sum of 8 when reduced. These dates are 8, 17, 26.

Life path number 9: People who have this life path should marry on dates with the number nine or have a 9 when reduced. These dates are 9, 18, 27.

The life path numbers mentioned above can be used to determine the best dates for you to marry. Just follow the guide above on how to solve your life path number.


Now that you have the knowledge of when would be the best date for you and your love to tie the knot, it’s now time to set a schedule and make some reservations. Your angels and the universe are glad to see you in love and happy. Be optimistic because you and your partner have a beautiful future ahead of you.

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Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.