Do Soulmates Look Alike?: Is It Destiny or Coincidence? -

Do Soulmates Look Alike?: Is It Destiny or Coincidence?

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On many occasions, you may have marveled at the uncanny resemblance of some couple. This may lead you to think if they are soulmates.

But do soulmates look alike? First, soulmates are said to have matching souls. So, it's highly possible for them to have similarities in their facial features, making them look alike.

In fact, this phenomenon has been happening to many couples who have been together for many years. But, there are also instances where even those who have not met yet have the same facial attributes. 

How does that work?

There are several psychological reasons why soulmates began to look alike. For instance, they could both enjoy the same activity and are on the same diet. 

That said, their bodies would naturally shape in similar forms. This soulmate phenomenon has amassed so much attention that many people are buzzing about it on social media sites. 

To know more about why soulmates resemble each other, consider reading this guide until the end. 

Top 10 reasons why soulmates look alike

As the saying goes, things happen for a reason, and the same applies to soulmates' resemblance. So, here are some reasons why soulmates start to resemble or look similar to each other.

They have been in a relationship for a long time. Have you noticed couples who have been in a relationship for so long start to have a strong resemblance with each other? A study held in 1987 tried to analyze this phenomenon.

Later, the researchers concluded that couples living together for 25 years naturally start to look the same. This is because they begin to imitate each other's way of expression, changing how their shape looks. 

Though they may not look strictly the same over time, their lifestyle and habits may start to overlap with each other through their strong spiritual connections. Other people may even see them as a single entity when they are out. 

For soulmates looking like their other half, it could be a natural part of their relationship, which they can't consciously control. This could signify that the two individuals are indeed a match in spirit and body. 

Over time, the resemblance between the two increased. Although there are soulmates with substantial similarities, this doesn't mean that soulmates have to look similar. 

What makes soulmates more likely to resemble each other is they tend to have many things in common. That said, the two share the same activities, mirroring and enjoying each other. 

Also, their mindsets are inclined to match. 

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  1. They enjoy the same activities.

Another reason why soulmates look similar is that they enjoy the same activities or do the same things. For instance, they love going to the gym and keeping fit.

As a result, they will look similar in terms of physique. That said, the activities they like and the solid spiritual connection amplify, increasing their resemblance. 

  1. They develop the same habits and lifestyle.

The more time couples spend together, the higher the chances they will develop the same habits. Russia's ITMO and Singapore's National University research team have proven this accurate.

They found out that those who are committed in their relationships pick up both their partners' bad and good habits. As a result, this develops a sense of unity between them. 

If one partner decides to stay fit or go on a strict diet, the other will do the same. The more time you spend with your beau or even friends, you will likely pick up their habits too.

So, as you get closer to a particular person, the sense of unity will intensify with soulmates, increasing your resemblance with them. 

  1. They are attracted to someone they look alike.

When it comes to the attraction to physically similar partners, there is more than what meets the eye. Researchers have found that the recognized faces' personalities predicted both with physical resemblance are couples. 

Researchers propose that couples could have similar personalities resulting from social cognitive judgments by others. In other words, people could pair with those who look like them since they have identical characters based on the assessment of others. 

For instance, you may grow to confirm the expectations of others due to your looks through a self-fulfilling prophecy. 

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  1. They mirror each other. 

Another reason a couple begins to look like one another is when they mirror each other. But, again, this could simply mean being sensitive to your partner's feelings. 

This is very important in the relationship since it is a substantial contributing factor for a relationship to last. If the two don't have the same wavelength or energy, this could lead to disagreements that could ruin the relationship.

It's noteworthy that we have mirror neurons in our minds, which essentially help to balance relationships. But unfortunately, this means that our feelings are lopsided in this way. 

These neurons copy the behaviors you've been seeing, which is essential for learning and balancing feelings in the relationship. This means that if your partner is a loving person, you will also be loving. 

