Cancer In 3rd House: Masters Of Communication -

Cancer In 3rd House: Masters Of Communication

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The constellation of Cancer resides in the Northern sky. People refer to its Latin name as “the crab.” Astrologers consider Cancer as the faintest of the zodiac constellations, with only 12 stars visible. The first person to record it in his Almagest was the Greek astronomer Ptolemy in the 2nd century.

There are different versions to the story of cancer, and they're largely associated with the crab sent by Hera to kill Heracles. People relate Cancer to the crab in Greek mythology, as shown in Heracles' Twelve Labours. Hera summoned Cancer to kill Heracles, one of Zeus' illegitimate children. It was the very son that she despised the most out of his many children.

While Heracles was fighting the Hydra, this gigantic crab clung to his foot. He already had his hands full; since every time he hacked off one of the Hydra's heads, two more grew in its place. He switched his focus to the crab and crushed it before finishing the Hydra. In another story, they crush the crab instead, and Hera, Hercules' arch-enemy, rewards it by placing it in the sky. She does place the crab in an area of the sky with no bright stars because, despite its best efforts, the crab failed to complete the assignment. Thus, there are no stars brighter than the intensity of Cancer.

Cancer is the 31st biggest constellation in the sky, with a 506-square-degree size. The Beehive Cluster and M67 are Messier objects in Cancer, as are two stars with known planets. Al Tarf, Beta Cancri, is the brightest star in the constellation. The sole meteor shower linked with the constellation is the Delta Cancrids.

The Third House

The third house is what Astrologers refer to as the house of communication.

The third house gives energy to your mind and intellect. It indicates how you approach and analyze situations, as well as how you interpret data. In a nutshell, it is the engine that drives your whole learning and communication activities. Communication in this house takes place between the individual and those closest to them.

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This house gives us the “go” signal to use our intelligence to survive. The Gods equipped humans with a lot of skills to help them with their goals; we only need to tap into our potential. There are problems that we could deal with quickly as if on reflex, and there are those that need critical thinking.

Whatever the universe has gifted to us, it is always for a grand purpose. When we receive divine blessings, we must accept and allow them to take us to our destination. These gifts usually take us to a place where we get entangled with other people.

Cancer In 3rd House

People in this placement are creative and visionary without even trying. They have the kind of talent that other people envy. But geniuses desire more than what is within their reach, so they're not as appreciative as you expect them to be. They hate to remain inside the world that others have built up for them.

Despite their streak of rebellion, they're also sensitive and caring towards others. Being extremely loyal, they would place family and friends before themselves. They love in a grandiose way that they become super possessive if their affections are not handled well.

At a young age, learning became difficult for them and resulted in others ostracizing them. Even at present, they still learn in unconventional ways. Cancers have a penchant for sweet things. Because of their sweet tooth, they would sneak candies at work. They have to be cautious and monitor their sugar intake. Here are other major traits for people of this placement:

Good with Communication

As someone with Venus in the 3rd House, they excel in the art of communication. Although his manner of speaking may be succinct at times, he is graceful and eloquent whenever he chooses to talk. Having superior intellect, the contents of their conversation are always constructive and stimulating. They maintain a rational mind and deal with situations objectively.

When they let the logical part of themselves take over, they can keep their calm during a crisis. Having good communication skills doesn't mean they suddenly become the life of the party. They can still be shy so the amount of interactions still depends on their terms. Their sensitivity towards other people's emotions could play a role in their social standing, depending on how they use this.

You can't expect them to perform poetry or do public speeches, but they have a gravitational pull when it comes to discourses. Their heightened sensitivity prevents them from sharing their thoughts with a large audience. In a secluded place, with only a few others involved in the conversation, they do fairly well. Their sharp wit draws other people into participating in the exchange.

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Assertive with their Personal Space

Cancers can be one of the most introverted zodiac signs. Despite their sensitivity to how others feel, they still want to keep to themselves. They're highly empathetic but logical too, so they try not to have any emotional attachments so they can think with their head. As much as they can help it, they don't want to be in the spotlight.

