Venus Opposite Pluto Synastry: Witness The Real-life "Beauty and the Beast."  -

Venus Opposite Pluto Synastry: Witness The Real-life “Beauty and the Beast.” 

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At the outset, this blending of personalities sounds disastrous. Venus, being ruled by love, and Pluto, being ruled by darkness, seems terrible news. 

Venus opposite Pluto synastry is an intense mutual attraction. Expect that your relationship has undying passion and extreme carnal desires. 

Since Venus deals with love and Pluto deals with the dark side, expect that they will both face their fears. Intense fears as that.

What Do These Planets Mean In Astrology?

Like its namesake, Venus rules our feminine and sensual side. Governed by the goddess of love, this planet signifies love, pleasure, attraction, and beauty.

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It indicates how we act when we are in love and when we are in a relationship. This planet is all about relationships, affection, sex, and intimacy.

Pluto does not rule people's personalities. But it creates, however, a massive impact on people's character.

This impact happens when it is in transit or in alignment with a personal planet. A cold and mysterious planet, Pluto thrives in the dark. 

You might also find this Venus Opposite Pluto Transit article interesting.

When you finally face Pluto, you would experience a profound change in yourself.

That is why Pluto is also about growth, transformation, and rebirth. Its influence mainly revolves around regeneration. 

This planet is about you exploring new ideas and perspectives in different aspects of life. 

What Is Synastry?

Synastry analyzes the couple's birth charts to show the overall condition of the relationship. It reveals whether you and your partner are compatible or not. 

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How are you going to work out your differences?

Synastry also shows the possible conflicts that may arise. This aspect in astrology can help the couple gain perspective on the things they will experience. 

It can help them know where these traits are coming from. synastry will show them why such problems may arise.

But keep in mind that nothing is permanent and unchangeable. Synastry only shows the possibilities surrounding the relationship. 

What happens in the relationship will always be due to the couple's decisions. Synastry will remain a guide to them and not some rulebook to follow.

What Is Opposite?

Here is a much more accurate definition. If the planets stand 180 degrees away from each other, they are in opposition. Astrologers call this phenomenon “polarity.” 

Hence, expect that the planets are in their “polar opposites.”

Since the planets are on opposite sides, their traits are likely battling each other. When planets are polar opposites, they may find it hard to find balance like Pholus in Pisces. 

This aspect has a push-and-pull dynamic. It will be a struggle to find common ground where these two planets may blend nicely. 

Therefore, expect that this aspect may bring out a lot of negative energies. Opposition is the mastermind of heated arguments, nasty disagreements, and unnecessary fights. 

Be prepared for this aspect since it brings out the worst in people

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Venus Opposite Pluto Synastry

You will both realize that this love can change your lives for the better. With this, you will both have the drive to make everything work. 

But with Venus and Pluto in opposition, there's a darkness lurking in your passionate relationship. These fears came from childhood trauma, mental illness, and unaddressed resentments. 

As a loving individual, this Venus will help this Pluto to overcome such fear. The latter may feel the comfort and peace of being with the former.

But being a cold and distant planet, Pluto will not readily acknowledge this. They will think that it is detrimental to their cold and mysterious behavior. 

Since the planets are naturally opposite, the Venus or Pluto person might be confused with the way their partner is acting. This reasoning is why it is highly likely that this relationship will also be a love-hate one. 

One second you are both feeling warm and fuzzy because of each other's love and comfort. And then the next second, you will be at each other's throats, hurling painful words and causing deep wounds to each other.

Venus, then, should not tread with this controlling behavior lightly. They should learn to resist the bad. 

The relationship will turn out to be the worst if the control goes on.

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Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.