Rainbow Bridge Prayer for Dogs: Gone, But Not Forgotten - Spiritual-Galaxy.com

Rainbow Bridge Prayer for Dogs: Gone, But Not Forgotten

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Sometimes, you save street animals, and they become your pet. But, most of the time, they save your life.

Owning a pet is one of the most fulfilling things you can do in your life. Pets give you unconditional love, becoming one of your primary companions in life.

They don't ask for much in life other than their needs enough to live, such as warm and dry shelter and adequate food and water. In response, they give you love, companionship, acceptance, loyalty, and happiness.

Your bond with your pet becomes an unconditional relationship as time passes, and you cannot help but love them so much!

Generally, the pet and owner relationship has many benefits for both parties. It's like give and take of love and smiles!

However, being a fur parent isn't all about flowers and butterflies. It is a lifetime commitment and dedication of time and effort. Pet ownership is like parenting a kid with almost the same level of unique bond.

Fur babies also need some attention, care, and love! And so, you may be so invested emotionally, physically, and financially in your pets, treating them like your own child and as part of your family.

You and your pet communicate and create memories together, emotionally attached to one another and forming this unbreakable bond. That is why when a pet is sick or losing a pet is heartbreaking and painful.

Only pet owners can relate to each other what it feels like to lose a great companion in your life. Others think it's just a pet or it's not a big deal, and they just don't get it.

Animals' love is so accepting and unconditional. They support the good of your emotional well-being and provide security and comfort that you don't even feel from another person.

So, it's hard to “just get over it” because many aspects of your life have had a great and good impact since you owned them. It adds to your emotional pain and can make you feel lost and empty after your pet dies.

However, throughout the years, many pet lovers have come together to discuss things like coping with the loss of a pet. By supporting each other and giving guidance on how to heal from grieving, many were able to get back on their life with the acceptance of the death of their pets.

This includes the idea of the “rainbow bridge” as a way of coping mechanism while grieving for the loss of a pet. For decades, the thought and idea of the “rainbow bridge” have helped many pet owners find comfort as they grieve the loss of their beloved pets.

The rainbow bridge is like a passageway of animals from the physical world to the spiritual realm. It is more like pet heaven.

It is believed that a departed cat or dog is “going over the rainbow bridge” when they pass. Once your pet is in the afterlife, as a pet parent, there's hope that you may reunite with your deceased pet.

Thinking this way can help ease the pain of loss and hope for your pet to be in a much better place. Although the pain is immeasurable, having the idea is nice to think that your pet has a happy ending.

The concept of the rainbow bridge came from a popular poem way back 1980s and 1990s. At least three men claim that they have written the poem.

Although, sometimes, the poem is usually attributed to an unknown author. Over the years, the poem has been passed down between animal lovers who helped them to mourn much better.

According to the poem, after the death of a pet, it finds its way into a beautiful, lush, green meadow filled with sunshine, plenty of food, and perfect health. Once the pet's human companion dies, they meet and reunite on the rainbow bridge.

Until this generation, people still use this concept all over the internet and social media to disclose the death of a beloved pet. Pet owners may refer to the death of their pet who has “crossed over the Rainbow Bridge” or say, “I'll meet you at the Rainbow Bridge.”

Below is the poem you can use and share with those who grieve and mourn the loss of their beloved dogs or cats. You can also pray to St. Francis, the patron saint of pets.

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The Rainbow Bridge Poem

There is a bridge connecting Heaven and Earth.

It is called the Rainbow Bridge because of all its beautiful colors.

Just this side of the Rainbow Bridge there is a land of meadows,

hills and valleys with lush green grass.

When a beloved pet dies, the pet goes to this place.

There is always food and water and warm spring weather.

The old and frail animals are young again.

Those who were sick, hurt or in pain are made whole again.

There is only one thing missing,

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they are not with their special person who loved them so much on earth.

So, each day they run and play until the day comes

when one suddenly stops playing and looks up!

The nose twitches! The ears are up!

The eyes are staring and this one runs from the group!

You have been seen and when you and your special friend meet,

you take him in your arms and hug him.

He licks and kisses your face again and again –

and you look once more into the eyes of your best friend and trusting


Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together, never again to be apart.

As a pet owner, you see your pet as more than just a “dog” or “cat” which made this concept of rainbow bridge became so popular. It is a heartwarming feeling to think of reuniting with your most loved pet in extreme pain and emotional time.

Today, it is now widely accepted that all types of animals, not just pets, are eligible to cross the Rainbow Bridge and make it to heaven. Rainbow bridge is meant for pets who wish to reunite with their human companions, while those animals who don't have an owner are assumed to go straight to heaven.

However, no matter how widely used the rainbow bridge concept is, some people still need help finding total comfort in it. But there are always ways to cope with the loss.

Everyone processes grief in different ways.

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Dog in Heaven Prayer

For Christian dog owners, sharing Bible verses relevant to the loss of their pets can be comforting. Religious, spiritual, and faithful people remind each other about God's love for all his creations.

It is his will to comfort you and ease your pain while you are grieving. So, you can always recite a prayer and pray with flowers if you're seeking spiritual comfort.

You can focus on the companionship you have had with your pet dog. Then, uplift to God what has been weighing you down and what you feel.

Your relationship with your dog can even be more satisfying than human relationships. It is the depth of your companionship and unconditional love that you have had which makes your dog's passing so devastating.

Trust that God cares about all of his creation. He is keeping your dog in a peaceful place, and his presence will give you comfort to ease the pain you are feeling.

Using prayer to remember your beloved dog is a way of cherishing and honoring the companionship you both had. If you need help putting together the right words for prayer, you can use the following prayer below or revise it and make it your own prayer.

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God may not take away all of the pain or grief you are feeling, but God can help you walk through it.

Lord God, thank you for blessing me such a wonderful soul, my dog [dog's name].

Thank you for this beautiful life and the times we have shared together.

I am so grateful that you made me experience this kind of love and deep connection.

As I mourn and grieve for the passing of my dog, I pray that you walk me through this journey with enough strength to stand up on my own.

I put in your almighty hands all of the emotions, pain and struggle that I am going through right now.

It has never been easy, and I didn't know losing a dog would feel like this.

Lord, I feel like half of me died as well.

I pray that you renew my me once again and fill the emptiness in my heart with all of the love and compassion that I need.

Please help me to accept and acknowledge the death of my dog.

Guide me and make my heart kinder to myself so I can have the courage to forgive me from the guilt that I am feeling.

Please help me to process my emotions and heal as I grieve.

But, no matter what I am going through, I still wanted to cherish the moments that my dog made me feel when we are together.

You have brought [dog's name] in my life who showered me with so much love, joy, comfort and laughter.

Lord, you made me feel so loved unconditionally through this dog at times I feel like I am not worthy of it at all.

You the almighty God, the creator of all living things.

Comfort me with your presence and in knowing that my dog is now in a peaceful place in your arms.

I am eternally grateful for the gift of this beautiful life.

My dear [dog's name] is gone but will never be forgotten.

Reunite our souls, resting safely in your arms when the time is right. Amen!

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Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.