Angel Number 809 Secret Meaning: Practice Saying No -

Angel Number 809 Secret Meaning: Practice Saying No

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You must be wondering as to what the number above means. Everywhere you look, this number would just appear like some kind of a hidden message.

It freaked you out for sure. But before deciding to go to the nearest lottery outlet in your place, think about it for a second. Jackpots don’t appear out of anywhere and make you a millionaire just as easy as that. If so, almost everyone who followed the signs that were given to them would have been millionaires already, right?

You are here in search of answers other than the possibility of it being a jackpot number. This message is much more than that. This Angel Number means a lot of things, but not a jackpot number. This number came from your Guardian Angels, and they want to tell you something. Since they can’t talk directly to you, they found a way in order to get your attention.

And it did the trick, right?

I will help you understand this Angel Number and what significance it holds in your life. Problems in life are always there, and you must have prayed one time. If you did, I am pleased to inform you that this message as being an answered prayer is the closest answer you could get.

As you have started seeing angel numbers, you definitely need to pay attention to this.

Wouldn't it be nice If you could actually 'see' the future: the tough challenges, the lucrative opportunities, the random (but often life-altering) encounters with strangers or the goals you should abandon or embrace?

You just need to look to the science of Numerology to unlock the hidden messages that the Cosmos is eager to tell you.

My friends at have created this FREE Video Numerology Report that is based on nothing more than your name and date of birth! >>>

And you are going to be speechless when you watch it. It's shockingly accurate and incisive. But don't take my word for it.

Get this no-cost Personalized Video Numerology Report to find out what your 'rebuild' will look like! >>>

But before I conclude that idea, I will have to make you understand that this is beyond just a simple part of your life. This is bigger than what you originally thought. Are you feeling very intrigued now? Then read on. All the answers that you need are just beyond this part.

Have a pleasant unraveling.

Angel Number 809 Numerology

If you are new to things like this, always keep in mind that things are much more than what they appear to be. In order to understand things, you will have to dig deeper. Your Guardian Angels just gave you the parts of your life that you need to take a look into, but the rest of the job is up to you.

It is a good thing that I am here to help you better understand this message as thoroughly as possible. Keep up and take things seriously as you start to step on your spiritual side. If you thought we would be talking about what your Angel Number means right away, you thought wrong. You need to understand every aspect and every part of this Angel Number, even the tiny bits about it.

I will first tell you about the number 8. This number represents wealth, skills and talents, self-confidence, success, and individuality. Your Guardian Angels want you to pay attention in your career life. Success and rewards are near as long as you work hard for them.  

On your journey to success, you will be facing many obstacles, and that is why you will need to equip yourself with self-confidence and your skills and talents. You are reminded to put your abilities to use as they have remained dormant than necessarily. Develop them if you do not want to lose them permanently.

The next number is the number 0 that represents unity, wholeness, infinity, and existence. You must be wondering what these energies would have to do with you. As you progress in life, the obstacles that you will be facing will get harder and harder. This would basically mean that upgraded you will be required.

You will have to be conscious and be intact with your Higher Self as it leads to better judgment and inner wisdom. You have to unite with all the things about you. Your talents, beliefs, ambitions, drive, etc. make you who you are. Embrace yourself as a whole, individual, and single person. Also, the number 0 could mean the amplified manifestation of the numbers it appears with. As this number appeared between the numbers 8 and 9, the energy of amplification it releases will be equal.  

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Down to the last number – the number 9. There are various claims as to what this number represents. Some believe that this number represents the energy of Karma, spirituality, freedom, selflessness, and kindness. At the same time, some believe that it revolves about understanding the love of the Universe. In other words, it also symbolizes love and forgiveness.

Either way, number 9 represents good and positive energies. Those energies are closely related to one another, too. As you practice these traits, you will end up with the same outcome as the rest.

And as Angel Number 809, it means that people like you can survive any environment that you are in. You are capable of surviving even the most challenging situation. Your confidence in yourself is one of your most excellent tools in doing things successfully, for you never gave room for self-doubt.  

Optimism runs in your blind, and you use it very well. You never gave in to any circumstances that most people would have done. With your numbers, you are also known as a person people can rely on. You tend to put others before yourself, and that is what worries your Guardian Angels.

You are too selfless at times, and you tend to give too much of yourself. Apply balance in everything you do. Be selfless and selfish at the same time. How you can do it, only you can answer.

