Sagittarius Man Blowing Hot and Cold: Boredom Strikes! -

Sagittarius Man Blowing Hot and Cold: Boredom Strikes!

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Are you wondering why a Sagittarius man is suddenly distancing himself from you? Is he blowing hot and cold all of a sudden?

A Sagittarius man may become hot and cold in a relationship for various reasons. One of the reasons is when a Sagittarius man is feeling bored in the relationship with you.

Before You Read: Embark on an adventure with the Sagittarius man using Anna Kovach's "Sagittarius Man Secrets." This guide maps out his free-spirited nature, helping you journey alongside him. Learn how to keep up with his wanderlust, understand his philosophical side, and be the woman he wants to explore the world with.

With Anna's guidance, you'll be prepared to embark on a thrilling journey of love and discovery. If you're ready to explore the world of love with a Sagittarius man, this is the guide for you. So don’t wait any longer – get your copy of Sagittarius Man Secrets by Anna Kovach today and start your love adventure!

If a Sagittarius man makes you the center of his world and suddenly distant himself from you, you may think that something is wrong. He spends time getting close to you and suddenly acts cold and distant. 

Sometimes a Sagittarius man's erratic focus on you results from his independence. Sometimes you were the cause of it. 

If you could get to know him, you would be aware of the uniqueness of the Sagittarius man's love. He has a positive outlook on life and frequently grins and laughs heartily. 

A Sagittarius man can handle a crowd in any situation and has a dark side. Like everybody else, he experiences mood fluctuations. 

Before we move forward, I highly recommend you to take this 2-min FREE compatibility quiz and calculate your relationship compatibility score created by my friend Anna Kovach, a professional Relationship Astrologer.

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It's scary accurate and it seriously blew me away. Inside, you'll discover what might be going on underneath the surface, what's the hidden message behind his words and behavior, and many other little-known secrets — all based on one simple fact — his Zodiac sign.

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Reasons a Sagittarius man acts hot and cold

  1. A Sagittarius man is seeing someone else. 

A Sagittarius man is flirty and has a passionate disposition. He is a pro in the bedroom.

But occasionally, a Sagittarius man's passionate and thrilling nature can get the better. As a result, he finds himself in a romantic relationship. 

He acts hot and cold because he is naturally eclectic. He goes with the flow type of person, which makes it difficult for him to maintain consistency in both circumstances.

  1. A Sagittarius man is in a bad mood.

A Sagittarius man has contagious positivity, yet he may feel down occasionally. He is out of balance and is a spiraling force of nature, even though he has a clear and specific communication style. 

A Sagittarius guy losing control is similar to a volcano slowly erupting. Thus, he changes his attitude. 

  1. You are too clingy to a Sagittarius man.

A Sagittarius man's biggest turnoff is when you are overly empathetic and clingy. When you invade his personal space, he becomes annoyed and might ignore you.

A Sagittarius man longs for freedom. He needs to know that you can stand on your own two feet because a robust and successful woman appeals to him the most.

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  1. A Sagittarius man is on a mission. 

For instance, a Sagittarius man working on a project can seem more emotionally distant and withdrawn than usual. But as soon as he completes his commission, he will return to his regular self.

  1. A Sagittarius man is bored.

A Sagittarius man quickly gets bored. He was curious and never content with the ordinary. 

A Sagittarius man aspires to a splendid life of luxury and some celebrity or influence. Therefore, it stands to reason that he will not be content with someone who lacks humor and does not enjoy going out, traveling, or having a good time. 

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  1. You are not giving a Sagittarius man enough attention. 

A Sagittarius man acts hot and cold and would make your head spin. However, he desires affection just as much as he loves you.

A Sagittarius man loves his free time. Therefore, he is likely to become possessive or jealous when in a relationship if he feels that you have been neglecting him.

However, a Sagittarius man will bottle up his emotions. Therefore, he will go silent rather than speaking up and telling you how your actions have made him feel.

Signs a Sagittarius man is being hot and cold

  1. A Sagittarius man needs a lot of alone time.

A Sagittarius man needs space. But that does not mean he will spend all his time in his personal room.

