Is the Libra man giving you the silent treatment? What’s up with him, and can you do something about it?
When the Libra man goes quiet, ignoring and rejecting him will serve no purpose but prevent communication and discourage him from pursuing you. Let him be and allow him to find his own time to speak up and open himself up to you.
Before You Read: Want to understand a Libra man better? "Libra Man Secrets" by Anna Kovach is the book you need. This guide helps you get what makes him tick. You'll learn how to get along with him and why he loves balance so much. Anna's tips will show you how to be the person he wants to be with.
With this book, you'll know how to make a strong connection with a Libra man. If you want a relationship that's steady and happy, this book is for you. Don't wait. Get "Libra Man Secrets" by Anna Kovach today and start building a great relationship!
Not keeping in contact for days or weeks is normal, even for the friendly and affectionate Libra man. This does not mean that he’s lost interest or has fallen out of love with you.
If this behavior is new to you, perhaps you might still need to get to know your Libra man better with a guide like Libra Man Secrets. It also has in-depth explanations as to why he's acting in a certain way.
This article will make you understand the ins and outs of the Libra man’s personality and his reasons to go quiet on you. It will also give you the ultimate tips on making your silent man speak up and reconnect with you.
I hope this helps you a lot. Good luck!
Before we move forward, I highly recommend you to take this 2-min FREE compatibility quiz and calculate your relationship compatibility score created by my friend Anna Kovach, a professional Relationship Astrologer.
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It's scary accurate and it seriously blew me away. Inside, you'll discover what might be going on underneath the surface, what's the hidden message behind his words and behavior, and many other little-known secrets — all based on one simple fact — his Zodiac sign.
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The quiet nature of the Libra man
Libra is a Cardinal Air sign that initiates the fall season and is the most driven and purposeful of all the air signs. The Libra man is an extrovert who loves to charm and influence people with his excellent communication skills.
The Libra man uses new ideas and his inherent balancing force to connect with new people and expand his social circle. He is anything but quiet or reserved in social settings; he is always the conversation starter and the center of attention.
When in a relationship, the Libra man can blow hot and cold on his partner. He can be clingy because of his romantic ideals and fear of being alone or be aloof because of his need for freedom and personal space.
Reasons for his silent treatment
The Libra man seldom goes quiet so when he does, take it as a sign that he needs time to be alone. Allowing him to shut down and restart his system is the best way to respond.
The following are some reasons for the Libra man to go quiet or cold, pull away, or ignore you. Read through them to learn how to make him open up to you again.
He is going through a tough time
The Libra man works hard to maintain a life of order and balance, and when this life is threatened by chaos, he will focus all his energy on dealing with this threat.
When your Libra man is going through a tough time, the least you can do is not add to the stress by complaining or demanding his time. You can help him further by being supportive and offering your help when he needs it.
He is making up his mind
He likes to take his time to go over every detail and information before making up his mind about which action to take.
To ensure that the Libra man makes the right decision, he isolates himself and prevents contact with other people who may influence his decision-making process. Let him make his decisions faster by keeping out of his way.
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He is holding a grudge
If someone wrongs him or his loved ones, it will not be easy for him to forgive and forget.
Having a strong sense of justice, the Libra man will seek out the truth and punish the wrongdoer by cutting them off his life.
He’s testing you
The Libra man may stop talking to you to see how you’ll react.
The Libra man will test whether you are prone to being needy and clingy if he ignores you to pursue other aspects of his life like his career or hobbies.
He’s not into you
The Libra man is a charmer and can have any woman he wants.
If the Libra man you’re dating goes silent all of a sudden, reach out for an explanation and accept whatever explanation he gives you and move on with your life. If he is not brave enough to give you one, that’s when you know that you are better off without him.
You might also want to read my article about how to win back your Libra man.
His focus is on someone else
The Libra man’s attention is not 100% focused on you if someone like an ex or a close friend is also vying for his attention.
Don't worry, an expert-written guide like Libra Man Secrets might be able to give you the clarity you need.
Don’t chase the Libra man when he’s focused on someone else; it’s not a good plan, and it will only turn him off.
It may seem hopeless at first, but the best you can do is wait for him to decide and do your best to show how you care when he turns his focus back to you.
Make your Libra man speak out
When the Libra man goes quiet, no amount of words can force him to speak out if he is not ready. Below are some ways to encourage him to decide to break his silence.
Take a step back
When the Libra man pulls away, it’s tempting to go after him and demand answers. But doing so will work against your favor and may even force him to break up with you.
Take this chance to think things through and find out if you have done anything to cause the aloofness of your Libra man.
Approach carefully
If you think it’s taking your Libra man too long, you can approach him but do so out of your concern and genuine affection. Don’t make him feel like he’s done something wrong or that you are accusing him of unfaithfulness.
Not everything is about you
Libras are not great at dealing with multiple tasks at a time and are even worse at juggling emotional and intellectual concepts together.
Give your Libra man the chance to get his grip and organize his life on his own terms before you demand his full attention.
Don’t assume the worst
The Libra man is a Cardinal Air sign whose nature is impulsive and unpredictable. Don’t panic and assume the worst when he breaks contact with you.
Assuming the worst from your man will mean breaking your trust in him, and this always spells doom to any relationship.
Keep the communication strong
Replay and reevaluate your past conversations with your Libra man and see how you respond to him. Take note of the words you use, your body language, and overall attitude; improve on these areas, and you can encourage your man to be more open and enjoy communicating with you.
It can be alarming when your Libra man suddenly goes quiet around you, and it's completely valid and normal to feel that way.
If you want the answers to the questions constantly bugging your mind, I suggest getting your hands on Libra Expert Anna Kovach's Libra Man Secrets guide.