Cancers in the third house like having their time occupied because their energy is at a constant shift. They think that partaking in drama takes away the opportunity to do something productive. They would rather attend to their own business. But it might depend on the people that surround them.

They can be caring towards those within their social circle. They're more expressive of their opinions towards those they feel safe with. If he is in an environment with people he barely trusts, he suddenly becomes indifferent. He makes himself appear unapproachable so he can avoid feeling like his personal space is being threatened.

Plagued By Insecurity

Ruled by the Moon, the state of the people in this house is fickle and delicate. They tend to overthink the mistake they made when these are clearly beyond their control. Because he often leads with his heart, a seed of negative emotion could quickly grow into self-loathing. It is beyond him to rationalize his biased exaggerations against himself.

He gives in to the whispers inside his head and believes them to be true. Because he tends to be selfless, he would often take the blame meant for others. He becomes blind to the circumstances that contribute to his failure.

He gets to a point where he has given up on himself and become unkind. He refuses to see the bigger picture. Rather than seeing this as a lesson to learn- it becomes a dead-end for him. He just accepts that it wasn't meant for him when there were things he could have done, factors that he couldn't predict, and people that got in the way.

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He thinks that he isn't good enough and that he doesn't deserve nice things. So he doesn't try getting them. He doesn't even try asking for them. Because of his abandonment issues, he would rather be the first one to create distance. The more he spends in isolation, the safer he feels.

Sentimental And Likes Hoarding Things

Cancer in the third house, withdrawn as they seem, is actually very sentimental. They like collecting things, especially if it's a memento. No matter the clutter, they can't easily part with gifts from friends. Their friends would soon get used to their hoarding tendencies and would spoil them with trinkets of all sorts.

People of this placement are not attracted to the minimalist lifestyle. They would prefer to fill their space with what others may view as trash. It may be junk, but it's THEIR junk.

So what if it's worn-out shoes that your feet have long grown out of? They're the pair that took you to the entrance examination room and the very same pair you wore when you skipped classes with your best friend. It's ragged, but it took you to important milestones, and it will stay in the shoe rack for as long as you're breathing.

How It Is For You When It Comes To Relationship?

Do you perhaps, have your eyes on a certain Cancer, and you want to see how she dwells in the third house? Read on because we have your best interests in mind.

Because this house covers short-distance trips, the Cancers of this placement are hard to catch. They won't easily set foot on the field of dating because they're most likely home buddies who focus more on their inner circle. They have more chances of ending up with an old friend, so if you're not, you might want to roll up your sleeves. Getting inside their world isn't easy, so you'll have to dedicate yourself to it. But once you do become a permanent fixture of her life, you'll know the wait was worth it. Here are a few signs for people of this placement to look out for:

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They Put Their Guards Up

Cancer in the third house can be reticent when it comes to being in a relationship. They have their own little world that even their partner would have a hard time penetrating. Their emotional intelligence is high, and they would rather lead with their heart. Although they are highly empathetic, they don't get along with people who don't naturally understand them.

He is not expressive, so it's hard to figure out what goes on in his mind. Not matching with his love language will make things more difficult for you as a lover. It takes time for them to process their emotion, and they are careful with revealing them.

They prefer to communicate subtly and indirectly, and they might be passive-aggressive if they are in a bad mood. They don't like giving too much away, so like a strategic debater, they let the other person speak first. They don't like fighting without knowing what they're up against, so they try to grasp the situation before rebutting.

Sometimes people of this placement don't want to open up at all. This may be because you're not completely in their safe space yet. It will be hard to gain transparency from them, especially when they're fine with you keeping secrets of your own.

Saying Nothing Doesn't Always Equate To Knowing Nothing.

