When a Gemini Man is Mad at You: What to Do? - Spiritual-Galaxy.com

When a Gemini Man is Mad at You: What to Do?

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What will happen if a Gemini man is mad at you? What are the things that trigger a Gemini man to become angry at you?

When a Gemini man is mad at you, he may exhibit anxious or nervous behavior. However, this is not due to fear or worry but rather to his natural tendencies when he feels stressed, which cause him to behave in this manner. 

Before You Read: The Gemini man is a puzzle, with layers waiting to be explored. Navigate his dual nature with Anna Kovach’s Gemini Man Secrets. Offering insights into his ever-changing moods and thoughts, this guide helps you keep up with his dynamic personality.

Whether you're deciphering his flirty texts, understanding his intellectual side, or trying to keep pace with his lively spirit, Gemini Man Secrets is your compass. Dive deep into the world of Gemini and discover what truly makes him tick. Ready to connect with both sides of him? Get your copy of Gemini Man Secrets by Anna Kovach today and truly understand his twin essence!

If he converses with you, he will likely like everything you do. Because being alone can be difficult for a Gemini man, he may spend time with you even if he is angry with you.

If a Gemini man is angry with you and chooses to speak harshly, he will most likely be sharp toward you. But, like any other person, a Gemini man may act in appropriate ways to his experiences and values. 

This may cause a Gemini man to be unpredictable or uncertain, making him doubt the future of your relationship. Regardless, he will be open about his emotions and open to yours.

Before we move forward, I highly recommend you to take this 2-min FREE compatibility quiz and calculate your relationship compatibility score created by my friend Anna Kovach, a professional Relationship Astrologer.

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What makes a Gemini man mad at you?

Before we look at common signs of why a Gemini man is mad at you, let us look first at some common reasons that trigger a Gemini man.

  1. A Gemini man will likely be mad if he feels you control him. He is self-assured in his ability to manage his life. 

A Gemini man believes he does not require anyone else to run the show for him. Therefore, he will naturally become mad if he suspects you are doing it. 

He may become angry if you control his finances, who he can hang out with, and his career decisions. He may also get mad doing things that are not his natural style.

  1. A Gemini man, who is slightly condescending, dislikes being around lower-class people in life. He hates ignorance, especially from those who should know better.

As a result, he cannot stand being around people who act rudely because they are ignorant. On the other hand, a Gemini man values good manners and proper behavior and can be easily irritated if they notice others in their social circle misbehaving.

  1. A Gemini man despises being visible. He does not want to show his flaws and mistakes.

Even mistakes you find funny may anger a Gemini man if you tell your friends or family about him. A Gemini man wants to appear in control at all times, so it can be devastating to his self-esteem if others can see the negative aspects of his life.

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10 signs when a Gemini man is mad at you

  1. A Gemini man tries to put on a good face.

A Gemini man has a difficult time dealing with heavy emotions. He is very dynamic and friendly, so it is easier for him to avoid confronting his emotions.

If you hurt him and he acts as if nothing happened, you might not even notice. However, if you look closely, you can see the cracks.

Perhaps he is looking thoughtful in between jokes. But, note how he acts when he believes no one is looking.

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  1. A Gemini man says mean things to you. 

If a Gemini man sees that you are attacking him, he will defend himself by criticizing you. In addition, he will criticize you for things he has never said in the past.

The words of a Gemini man can cut deep into you if you are more sensitive. On the other hand, if Geminis are feeling vulnerable, he can usually laugh it off.

But if he is furious at you, he will not be silent. On the contrary, he will not stop talking until he has said everything on his mind.

  1. A Gemini becomes more vocal. 

A Gemini man becomes a yeller when he is mad. He is not exactly the quiet type. You must know how to talk to a Gemini man when he is mad. 

A Gemini man's voice will grow louder as he becomes angrier. But, of course, a Gemini can be pretty loud when he is having a good time. 