When a Sagittarius man asks you to give him space, you respect it. However, set a clear boundary about it. 

It is a red flag if you sense that a Sagittarius man spends most of his time. This is because he does not care about you as much as you think about him. 

  1. A Sagittarius man acts cold and distant. 

 A Sagittarius man is highly unpredictable. It makes him most difficult to read.

A Sagittarius can love you unconditionally. But when he doubts your feelings, he might act distant. 

  1. A Sagittarius man constantly avoids talking to you.

A Sagittarius man is a freedom-lover who has no problem indulging in a causal relationship. But when a Sagittarius man is in love, he does the opposite.

A Sagittarius man does anything to prove that he likes you. Therefore, he will not hook up with other women or do anything behind your back.

If a Sagittarius man does not want to discuss a serious relationship, he is not planning to stay in your life for too long. So when he avoids discussing a serious relationship with you, he only plays you.

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  1. A Sagittarius man tries to convince you that he loves you. 

Blowing hot and cold is an excellent indicator that a Sagittarius man is just teasing you. He is most likely already aware of your emotions and is using them to leave and return whenever he pleases.

All a woman needs when she falls in love is to prove that the other person feels the same way. And your Sagittarius man is making use of that to his advantage.

A Sagittarius man knows he may manipulate you by telling you he loves you while lying to you. 

He knows that as long as he keeps showering you with his cute declarations of love, you will always be happy to see him again.

  1. A Sagittarius man flirts with other women. 

If a Sagittarius man continues to flirt with other women in your presence despite your polite requests to stop, consider what he might be up to behind your back. He is the flirtiest guy in the horoscope when it comes to love.

  1. A Sagittarius man never posts about you on social media.

A Sagittarius man loves posting your pictures. But when he does not post anything about you on social media, it is a clear sign that something is off. 

A Sagittarius man is not sure about your relationship anymore. Or, he does not want anyone to know that you are together.

Whatever the cause, you must discuss it with a Sagittarius man. There is a justification for why he conceals your relationship, so keep looking until you do.

  1. A Sagittarius man does not want you to meet his family and friends.

When a Sagittarius man blows hot and cold, he will not allow you to meet the special people in his life. For him, family and friends are his main priority in life. 

A Sagittarius man will introduce you to them. But, on the other side, it indicates that he does not have serious plans with you if he avoids seeing his family and friends. 

  1. A Sagittarius man's body language blows hot and cold.

A Sagittarius man has a certain sort of body language. So even while you might not think it is simple to read someone through their words and actions, it is simple to do so by observing his body language.

Every time he speaks to you, a Sagittarius man who is not interested in developing a love relationship with you will have very closed-off body language. As a result, he will not listen when you speak.

A Sagittarius man will act as though you are boring him to death, and he will keep checking the time because he cannot wait to leave. Those small but crucial body language cues indicate that your Sagittarius man merely uses or plays you.

  1. A Sagittarius man spends his time with you only when convenient for him. 

A Sagittarius man pursues you until he succeeds. Once he does, there is a strong possibility he will lose interest in you.

You only get to see each other when he says. It is usually late at night when he has nowhere else to be. 

It is abundantly evident that a Sagittarius man is a liar who only uses you. But unfortunately, your emotions prevent you from seeing it.

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  1. A Sagittarius man blocks bonding on an emotional level. 

A Sagittarius man is most compatible with in terms of horoscope compatibility. It strongly indicates that a Sagittarius man does not want to date you if you observe that he withdraws whenever you attempt to connect with him emotionally.

  1. A Sagittarius man is ghosting you. 

The worst personality of a Sagittarius man is certainly ghosting. He lacks the courage to stand by his thoughts and deeds.

A Sagittarius man probably does anything to force you to end your relationship with him so he will not have to. He would always prefer the simple exit from a relationship above being straightforward and honest with you.

  1. A Sagittarius man has a clear lack of sympathy.

If a Sagittarius man is toying with you and treating you like a toy the entire time, he does not care if his ghosting offends you. The truth is that he was never even interested in having a committed relationship with you. 

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Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.