Two of Swords as Feelings (Upright, Reversed, & Combinations) -

Two of Swords as Feelings (Upright, Reversed, & Combinations)

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Two of Swords as Feelings (Upright)

Someone’s Feelings For You

If you’re curious about someone’s feelings, they feel stuck. They keep lingering on the past and don’t want to move forward.

But a part of them wants to move on from the past. They don’t want to live in a time that continues to make them feel sad.

Even though this person wants to move on, they still find themselves going back. They can’t let go of the memories that the past gave them.

Their mind is currently a war zone because it doesn’t know what to think. They still can’t make a final decision on which path to take.

They feel overwhelmed that they have to face this scenario. They just want to return to their simple life without worrying about the past.

Your Lover’s Feelings For You

If you’re curious about your lover’s feelings, they feel overwhelmed. A lot has been going on in this relationship lately, and they can’t decide.

They’re having difficulty sorting out what they want. They still want to be with you, but they’re often feeling exhausted from trying.

They don’t see the relevance of this relationship in the future. So they’re overthinking the possible hardships that you’ll both face again.

You need to give your partner some time to reflect on their decision. But you can also offer support by encouraging them to discover what they want.

This relationship should be settled in the agreement of two people. Don’t let anyone or external circumstances destroy your relationship.

Your Ex’s Feelings For You

If you’re curious about your ex’s feelings, they still have feelings for you. They refuse to forget about you and the beautiful relationship you had.

This person couldn’t do anything but wait for a sign. So perhaps they’re asking for guidance from the universe if they should take action.

There are times when they feel overwhelmed because of this connection. They want to clear their head and move forward for a better life.

But they know they’ll still get stuck in the process of missing you. There are times when they feel lonely because they miss your company.

This person needs to make up their mind before making a decision. Reconciliation is only possible if they’re already sure about you.

Two of Swords Reversed as Feelings

Someone’s Feelings For You

In reverse, someone feels hopeless because they can't choose. There are many options in front of them, but they will only choose the wrong path.

So they're starting to feel discouraged if everything will be okay again. They don't want to feel the pressure of making a choice anymore.

But they know they have to choose something eventually because they'll remain stuck in their variety of choices whether they like it or not.

This person is currently trying to evaluate the options at hand. It would be nice if they could use your company for support.

Because their confusion can lessen when they have you, they want to keep going until they choose the right one.

Your Lover’s Feelings For You

In reverse, your partner feels pressured because of external factors. For example, they may experience pressure because of their loved ones.

And this makes them doubt their certainty about this relationship. They don’t know if they have the mental capacity to remain strong.

Because they can’t be someone they’re not just because people are expecting them, but this has nothing to do with you since you accept them as a person.

But you need to reach out and offer support for your partner. You’re their rock and sanctuary; provide peace as much as possible.

Remind them how worthy they are to be in your life. External factors shouldn’t push this relationship off the cliff because it won’t happen.

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Your Ex’s Feelings For You

In reverse, your ex feels confused about what to do about this connection. There are times when they feel sure about getting back together.

But there are also times when they want to shut their feelings off. They feel overwhelmed because their emotions are starting to intensify.

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If they continue to think about this connection, they’ll only combust because they’re aware that they still need to work on themselves.

That’s why they chose to take the most peaceful road for them. They don’t want to get involved with drama and commitment.

So reconciliation may not be possible at this time around. They want to focus more on improving themselves without thinking about this relationship.

Two of Swords and Two of Cups as Feelings

This combination reminds you that you need to abolish your pride because your satisfaction won’t make you forget about this connection.

Remember, you still have a connection you need to work on. Sooner or later, you’ll have to make a decision that’s best for you.

Perhaps you feel overwhelmed because you have to make a choice. You don’t want to focus on your responsibilities; you want to walk away.

Your partner is also going through the same struggle. They choose to prioritize their pride instead of working things out with you.

This relationship will be in an inactive state if you don’t both act right. Things will only get worse the more you try to ignore each other.

Two of Cups and the Moon as Feelings

Two of Cups and the Moon as Feelings combination wants you to know that you have the answer. Only you can solve what’s been going around in your life.

Take this as an opportunity to communicate with your inner thoughts. Try to listen to what your inner voice is trying to say.

Perhaps it’s sending an important message that you should know about. This message may be the one you’ve been ignoring for quite some time.

Because you’re afraid to make a step that can ruin everything, you’re scared to choose because that means letting go of your old life.

But it’s time to rise and shine and set goals for yourself. It’s not the end for you because you’ll do more remarkable things in the future.

Two of Swords and Two of Pentacles as Feelings

Two of Swords and Two of Pentacles as Feelings combination is a reminder that BALANCE IS A NECESSITY because balance encourages you to become more successful in your life.

You may already have everything in the palm of your hand. You feel confident because you’ve been working hard to earn a lot.

And so there are times when you should take a rest. There’s nothing wrong with choosing to provide personal time when necessary.

Because you’re not a walking robot, who works too much, you’re a human who is capable of taking long hours of sleep.

This combination also reminds you about your relationships. So while you reach your dreams, don’t forget the people rooting for you.

You can also find out if Two of Wands is a YES or NO card.

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Two of Swords and Three of Wands as Feelings

This combination shows you're feeling uncertain about a connection. You're starting to have doubts if this connection has any potential.

Because you've been used to connections breaking out in the past, some of your experiences only consist of short-term relationships.

So you're expecting that this connection is also the same. So you're starting to feel anxious because the past might appear to you.

But you will not know the possibility of working out if you don't try. So even if the path seems difficult, take it and be happy anyway.

Because you deserve to receive the love that's worth the risk, life is too short to restrict yourself from connections that have potential.

Two of Swords and Judgement as Feelings

This combination shows a reminder to start at the bottom because every success story would always begin from square one.

You’re someone who feels anxious about which path to take. Various options are in front of you, but only you have the correct answer.

So you need to start from the bottom before going to the top. Don’t hesitate to take the bottom way because you’ll learn a lot from there.

Life will give you a challenging route to take. So you must continue choosing the hard way because that will make you resilient.

Don’t even try to doubt your skills or walk away from this path because you have the ability to practice your skills until you can finally master them.

Learn what the Two of Cups has to say. Don't doubt your capability to change your life.

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Two of Wands and the Empress as Feelings

Two of Wands and the Empress as Feelings combination shows your willingness to help others. You want to contribute to the development of people’s lives.

Because you’re someone who has a solid motherly figure, some people want your assistance whenever they struggle in life.

You may not show your 100% affection to people, but you give comfort. This type of comfort is only through words, but they’re worth it.

But please don’t forget to take care of yourself too. You must choose yourself when you’re starting to feel stressed from your duties.

After all, you deserve a long break from doing most of the work. So don’t limit your rest days when you can provide personal time often.

Two of Swords and the Fool as Feelings

This combination is a reminder to express yourself more. You don’t need to hide from the rest of the world.

Take this as a sign to dive into the unknown. You may be uncertain about what the future will bring, but you must be ready.

Because you wouldn’t know what’s under the veil, you need to have the courage to take risks to learn new ideas.

Please take an opportunity if one already appears in front of you because you don’t want to regret the missed opportunities in life.

Now isn’t the time to block your true feelings; try to embrace them. Letting all your feelings out is okay; they’re a sign of your dedication to succeed.

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Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.