  1. A Gemini gets more serious than usual, even in his jokes.

A Gemini man enjoys stirring the pot. He will play devil's advocate and argue points that even he does not believe in just for fun, and you can tell it makes him happy.

An angry Gemini man will have an extra bite. Instead of his usual carefree demeanor, he will be touchy and quickly gets angry.

Casual debates erupt into full-fledged arguments with a Gemini man. Even when he is having fun, it will become darker than usual.

  1. A Gemini man cuts you out. 

If a Gemini man suddenly cuts you out, he is mad with you specifically. Therefore, he will most likely try to ignore you completely.

He wonders why he should expend energy on someone who brings him down rather than lifts him. Of course, this is not your intention, but if this is how the Gemini man thinks, getting him to listen again can be challenging.

This would hurt your feeling. So if he continues to do this, take it as an early sign that he is done with you

  1. A Gemini man tries to get even.

Suppose a Gemini man feels like you have crossed a line. He may revisit that line later and turn the tables on you.

Whether it is something you said or did, you will notice that he seems to be throwing it back in your face when you least expect it. You know he was secretly angry the entire time.

Know what makes a Gemini man fit for a Virgo woman. Both signs can handle each other's anger issues.

  1. A Gemini man leaves.

A Gemini man does not always use communication to express his feelings. Sometimes he will simply disappear for a while.

That is how a Gemini man will appear to you. He is really just taking some “me time” to work out his emotions and get back into a reasonable frame of mind.

For a Gemini man, doing so alone is more accessible than doing so in front of an audience. So, allow him to do what he needs to, and chances are he will return to his old self.

  1. A Gemini man’s humor is particularly dark.

A Gemini man's range can include dark humor. However, his jokes can become incredibly uncomfortable when he is thinking about something.

If you are familiar with a Gemini man, you should be able to pick up on these jokes and make a mental note to check in with him. He likes to be in control of his pain.

A dark joke may be meaningless. However, he later admits that something has gotten under his skin.

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  1. A Gemini man comes right out and says it.

Unlike many other zodiac signs, a Gemini man does not care what others think of him. This allows him to tell you how he feels on his own terms.

A Gemini man will likely tell you why he is mad, what caused it, and how he sees things progressing from here. What he wants from you should be obvious, and he is perfectly willing to tell you.

  1. A Gemini gives you the silent treatment.

A Gemini man can talk a good game but also hold back. Something is probably wrong if he appears to be doing his best to pretend you do not exist.

If you're dating a Gemini man, you already know that if you hurt his feelings, he may be reluctant to engage with you. However, he may also anticipate what you will say or do in response.

What to do When a Gemini Man is Mad at You?

  1. Do not leave him alone. When a Gemini man is angry, he will probably want your company, even if you are the person who makes him angry. Giving him time alone is a bad idea. 
  2. Confront him about the issue right away. When a Gemini man is mad at you, he might avoid confronting you because he is not quite sure how he feels. 
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He has difficulty getting in touch with his emotions, so he might not even realize that he is so upset or what is causing his anger. To handle a Gemini man, determine the source of the problem and what is bothering him, and you may both discover that you are not the real source of his wrath. 

  1. Take His Side A Gemini man is looking for someone loyal to him. When your Gemini guy is mad at someone else, show him you are on his team, take his side, and help him fight his battles. 
  2. A Gemini man is notoriously moody. As a result, he may be happy and laughing one moment and angry and irritable the next.

While his moods fluctuate, he is unlikely to hold a grudge. So, even if he is easily irritated, he will not remain enraged for long.

  1. Talk through a Gemini man’s problem. When a Gemini man thinks you have done something to hurt him, he will want to talk through the problem and explain what you did to him. Do not push him away or avoid discussing the issue. 
  2. Try to make a Gemini man laugh. When you can make a Gemini man laugh, whether he is angry with you or someone else, it will help diffuse the situation and ease his tension.
  3. Distract a Gemini man. You can help a Gemini man when he is mad by distracting him. Do something to divert his attention away from whatever makes him angry.

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Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.