Pi Stone Donuts Meaning: Healing Properties, Benefits & Uses - Spiritual-Galaxy.com

Pi Stone Donuts Meaning: Healing Properties, Benefits & Uses

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Pi stones have a hole in the middle and are round in shape. Donut stones are another name for them. 

Pi stones are a representation of your spiritual bodies, and the energy universe has to offer. 

They depict your light and brilliant energy field symbolically. A pi-stone serves as a portal, a trans-dimensional gateway to the energies you are tapping when using these rites, to transmit the Munay-Ki.

History Of PI Stone Donuts Gemstone

In many cultures, the Pi-Stone is symbolic of the continual evolutionary cycle of creation, balance, karma, and healing. During Inca Shaman initiations, they were the tool to convey Munay Ki Rites. 

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Their geometric shape known as Torus represents the sun's circular path through the sky. Similar to Stones and Crystals, Pi stones are energy keys and stargates, while the hole in the middle symbolizes the total oneness principle. 

It represents the eternal unity of all things and the life, death, and rebirth cycle.

The Nine Rites In Using PI Stone Donuts Gemstone

  • Bands of Power

The first rite entails installing protections in your Luminous Energy Field. The Bands of Power are five dynamic bands representing earth, air, fire, water, and pure light. 

These bands work as filters, breaking down any bad energies that come your way into one of the five elements so that they can nourish you instead of making you toxic or unwell.

  • Healers Rite

It connects you to a lineage of former Earth keepers who come to help you with your healing. The Laika is aware that you have a wealth of spiritual resources at your disposal. 

During meditation and sleep times, these light entities work to repair the scars of the past.

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  • Harmony Rite

Your chakras have seven archetypes that serve as the seeds in your chakras. These seeds require a lot of fire to germinate, so you'll have to do many fire meditations to help them flourish. 

They then assist in combusting the psychological gunk that has accumulated in your chakras, allowing your chakras to shine with their original brilliance as you radiate a spectrum of light. This rite assists you in shedding your past in the same way that the serpent sheds its skin.

  • Seer Rite

This rite helps you to grow more aware of the world around you. Many seers discover that they can perceive the world of energy around them a few months after receiving the Seer rituals.

  • Daykeeper Rite

The Daykeepers were masters of the ancient stone altars found in religious sites all across the world. The Daykeeper can summon the healing and balance power of these ancient altars. 

This rite is a transmission of energy that links you to a lineage from the past. This initiation kicks off the healing of your inner feminine, allowing you to move beyond fear and into calm.

  • Wisdomkeeper Rite

Legend has it that ancient wisdom can be in the high mountains. Wisdom keepers are a lineage of former healers, men, and women who defied death and walked outside of time. 

The Wisdomkeeper's responsibility is to preserve the healing lessons safe and share them with others as needed. This ritual allows you to travel beyond time and experience infinite.

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  • Earthkeeper Rite

This ceremony ties you to a lineage of archangels who are guardians of the galaxy and said to be as tall as trees and have human form. The Earthkeepers are guardians of all life on the planet. 

They gain protection from these archangels and can call on their strength as needed to bring healing and balance to any situation. The Earthkeepers' rite assists you in learning the ways of the seer and dreaming the world into existence. 

  • Starkeeper Rite

According to legend, your physical bodies begin to evolve into luminous after receiving this rite. Your aging process will cease, and diseases that you were once prone to are no longer a threat. 

At the energy level of the Spirit, you can begin to process the lessons from your experiences. This rite entrusts you with the future and all future generations.

  • Creator Rite

This rite is reawakening your inner light as you take on guardianship of all creation from the smallest grain of sand to the universe's greatest cluster of galaxies. 

The performance of this rite is hard; although some people have gained this degree of initiation and awakened their consciousness, it has never been feasible to impart these abilities until now. 

While the spirit-to-human transmission was occasionally convincing, human-to-human communication was impossible.

The Metaphysical Benefits 

Wearing the Pi-Stone when you feel asked to strengthen your connection to the ceremonies and embrace their energy is the right way to do it. One of the many advantages of receiving the Rites by using Pi stones is that your senses develop, allowing you to tune in and receive directions. 

Developing a connection with the pi-stone was beneficial that will metaphysically enhance your experience. You will start to manifest healing, strength, and wisdom by wearing your pi-stone near your heart chakra when you get the rituals

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Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.