Libra sun Scorpio moon: The Reason You're Determined -

Libra sun Scorpio moon: The Reason You’re Determined

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When you have a solid and self-assured Libra Sun Scorpio Moon personality, you prefer to rule. In your personal and professional life, following someone else's orders is not your thing. You are assertive and open-minded, but your leadership skills are dominant.

You have a magnetic personality that shines when you are in the crowd. It makes you personable, and your charm stands out among others.

You love to achieve balance, and you like to share your ideas with others. You surround yourself with beautiful things, and you prefer to have a calm and cozy lifestyle. This sign is also related to Libra Sun Aries Moon.

As your Libra sun drives you to take action, you act based on your principles of justice. You tend to maintain good relationships while considering the outcomes of your association. Your instincts allow you to understand and predict people’s reactions.

With your Libra Sun Scorpio Moon combination, you are more decisive than other Libra natives. You are determined, forceful, and very passionate.

However, people see you as positive and gentle, but deep inside, you are dynamic. You have harmony in your soul attained after a long emotional search. You may also read Libra Spirit Animal.

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Scorpio moon influences you to have that thirst for power and control. You prefer to use force and manipulate others rather than convince them. You would never give in during an argument.

Although your Libra wants peace, you are curious about people's intentions in a conflict. You would like to know more about their motives for fighting.

Overall, your combination is balanced and serene. But what you think about yourself is seen through the public's eyes.

You developed a strong connection between your mind and heart. But your sun tends to keep secrets from your lover because you like to hide your true feelings.

You want to inspire people to reach their fullest potential because you are ambitious. You want others to have good intentions and be the best they can be. It is because you have the determination to be that way.

No doubt that you are productive and a bit competitive. You possess sportsmanship where you keep a smile even when you are losing.

You are optimistic, and you believe that losing is not the end of everything. You see beyond a failure, and you are strong enough to start all over again.

For you, you are reasoning with diplomacy in dealing with things that matter. No matter how abstract a situation can be, you are still objective with your view.

Scorpio's temper and intensity hide under the calm exterior of your personality. You are up for any challenge, even if you seem relaxed and laid-back. Your inner warrior attitude is always ready inside a tactful Libra.

It would not matter how nice you may seem, and you can become criticizing and direct. It is when you want to be in control of a situation and gain some benefits. With it, you can shock someone who is not observant of your radical change.

When you have an idea or goal, your combination will not allow you to rest. It will push you until you manage to achieve what you want. It makes you ambitious and determined what you are eyeing.

Your Libra Sun can influence you to relax from time to time. But you are never absent-minded or uninterested in something.

Although you have to be socially involved, you do not usually accept advice from other people. It will help if you keep an open mind to have better views in situations.

There may be things you have overlooked when times are hard. But generally, your Libra Sun Scorpio Moon combination makes you good intellectuals. You focus on spirituality and philosophy, which are very interesting.

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You have leadership skills that can help others evolve in a balanced environment. You become effective when you are aware of yourself and your flaws. You dare to face your indecisiveness, and you try to make things better by improving.

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Love and Relationships


You are pretty controlling in relationships when you have a Libra and Scorpio combination. It is unlikely to lose yourself in the process of loving another being.

It is because you are prone to take control and dictate how things should work. As a result, you become domineering when your partner allows you to do what you want.

The good thing about your Scorpio moon influence is it makes you less indecisive. You become more aggressive and possibly lose your temper but still, stay fair. Your combination makes you a bit combative, which could lead to conflicts.

It would be great if you assess yourself once in a while. It is because it can be a toxic trait that could potentially ruin your relationships. No one wants to stay in an unhealthy relationship where every day feels like a battleground.

You tend to be angry when you meet people who oppose you. You dislike anyone who disagrees with you.

You are like a detective who likes to discover people's real motives. Your intuition tells you that someone has hidden wishes that you want to know.

But because the planet Venus rules your signs, you are romantic. You love the finest things in life.

You can make many people think that they found their perfect match. You focus your energy on pleasing your lover, and you forget about yourself.

Your Scorpio moon desires to be intimate and deep in relationships. However, you are always jealous, and you always suspect your lover of cheating. You are pretty possessive that you want to know everything about your partner.

While sometimes, you might need to have a break to relax. But overall, you are a faithful and devoted lover to your special someone.

You are idealistic and seductive at the same time. You enjoy love games and flirtation.

In the beginning, you are avoiding starting serious relationships. You are likely to wait until your inner voice tells you so, or you want to be sure of it.

You want to be with someone you are sure of. With the matters of love, you listen to your intuition.

You do not allow any compromises on your part. In addition, you want someone who could answer to the passion that you possess.

You want to make your other half feel special, but they must make you feel special first. You are looking for chemistry and something like an inexplicable level of connection.

Your ideal match is someone self-confident, intellectual, and good-looking. You feel that they should match your charisma and intellect, including your deep passion. You like to have some challenges, but you should have shared ideals.

Before you become a mature person, you are likely to experience many frustrations. With it, you learn how to love and overcome personal battles and obstacles. You can then achieve self-knowledge and enjoy happiness with your partner.

Overall, your Libra Sun Scorpio Moon combination can lose your head when you fall deeply in love. You may lack strength and aggressiveness, but you can also become wild. In your daily activities, including emotions, disharmony exists.

It can cause many problems to occur, but it can also lead to the realization of aspirations. You can carry and develop enormous abilities that point to spiritual goals.

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Your combination is truth and justice lover because of your Libra Sun. You might not speak about your feelings and thoughts often and openly, but you are not a liar.

You are unlikely to be a deceiver as well. You like to keep your common sense even in dramatic circumstances.

You are passionate about the people and things you love. You have an overall positive attitude where your Libra traits prevail most of the time. But you also have fatalistic thoughts because your planetary aspects are out of balance.

There is a big chance that you become too emotional and take things to your heart. It can make you become more defensive and build walls around you.

You have natural diplomatic skills that could potentially have evil causes. As a result, it can influence you to have manipulative behavior.

With the moon located in Scorpio, you will have a lot of passion and be full of mysteries. You act as a tranquil and straightforward person, but in essence, you are complicated.

You are more sensitive than what you show to everyone. You have strong will behind your reservations, and there is more to you hidden under the surface.

You are likely to look at things in their totality and scan to the very bottom of them. You also accept, and you never neglect the darkness that exists. Compared to other Libra natives, you are more intense and have more secrecies.

You have a powerful charm, which helps you gain confidence in yourself. As you evolve, you are more capable of showing good traits and reducing evil deeds. You can survive any painful storm that passes in your life.

However, you are prone to get involved with forbidden things. As a result, immense chaos emerges in your life. The Libra Sun wants to have peace and harmony, but your Scorpio Moon keeps making a mess.

You have a self-sustaining urge, which could make you lost and searched. Sometimes, your restless sensitivity and impulses disturb your clear mind and logic.

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Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.