The level of perception that Cancers of this house have- is deep. Their emotional intelligence is way ahead of the others. They're sensitive to the people they're with, and the emotions present. But because they tend to be taciturn, they like to keep their insights to themselves. Having them as a partner will make you think like they are unaware or that they don't care. But most of the time, they know what's going on; they just choose to turn a blind eye to it.

There are a few reasons behind that. One is that they genuinely don't care. When it comes to relationships, they're not emotional. They're the type to keep a distance, and inclusive to that is not asking or saying too much in a relationship. Your business remains your business.

The second is that they're emotionally sensitive. And this value is a double-edged sword. While they can be empathetic, they might also do the opposite. It could be that it's not your emotions they can't handle but their reaction to it. They tend to feel things heavily, especially if it concerns people they really care about. When their partner feels pain, they feel twice as much. A non-confrontational Cancer sees being passive as the best choice of action.

The third is that they would rather absorb than react. They are a silent companion that would ride with you through the storm without you noticing them. They're by your side, and they know that sometimes, the presence of another being is enough to heal a wounded soul. Their intuition tells them that no words of comfort could be enough because only you know how you truly feel.

They Don't Easily Commit.

In the first stage of a relationship, they're all over the place. They come and go as they please, so their partner might feel neglected. Because the third house represents short trips, relationships with them can be fleeting. Like a bittersweet summer fling, a short-lived hobby, or a temporary shade of lipstick.

Cancers will get tired of having the same repetitive pattern in life. Because of this, they try to avoid letting others hold them down. For them, you go from point A to point B because remaining in point A is pointless. As mean as it sounds, they might treat their partners like they're disposable once they get bored.

They Go All Out.

People in this placement may once upon a time be emotionally distant. But once you get past their barrier, they will go all out. When they finally decide to let you in, you will feel too much of what they can give.

He will treat you with tenderness and attend to your every need. He will focus on you and will constantly check how you're feeling at the moment. His loyalty to your relationship will not waver, and he will always stick to your side. They will shower you with affections and are sensitive to your psychological well-being.

It will first come off as a surprise, but this is how they really are. Once you have their devotion, they will be a faithful lover. They will try to understand you, and they do this by defying the rational part of their mind. They let their gift for sensitivity take over when it comes to the emotional aspects of their relationship.

They Have One Of The Best Memory Among All Signs.

Once you tell them something, it might seem like they're not paying attention, but they keep it in mind. From shared secrets to the smallest of details- they'll remember it. They'll have you memorize like the back of their hand. And you'll know they're invested. You'll know it's love when they know you. Because to love is to know. To love is to know little quirks about you.

Of what hurts you, and making sure they avoid using that against you, of what makes your heart flutter, and paying attention that they don't forget that. To know how you have so much in your mind after a long day, but all you need is a moment under the blankets with his hand drawing circles in your back. To know that little assurances matter, so he squeezes you by the shoulder and tells you that you're so much more than your draining job.

It's a long process before Cancers of this position come out of their shell. But when they do, inhibitions become meaningless – they'll revere you like a saint.

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Dearest Cancer Of 3rd House

Yes, it is quite certain that there is no place like home, but the world is an adventure waiting to happen, and you're stuck on the front porch. How others say and feel about you imprisons you because you match their footsteps. You must move ahead and embrace what the stars have in store for you. They have gifted you immensely, so you must have the confidence to claim what is yours. Allow your intuition to guide your actions.

Be of support to others but don't use it as an excuse to stop yourself from transforming.

Your Mantra:

I have a precious heart that warms up to people. The stars have gifted me with sensitivity and compassion towards those that surround me. I stand strong to protect those that I must. Firm in my resolutions and selfless in putting others before myself, I must learn to be vulnerable. For although naturally, I nurture, I cannot give to others what I have forsaken from myself.

I am the child of the moon, and I endure in solitude. With each phase of the moon, I am reborn. I am also one with nature- peaceful as the waters, passionate as the wind.

Have you read the article in the second house? Go ahead and read this article on Cancer in 2nd house.

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Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.