This mimicking or mirroring of behaviors could be one of the many reasons why soulmates look so similar. 

  1. They have the same mannerisms.

Another reason soulmates look like each other is because of their similar mannerism. They also tend to develop the same habits that further enhance their similarities. 

The two soulmates may even find this weirdly fascinating. But, these things truly exist, no matter how weird they seem. 

Have you found these similarities with your partner or someone close to you? If so, that person could very well be your soulmate.

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  1. They share many experiences. 

Soulmates also start to resemble each other because they share many experiences together. With this, they may begin to mirror their facial expressions and the way their facial lines are lined.

For instance, when they are stressed, their forehead lines may look similar to each other. Or, when they are in a happy state, their laugh lines may appear the same way. 

Life experiences shared together over the years help emphasize their similarities more. This leads to them being pretty similar to each other but not identical.

  1. They have similar personalities.

The more two people look like each other, the more their personalities will become alike. That said, when people look at them, they start to see a spitting image.

It will be like they are the same person, apart from their gender orientation. They will also start to have the same hobbies and start to be driven to achieve their goals. 

  1. A genuine love advisor affirms the soulmate connection. 

Going to a genuine love advisor is the best way to affirm your similarities with your soulmate. Not only that, but they will also explain to you thoroughly we soulmates tend to look alike.

On top of that, they may also give you rare insight into where your life should go, including who you should be meant to be. However, be aware that many fakes have been spurting out almost everywhere. 

That said, it's best to ask for recommendations from people you trust who have consulted a love advisor before. That way, you can ensure that your money and trust won't go to waste. 

  1. Soulmates look alike through empathic mirroring. 

Most of the time, couples don't really look similar to each other—until they have spent many years living together. As a result, researchers have collected several images of newlywed couples and their pictures 25 years later. 

 They have discovered that spouses have become more similar in looks over time. In addition, couples for 25 years also forge more outstanding relationship quality due to their similarities. 

They added that spouses, particularly those close to each other, may end up having the same facial features through empathic mimicry. This is to say that through their empathy for one another, they may feel similar emotions and have the same facial expressions. 

Over time, this will lead to similar facial musculature, like gaming patterns and wrinkles. Overall, though most people make light of this phenomenon, finding couples that look alike is reflective of intricate psychological processes. 

Being paired with someone with similar physical features could be a way for someone to become attractive to us. However, we may not realize it soon enough.

Yet, research implies that there is always more than meets the eye. That said, being a couple who don't look similar to each other doesn't mean that you are not meant to be or you are not soulmates. 

It only means that, in 25 years, as the research suggests, you will start to look similar to your soulmate or your partner. But, we all agree that 25 years is a very long time to pass.

So, as much as possible, treat your partner well and not overly focus on getting conclusive evidence if your partner is your soulmate. Being in a relationship is a gem in itself, so instead of focusing on other things, focus on treating your beau well.

That way, there will be no remorse because you have loved right, which is the most important thing. 

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  1. Familiarity effect.

The familiarity effect is among the reasons why we are drawn to people who are similar to us—be it in facial features or traits. When we are exposed to familiar stimuli repeatedly, we tend to like them due to their easy process.

This is because, to our brains, the easier it is, the more pleasant it will be. But, of course, this is not surprising since our brains are wired to react that way, so we don't really have much say about that. 

The more you see someone similar to you, the more you'll get attracted to that person. In fact, a study has tested the rule of familiarity effect on perceived facial attractiveness. 

The result of it was astonishing. In support of the familiarity effect, the researchers have discovered that those with distinctive or attractive faces were rated less. 

Meanwhile, those with familiar faces were rated more attractive than those with really attractive looks. 

Furthermore, increased face exposure led to higher attractiveness ratings for both unique and familiar faces. That said, a sense of familiarity will always attract us to a person, leading to more similarities unfolding as time passes, including being look-alikes. 

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Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.