Weigh down the things that equally matter to you, and the answer will dawn on you. Seek solutions for every situation you can’t understand. Do not hesitate to ask for guidance from your Guardian Angels, for they are always there for you.

You don’t hold a grudge or ill thoughts to people despite the things that they have done to you. That is an excellent practice of maintaining positivity. However, you have these tendencies of welcoming negative people back. You are too kind, but do not forget to be kind to yourself, too.

Numbers are everywhere. You are literally swimming in them. Phone numbers, addresses, license plates, pin codes, your date of birth.

Numbers touch every single thing we do. In fact, all energy carries a hidden numerical code and vibration.

Go here to find out YOUR numerical vibration. The 100% Personalized Video reveals your Life Path, Expression and Soul Urge Numbers! >>>

Forgiving does not mean reconciliation. It just means that you set those unnecessary feelings to go, for they serve you no purpose. You are reminded to think about yourself.

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Angel Number 809 Meaning and Hidden Influences

Truth be told, you have pure intentions all the time. But you cannot deny the fact that sometimes, you would want to put yourself first, too. Tendencies of being selfish surfaced here and there, but you never gave in because you just want to make other people happy. You don’t want to hurt their feelings that you would rather suffer instead of them.

Remember that it is your life that you are living, not theirs. It should always be about you and everything that you wanted to do. It is good to help and be kind. However, do it in moderation that you won’t have to suffer. Do not be selfless to the point that you start to pity yourself.

Positivity is important. Inviting negativity in just because of your incapability to say No is a very big No. The more you indulge and lie to yourself, the more your goals and dreams stray further away from you. Giving more of yourself is like pushing your dreams away.

You cannot complete your spiritual journey if you are no whole, to begin with. Do not make it your life purpose to fulfill others. You have dreams of your own, and you have struggles of your own. Use your kindness as a strength, not as a weakness.

You also have to focus on yourself. Live your life for yourself.

Angel Number 809 Spiritual Guidance

See this message as your Guardian Angels giving you a push in the back of living your life for yourself. Do not delay your dreams for the sake of the people around you. You have all the resources and skills that you need in order to succeed. It's just you are holding yourself back.

I am not implying that you should not be kind to people anymore. I am suggesting that you need to balance everything in your life. You can't give everything even though it is beyond your abilities and resources. Do not let yourself be corrupted by the same people who did you wrong before.

You have to set some boundaries. Your Guardian Angels have provided you with everything. Do not worry about the Bad Karma when saying No to others. Nothing comes bad after putting yourself first. In fact, it is one of the most important things in the world. You should love and respect yourself.

Angel Number 809 in Love and Relationships

Love in this Angel Number is full of sparks and fireworks. A relationship is not complicated for people like you are very gentle and caring people. Imagine the care and love you will give to your partner.

Though you are someone who is still practical and hardworking, it will never be a hindrance in your relationship. Instead, it is what's making you desirable to other people: your ability to love fully and your well-roundedness. You can do love and career at the same time without difficulties.  

You are also someone who everyone likes. Your gentle demeanor attracts everyone to you. You are not overly extroverted, but people can't seem to get enough of you! However, warnings about arrogance, greed, and superiority complex sometimes pop out to some people with this number.

Let this be a reminder to remain humble no matter what happens. Do not harbor negative thoughts and feelings, especially to people. Always remain positive and always be the better version of yourself.

Also, the one thing I talked about, you have a very soft spot for those you love, and they tend to take advantage of your kindness. Do not let yourself be used. Do not let the resources and effort for yourself be used by people who don't even deserve them.

No matter who they are, people who encounter people like you would often, if not always, take advantage of you. You should know when to set boundaries. Life is short to even think about anyone else but you. It is about time to put yourself first.

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I am sure you are now aware of what your Angel Number means. It means to live yourself the way you always wanted it. Put your dreams and yourself at the top of your priority list. Do not waste your talents and skills by delaying your progress for the sake of other things.

Balance is important in life, and you should start practicing it by saying No.  

Keep in mind that no matter how hard your Guardian Angels want to help you, if you don’t help yourself, then nothing will change. All the blessings and guides they gave you will disappear just like how they appeared. Do not prove to people that your kindness is your weakness. Prove to them that it is your strength.

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Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.